see also other parts of the body ※ BODY - the top part of your body above the neck: head - the bones of the head: skull - the hairs that grow in a mass on top of your head: hair (noun U) - the skin on the top of your head that is under the hair: scalp - the part of your body inside your head that controls your thoughts, feelings and movements: brain - the front part of your head: face ※ more on hair HAIR - parts of the face FACE, EAR, EYE, MOUTH, NOSE ※ movements - to move your head down and then up again quickly as a way of saying 'yes' or as a greeting or a sign: nod (your head); noun: nod She nodded in agreement. ◎ He gave a nod of approval. - to move your head from side to side as a way of saying 'no': shake* your head She shook her head sadly. - to push your head further out than sth else: stick* your head out Don't stick your head out of the window. ※ pain and injury - a pain in your head: headache - a very bad headache that makes you feel ill: migraine (noun C/U) to suffer from migraine - an injury to the brain caused by sth hitting the head: concussion (noun U); verb: concuss sb He was rushed to hospital suffering from concussion. ◎ The fall left her badly concussed. ※ note on headaches and other aches PAIN ※ coverings for the head - something that you wear on your head, usually when you are outside: hat Put your hat on. - a hard hat which you wear to protect your head: helmet a policeman's helmet - a type of helmet worn by motor cyclists, racing drivers, etc: crash helmet ※ more on hats HAT - a square of cotton or silk material, with designs on it, that you wear round your neck or on your head: headscarf, scarf - a large piece of cloth, made of wool, etc that is worn over the head and shoulders by women: shawl - a piece of thin material that women wear to cover their head or face: veil - a covering for the head, made by wrapping a long strip of cloth around the head: turban - a type of head covering that is worn for decoration, especially as part of a national costume: headdress - if you are not wearing a hat or other head covering, you are bareheaded