1. an exchange of ideas via conversation (Freq. 12) - let's have more work and less talk around here • Syn: talking • Derivationally related forms: talk (for: talking) • Hypernyms: conversation • Hyponyms: cant, pious platitude, dialogue, dialog, duologue, heart-to-heart, shmooze, shop talk, wind, malarkey, malarky, idle words, jazz, nothingness, yak, yack, yakety-yak, chatter, cackle 2. discussion; ('talk about' is a less formal alternative for 'discussion of') (Freq. 1) - his poetry contains much talk about love and anger • Hypernyms: discussion, treatment, discourse 3. the act of giving a talk to an audience (Freq. 1) - I attended an interesting talk on local history • Hypernyms: lecture, lecturing • Hyponyms: chalk talk 4. a speech that is open to the public - he attended a lecture on telecommunications • Syn: lecture, public lecture • Derivationally related forms: lectureship (for: lecture), lecture (for: lecture) • Hypernyms: address, speech 5. idle gossip or rumor - there has been talk about you lately • Syn: talk of the town • Derivationally related forms: talky • Hypernyms: gossip, comment, scuttlebutt
1. exchange thoughts; talk with (Freq. 108) - We often talk business - Actions talk louder than words • Syn: speak • See Also: speak for (for: speak) • Derivationally related forms: speech (for: speak), talkative, talking • Hypernyms: communicate, intercommunicate • Hyponyms: continue, go on, carry on, proceed, hold forth, discourse, dissertate, pontificate, orate, talk down, spiel, dogmatize, dogmatise, cheek, level, talk turkey, monologuize, monologuise, soliloquize, soliloquise, converse, chat up, flirt, dally, butterfly, coquet, coquette, romance, philander, mash, dish the dirt, gossip, rap • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - Something is ----ing PP - Somebody ----s PP - Somebody ----s to somebody - Sam and Sue talk 2. express in speech (Freq. 26) - She talks a lot of nonsense - This depressed patient does not verbalize • Syn: speak, utter, mouth, verbalize, verbalise • See Also: mouth off (for: mouth), speak up (for: speak) • Derivationally related forms: verbalisation (for: verbalise), verbalization (for: verbalize), verbalizer (for: verbalize), mouth (for: mouth), utterable (for: utter), utterer (for: utter), utterance (for: utter), speech (for: speak), speaker (for: speak), speaking (for: speak), talker • Hypernyms: communicate, intercommunicate • Hyponyms: read, vocalize, vocalise, phonate, troll, begin, lip off, shoot one's mouth off, shout, whisper, peep, speak up, snap, snarl, enthuse, speak in tongues, swallow, verbalize, verbalise, whiff, talk of, talk about, blubber, blubber out, drone, drone on, bumble, stutter, stammer, falter, rasp, blurt out, blurt, blunder out, blunder, ejaculate, tone, inflect, modulate, deliver, present, generalize, generalise, chatter, piffle, palaver, prate, tittle-tattle, twaddle, clack, maunder, prattle, blab, gibber, tattle, blabber, gabble, yack, jaw, yack away, rattle on, yap away, open up, snivel, whine, murmur, mumble, mutter, mussitate, slur, bark, bay, rant, mouth off, jabber, spout, rabbit on, rave, hiss, sizz, siss, sibilate, cackle, babble, chant, intone, gulp, sing • Verb Group: verbalize, verbalise • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP 3. use language (Freq. 8) - the baby talks already - the prisoner won't speak - they speak a strange dialect • Syn: speak • Derivationally related forms: talker, speech (for: speak), speaking (for: speak) • Hypernyms: communicate, intercommunicate • Hyponyms: run on, smatter, slang • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s something - Sam and Sue talk 4. reveal information (Freq. 4) - If you don't oblige me, I'll talk! - The former employee spilled all the details • Syn: spill • Hypernyms: tell • Verb Group: spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag, tattle, blab, peach, babble, sing, babble out, blab out • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s something (for: spill) 5. divulge confidential information or secrets (Freq. 2) - Be careful--his secretary talks • Syn: spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag, tattle, blab, peach, babble, sing, babble out, blab out • Ant: keep quiet • Derivationally related forms: singing (for: sing), blabber (for: blab), tattle (for: tattle), tattler (for: tattle), talkative • Hypernyms: unwrap, disclose, let on, bring out, reveal, discover, expose, divulge, break, give away, let out • Verb Group: spill • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s something (for: blab out) - Somebody ----s something (for: babble out) 6. deliver a lecture or talk - She will talk at Rutgers next week - Did you ever lecture at Harvard? • Syn: lecture • Derivationally related forms: talker, lecture (for: lecture), lecturer (for: lecture) • Hypernyms: teach, learn, instruct • Hyponyms: preach, prophesy • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Something ----s to somebody - Somebody ----s on something - Sam and Sue talk