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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.start1 S1 W1 /stɑːt $ stɑːrt/ BrE AmE verb
[Word Family: noun: ↑start, ↑starterNON-STARTER, ↑restart; verb: ↑start, ↑restart]
[Language: Old English; Origin: styrtan 'to jump']
1. BEGIN DOING SOMETHING [intransitive and transitive] to do something that you were not doing before, and continue doing it SYN begin:
There’s so much to do I don’t know where to start.
Have you started your homework?
start doing something
Then the baby started crying.
start to do something
It’s starting to rain.
He got up and started running again.
I’d better get started (=start doing something) soon.
start somebody doing something
What Kerry said started me thinking (=made me start thinking).
2. BEGIN HAPPENING [intransitive and transitive] (also start off) to begin happening, or to make something begin happening:
What time does the film start?
Lightning started a fire that burned 500 acres.
The party was just getting started when Sara arrived.
starting (from) now/tomorrow/next week etc
You have two hours to complete the test, starting now.
3. BEGIN IN A PARTICULAR WAY [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] (also start off) to begin something in a particular way, or to begin in a particular way:
A healthy breakfast is a good way to start the day.
start with
The festivities started with a huge fireworks display.
start as
The restaurant started as a small take-out place.
start badly/well/slowly etc
Any new exercise program should start slowly.
start (something) by doing something
Chao starts by explaining some basic legal concepts.
4. BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION [transitive] (also start up) to make something begin to exist
start a business/company/firm etc
She wanted to start her own catering business.
5. JOB/SCHOOL [intransitive and transitive] to begin a new job, or to begin going to school, college etc:
When can you start?
start school/college/work
I started college last week.
6. CAR/ENGINE ETC [intransitive and transitive] (also start up) if you start a car or engine, or if it starts, it begins to work:
The car wouldn’t start this morning.
get the car/engine etc started
He couldn’t get his motorbike started.
7. BEGIN GOING SOMEWHERE [intransitive] (also start off/out) to begin travelling or moving in a particular direction SYN set out:
We’ll have to start early to get there by lunchtime.
8. LIFE/PROFESSION [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive] (also start off/out) to begin your life or profession in a particular way or place
start as/in
She started as a dancer in the 1950s.
It’s difficult for new lawyers to get started in private practice.
9. ROAD/RIVER/PATH ETC [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if a river, road, path etc starts somewhere, it begins in that place:
The trail starts immediately behind the hotel.
start in/at
The race will start at the town hall.
10. PRICES/AMOUNTS [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if prices, amounts, or rates start at or from a particular number, that is the lowest number at which you can get or buy something
start at/from
Room prices start from £25 a night.
11. start from scratch/zero to begin doing a job or activity completely from the beginning:
There were no textbooks, so the teachers had to start from scratch.
12. DELIBERATELY BEGIN SOMETHING [transitive] to deliberately make something start happening, especially something bad:
I started a fire to warm the place up.
start a fight/argument
Oh, don’t go trying to start an argument.
Other girls were starting rumours about me.
13. to start with spoken
a) said when talking about the beginning of a situation, especially when it changes later:
I was pretty nervous to start with, but after a while I was fine.
b) said to emphasize the first of a list of facts or opinions you are stating:
There are problems. To start with, neither of us likes housework.
14. be back where you started to try to do something and fail, so that you finish in the same situation that you were in before:
A lot of people who lose weight gain it back over time, and end up back where they started.
15. SPORTS [intransitive and transitive] if a player starts in a game, or if someone starts them, they begin playing when the game begins, especially because they are one of the best players on the team
start for
Astacio started for the Dodgers on Tuesday night.
16. start a family to have your first baby:
We’re not ready to start a family yet.
17. start afresh/anew to stop doing what you are doing and begin doing it again in a better or different way:
She saw her new job as a chance to start afresh.
18. somebody started it! spoken used to say that someone else has caused an argument or problem:
‘Don’t hit her!’ ‘But she started it!’
19. start something/anything to begin causing trouble:
It looks like Jess is trying to start something.
20. MOVE SUDDENLY [intransitive] to move your body suddenly, especially because you are surprised or afraid SYN jump:
A loud knock at the door made her start.
start from
Emma started from her chair and rushed to the window.
21. start young to begin doing something when you are young, especially when it is unusual to do it:
Woods started young, and was coached by his father.
22. don’t (you) start! British English spoken used to tell someone to stop complaining, arguing, or annoying you:
‘Mum, I don’t like this ice cream.’ ‘Oh, don’t you start!’
