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I.equal1 S1 W2 /ˈiːkwəl/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: noun: ↑equality ≠ ↑inequality, ↑equal, ↑equalizer; verb: ↑equalize, ↑equal; adverb: ↑equally ≠ ↑unequally; adjective: ↑equal ≠ ↑unequal]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Latin; Origin: aequalis, from aequus 'level, equal']
1. SAME the same in size, number, amount, value etc as something else ⇨ equivalent
equal number/amount (of something)
Both candidates received an equal number of votes.
(of) equal value/importance
They believe that all work is of equal value.
equal in size/length/height etc
The two towns are roughly equal in size.
of equal size/length/height etc
equal to
The rent was equal to half his monthly income.
2. SAME RIGHTS/CHANCES having the same rights, opportunities etc as everyone else, whatever your race, religion, or sex:
Our constitution states that all men are equal.
Our education system should provide equal opportunities for all children.
The government is committed to achieving equal rights for women.
3. be equal to something
a) to have the ability to deal with a problem, piece of work etc successfully SYN be up to:
I’m not sure he’s equal to the task.
Are you equal to this challenge?
b) to be as good as something else:
The architecture here is equal to any in the world.
4. on equal terms/on an equal footing with neither side having any advantage over the other:
This law will help small businesses to compete on equal terms with large multinational corporations.
5. all (other) things being equal spoken if things are as you normally expect them to be:
All things being equal, a small car will cost less than a larger one.
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 1)
exactly equal The food is shared out in exactly equal portions among all members of the community.
roughly/approximately equal The number of buyers and sellers must be roughly equal before trading begins.
about/almost equal They are about equal in height and weight.
an equal number/amount Both candidates received an equal number of votes.
be of equal size/length/height etc Draw two lines of equal length.
be equal in size/length/height etc The population of each town is roughly equal in size.
be equal in value Your pension will be equal in value to two thirds of your final year salary.
be equal in number/numbers In higher education, women are equal in numbers to men.
of equal value/importance He is remembered for his novels, but his scientific work is of equal importance.
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 2)
equal rights In many countries, women do not have equal rights with men.
equal opportunities The government must make sure that all children have equal opportunities in education.
equal pay The workers’ demands include equal pay for equal work.
equal access (=the same right to do or receive something) The law states that disabled people must have equal access to employment.
equal treatment Everyone should get equal treatment under the law.
be born equal It is a myth that all men are born equal.
be created equal They believe that everyone is created equal by God.
• • •
the same used to say that two people, things, events etc are exactly like each other: The houses on the street all look the same. | They were doing the same jobs as the men, but being paid less.
just like/exactly like especially spoken used to say that there is very little difference between two people, things etc: He’s just like his father. | There are insects that look exactly like green leaves.
identical identical things are exactly the same in every way: The tablets were identical in size, shape, and colour. | identical names
indistinguishable two things that are indistinguishable are so similar that it is impossible to know which is which or to see any differences between them: The copy was indistinguishable from the original painting.
equal two or more amounts, totals, levels etc that are equal are the same as each other: Spend an equal amount of time on each essay question.
be no different from somebody/something to be the same, even though you expect them to be different: People often think that movie stars are special, but really they’re no different from anybody else.
can’t tell the difference (also can’t tell somebody/something apart) especially spoken if you can’t tell the difference between two people or things, or if you can’t tell them apart, they look, sound, or seem exactly the same to you: Emma and Louise sound so alike on the phone that I can’t tell the difference.
II.equal2 S2 BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle equalled, present participle equalling British English, equaled, equaling American English)
[Word Family: noun: ↑equality ≠ ↑inequality, ↑equal, ↑equalizer; verb: ↑equalize, ↑equal; adverb: ↑equally ≠ ↑unequally; adjective: ↑equal ≠ ↑unequal]
1. [linking verb] to be exactly the same in size, number, or amount as something else:
Two plus two equals four.
Prices become more stable when supply equals demand.
2. [transitive] to be as good as something else, or get to the same standard as someone or something else:
Thompson equalled the world record.
3. be equalled (only) by something used to say that two things are as strong or as important as each other:
Her distaste for books was equalled only by her dislike of people.
4. [transitive] to produce a particular result or effect:
A highly-trained workforce equals high productivity.
III.equal3 BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: noun
: ↑equality ≠ ↑inequality, ↑equal, ↑equalizer; verb
: ↑equalize, ↑equal; adverb
: ↑equally ≠ ↑unequally; adjective: ↑equal ≠ ↑unequal]
1. someone who is as important, intelligent etc as you are, or who has the same rights and opportunities as you do:
He treats all his staff as equals.
a friendship between equals
equal in
She wasn’t his equal in intelligence.
2. be the equal of somebody/something to be as good as someone or something else:
The company proved to be the equal of its US rivals.
3. be without equal (also have no equal) formal to be better than everyone or everything else of the same type:
His paintings are without equal.



When two things are equal they are exactly the same in number, quality, or amount.

tính từ
như nhau về kích cỡ, lượng, giá trị, mức độ...; ngang; bằng nhau
they are of equal height
chúng nó cao ngang nhau
to divide the cake into equal parts
chia cái bánh ra thành nhiều phần bằng nhau
equal amounts of flour and sugar should be added to the mixture
cần cho thêm lượng bột và đường bằng nhau vào trong hỗn hợp
he speaks Arabic and English with equal ease
anh ta nói tiếng A Rập và tiếngAnh thông thạo như nhau
women are demanding equal pay for equal work
giới phụ nữ đòi hỏi làm việc như nhau thì hưởng lương như nhau
in intelligence, the children are about equal
xét về trí thông minh, hầu như đứa trẻ nào cũng như nhau
(equal to something / doing something) đủ sức, đủ khả năng
to be equal to one's task/responsibility
có đủ khả năng làm tròn nhiệm vụ của mình
to be equal to the occasion
có đủ khả năng đối phó với tình hình
to be equal to someone's expectation
đáp ứng được sự mong đợi của ai
he doesn't seem equal to meeting our demands
coi bộ anh ấy không đủ sức đáp ứng nhu cầu của chúng ta
on equal terms (with somebody)
(gặp hoặc nói chuyện) như là người ngang hàng (không phân biệt địa vị hoặc cấp bậc)
now that she has been promoted, she is on equal terms with her ex -boss
bây giờ khi đã được đề bạt, cô ta là người ngang hàng với thủ trưởng cũ của mình
other things being equal
xem thing
danh từ
người hoặc vật bằng với mình về mặt nào đó
he's my equal in strength
anh ta là người ngang sức với tôi
she's the equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned
về trí thông minh mà nói, cô ta chẳng thua kém anh mình
we consider ourselves equals
chúng ta coi nhau như những người ngang hàng
ngoại động từ
(to equal somebody / something in something) bằng, ngang, sánh kịp, bì kịp
nobody can equal her in beauty
không ai có thể sánh với cô ta về sắc đẹp
he is equalled by no one in kindness
xét về lòng tốt, không ai sánh kịp ông ấy

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