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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.stiff1 S3 /stɪf/ BrE AmE adjective (comparative stiffer, superlative stiffest)
[Word Family: noun: ↑stiffness, ↑stiff; adverb: ↑stiff, ↑stiffly; verb: ↑stiffen; adjective: ↑stiff]
[Language: Old English; Origin: stif]
1. BODY if someone or a part of their body is stiff, their muscles hurt and it is difficult for them to move
stiff from doing something
Her legs were stiff from kneeling.
stiff with
Her fingers were stiff with cold.
stiff neck/back/joint etc
Alastair woke with a stiff neck.
I never felt stiff after training until I was in my thirties.
The next morning I was as stiff as a board (=very stiff).
2. MATERIAL/SUBSTANCE firm, hard, or difficult to bend:
a shirt with a stiff collar
3. MIXTURE a stiff mixture is thick and almost solid, so that it is not easy to mix:
Beat the egg whites until stiff.
a stiff dough
4. DIFFICULT difficult to do or deal with:
a stiff test
stiff competition/opposition
Graduates face stiff competition in getting jobs.
5. SEVERE a stiff punishment is great or severe
stiff sentence/penalty/fine
calls for stiffer penalties for rapists
6. DOOR/DRAWER ETC British English difficult to move, turn, or open:
Pull hard – that drawer’s very stiff.
7. UNFRIENDLY if someone’s behaviour is stiff, they behave in a very formal or unfriendly way:
Their goodbyes were stiff and formal.
Parsons gave a stiff performance in the main role.
8. PRICE a stiff price etc is high, especially higher than the price etc of similar things:
a stiff tax on cigarettes
9. stiff wind/breeze a fairly strong wind etc
10. stiff drink/whisky etc a very strong alcoholic drink
11. stiff upper lip the ability to stay calm and not show your feelings in a difficult or upsetting situation:
Men were taught to keep a stiff upper lip.
—stiffly adverb
—stiffness noun [uncountable]
II.stiff2 BrE AmE adverb

[Word Family: noun: ↑stiffness, ↑stiff; adverb: ↑stiff, ↑stiffly; verb: ↑stiffen; adjective: ↑stiff]
1. bored/scared/worried stiff informal extremely bored, frightened, or worried:
As a child, I was scared stiff of going down to the cellar.
2. frozen stiff
a) extremely cold:
Goodness, your hands are frozen stiff!
b) cloth that is frozen stiff is hard because the water in it has frozen
III.stiff3 BrE AmE noun [countable] informal
[Word Family: noun
: ↑stiffness, ↑stiff; adverb: ↑stiff, ↑stiffly; verb: ↑stiffen; adjective: ↑stiff]
1. the body of a dead person
2. working stiff American English an ordinary person who works to earn enough money to live
3. someone who you think is old-fashioned and too formal:
His business tactics outraged the stiffs of the UK establishment.
IV.stiff4 BrE AmE verb informal
1. [transitive] American English to cheat someone by not paying them, especially by not leaving a ↑tip in a restaurant:
I can’t believe that couple stiffed me!
2. [intransitive] if a new product, film, show etc stiffs, it does not sell well or fails completely SYN bomb:
They had a hit in the 1990s, but their subsequent releases stiffed.

tính từ
cứng (không dễ uốn, gấp, thay đổi hình dáng..)
stiff collar
cổ cứng
to lie stiff in death
nằm chết cứng
a stiff leg
chân bị ngay đơ
cứng rắn, kiên quyết, không nhân nhượng
a stiff denial
sự từ chối kiên quyết; sự bác bỏ kiên quyết
a stiff resistance
sự kháng cự kiên quyết
cứng nhắc, không tự nhiên, không thân mật (lối cư xử, cung cách.. mang tính kiểu cách)
stiff movement
cử động cứng nhắc
stiff manners
bộ dạng không tự nhiên
stiff style
văn phong không tự nhiên
rít, không trơn
stiff hinge
bản lề rít
a stiff drawer
ngăn kéo rít
khó làm; khó khăn, khó nhọc, vất vả
stiff examination
kỳ thi khó
a stiff slope
dốc khó trèo
hà khắc, khắc nghiệt
a stiff punishment
sự trừng phạt khắc nghiệt
(thông tục) cao; quá cao (giá cả)
to pay a stiff membership fee
đóng lệ phí hội viên quá cao
nặng (rượu); mạnh (liều thuốc...); thổi mạnh (gió)
đặc, quánh; không lỏng
to beat the egg whites until stiff
đánh lòng trắng trứng cho đến khi quánh lại
to be bored stiff
chán ngấy, buồn đến chết được
to be scared stiff
sợ chết cứng
(keep) a stiff upper lip
khả năng chịu đựng
phó từ
(thông tục) tới mức cực điểm; rất nhiều
worried stiff
lo sợ cực độ
the opera bored me stiff
vở ôpêra làm tôi chán ngấy
danh từ
(từ lóng) xác chết; tử thi
người không thể sửa đổi được
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) người vụng về thô kệch
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) người lang thang, ma cà bông

saying & slang
not pay for, leave without paying
The cab driver told a policeman that a lady had stiffed him.
person, man
You lucky stiff! You won a TV!

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