• • •
to start doing something
start to begin doing something: I’m starting a new job next week. | It’s time we started.
begin to start doing something. Begin is more formal than start, and is used especially in written English: He began to speak. | The orchestra began playing. | Shall we begin?
commence formal to start doing something: The company will commence drilling next week. | Work was commenced on the next power station.
get down to something to finally start doing something, especially your work: Come on, Sam – it’s time you got down to some homework. | We’d better get down to business.
set off to start a journey: What time do you have to set off in the morning? | I usually set off for work at about 8.30.
set out to start a long journey: The ship set out from Portsmouth on July 12th.
embark on something especially written to start something, especially something new, difficult, or exciting: The Law Society has embarked on a major programme of reform. | Jamaica was embarking on a decade of musical creativity.
resume formal to start doing something again after stopping it or being interrupted: Normal train services will be resumed on April 5th. | Trade was resumed after the end of the war.
get cracking informal to start doing something or going somewhere: I think we should get cracking straightaway.
to start happening
start/begin to begin: What time does the film start?
begin to start. Begin is more formal than start and is used especially in written English: The trial began in March. | Work on the new bridge will begin early next year.
open to start being shown to the public – used about a play, show, or exhibition: Lloyd Webber’s new musical opened in London last week. | A major exhibition of her work will open in New York in November.
commence formal to start happening: The voting has already commenced. | The work is scheduled to commence in April.
get under way to start happening or being done – used especially about something that is likely to last a long time: Construction work is getting under way on a new train network. | Discussions concerning the plan got under way on April 2.
break out to start happening – used especially about a fire, a fight, war, or a disease: Police were called in when fighting broke out in the crowd. | The blaze broke out on the third floor of the hotel.
kick off informal to start – used especially about a football game or a meeting: The match is due to kick off this afternoon at Wembley Stadium. | What time will the celebrations kick off?
start back phrasal verb

to begin returning to the place you came from
start back to/down/up etc
I started back down the mountain to camp.
start in phrasal verb
American English
1. to begin doing something, especially with a lot of effort:
I decided to just start in and see what I could do.
start in on
Lilly started in on her burger.
2. to begin criticizing someone or complaining to them about something
start in on
Mom turned away from Rose and started in on me.
start off phrasal verb
1. to begin something in a particular way, or to begin in a particular way
start something ↔ off with something/by doing something
The theater company started off their new season with a Shakespeare play.
start off with something/by doing something
I started off by drawing the flowers I had collected.
2. to be a particular thing or have a particular quality at the beginning of something, especially when this changes later:
The puppies start off white, and get their black spots later.
start off as
The games start off as a social event, but players soon become competitive.
I started off as a drummer.
3. start something ↔ off to make something begin happening:
We’re not sure what starts the process off.
4. start somebody ↔ off to help someone begin an activity
start somebody ↔ off with
He started me off with some stretching exercises.
5. to begin going somewhere:
I sat in the car for a few minutes before starting off.
start off to/towards/back etc
She started off to school in her new uniform.
6. start somebody off British English informal to make someone get angry or start laughing, by saying something:
Don’t say that; that’ll just start him off.
start somebody off doing something
He made her jump, and that started her off giggling.
start on somebody/something phrasal verb
1. to begin doing something or using something:
You’d better start on your homework.
2. start somebody on something to make someone start doing something regularly, especially because it will be good for them:
Try starting your baby on solid foods at four months old.
3. British English informal to begin criticizing someone or complaining to them about something
start on somebody/something at
Ray’s wife started on at him about spending too much time in the pub.
start out phrasal verb
1. to begin happening or existing in a particular way, especially when this changes later
start out as
‘The Star’ started out as a small weekly newspaper.
The leaves start out a pale green, and later get darker.
2. to begin your life or profession, or an important period of time:
When the band first started out, they played at small clubs.
start out as
She started out as a model.
start out on
young couples starting out on their life together
3. to begin going somewhere:
Oliver started out at five, when it was still dark.
start over phrasal verb American English
to start doing something again from the beginning, especially because you want to do it better:
If you make a mistake, just erase it and start over.
start up phrasal verb
1. if you start up a business, company etc, or it starts up, it begins to exist:
Tax breaks help new companies start up.
start something ↔ up
Jordan started up a band of his own.
2. if an engine, car etc starts up, or you start it up, it begins working:
The driver got back into the car and started up.
start something ↔ up
Rory started up the engine and got the vehicle moving.
3. if a sound, activity, or event starts up, it begins to exist or happen:
The crickets had started up now that it was evening.
II.start2 S1 W2 BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: noun
: ↑start, ↑starterNON-STARTER, ↑restart; verb
: ↑start, ↑restart]
1. OF AN ACTIVITY/EVENT [countable usually singular] the first part of an activity or event, or the point at which it begins to develop
start of
We arrived late and missed the start of the film.
(right) from the start
We’ve had problems with this project right from the start.
She read the letter from start to finish without looking up.
get off to a good/bad etc start (=begin well or badly)
a free bottle of wine to get your holiday off to a great start
a rocky/shaky/slow etc start (=a bad beginning)
After a rocky start, the show is now very popular.
He wanted an early start on his election campaign.
2. OF A PERIOD OF TIME [countable usually singular] the first part of a particular period of time SYN beginning
start of
Since the start of 1992, the company has doubled in size.
the start of the year/day/season
the start of an election year
3. make a start (on something) to begin doing something:
I’ll make a start on the washing-up.
4. SUDDEN MOVEMENT [singular] a sudden movement of your body, usually caused by fear or surprise
with a start
Ted woke up with a start and felt for the light switch.
She said his name, and Tom gave a start (=made a sudden movement).
5. good/better/healthy etc start (in life) if you have a good etc start, you have all the advantages or opportunities that your situation, your parents etc could provide to help you succeed:
Good health care for the mother before birth gives babies a healthy start.
Naturally we want to give our kids the best possible start in life.
6. WHERE RACE BEGINS the start the place where a race begins:
The horses were all lined up at the start.
7. BEING AHEAD [countable usually singular] the amount of time or distance by which one person is ahead of another, especially in a race or competition
start on
The prisoners had a three-hour start on their pursuers. ⇨ ↑head start(2)
8. for a start British English informal used to emphasize the first of a list of facts or opinions you are stating:
Well, for a start, the weather was horrible.
9. be a start spoken used to say that something you have achieved may not be impressive, but it will help with a bigger achievement:
One exercise class a week isn’t enough, but it’s a start.
10. JOB
a) [countable usually singular] the beginning of someone’s job, which they will develop in the future, especially a job that involves acting, writing, painting etc:
Pacino got his start on the stage, before his success in films.
I gave you your start, so remember me when you win the Pulitzer Prize.
b) [countable usually plural] a job that has just started, a business that has just been started, or someone who has just started a new job:
The number of business starts plummeted 10.5% during the second half of the year.
a training course for new starts
11. starts (also housing starts) [plural] technical when people begin to build a number of new houses
12. SPORT [countable usually plural]
a) a race or competition that someone has taken part in:
The horse Exotic Wood was unbeaten in five starts.
b) an occasion when a player plays when a sports match begins:
Jackson played in 353 games, with 314 starts.
⇨ ↑false start, ⇨ fresh start at ↑fresh(4), ⇨ in/by fits and starts at ↑fit3(7)
• • •
a good/great start A 3-0 win is a good start for the team.
a flying start (=a very good start) The appeal got off to a flying start at the weekend when the group held a raffle.
a promising start (=a good start that makes success seem likely) Her teacher says she's made a promising start in learning Spanish.
a bad/poor/disastrous start Things got off to a bad start when two people turned up late.
a rocky/shaky start (=a rather bad start) After a shaky start, they managed two wins in five matches.
a disappointing start He accepted full responsibility for the club’s disappointing start to the season.
a slow start Work got off to a very slow start because of bad weather.
an auspicious/inauspicious start (=one that makes it seem likely that something will be good or bad) His second term in office has got off to an extremely inauspicious start.
an early/late start It was long trip so we had planned an early start.
get off to a good/bad etc start On your first day at work, you want to get off to a good start.
make a good/bad/early etc start He made a flying start at college, but then he didn't manage to keep it up.
have a good/bad etc start We’ve had a disappointing start but we are hoping to improve.
• • •
beginning the first part of something such as a story, event, or period of time: The beginning of the movie is very violent. | Let’s go back to the beginning.
start the beginning of something, or the way something begins: Tomorrow marks the start of the presidential election campaign. | It was not a good start to the day. | The runners lined up for the start of the race.
commencement formal the beginning of something – used especially in official contexts: the commencement of the academic year | the commencement of the contract
origin the point from which something starts to exist: He wrote a book about the origins of the universe. | The tradition has its origins in medieval times.
the onset of something the time when something bad begins, such as illness, old age, or cold weather: the onset of winter | An active lifestyle can delay the onset of many diseases common to aging.
dawn literary the beginning of an important period of time in history: People have worshipped gods since the dawn of civilization.
birth the beginning of something important that will change many people’s lives: the birth of democracy in South Africa | the birth of the environmental movement

danh từ
sự bắt đầu; lúc bắt đầu, buổi đầu
it was difficult work at the start
lúc bắt đầu công việc rất khó
cơ hội lúc khởi đầu; sự giúp đỡ lúc khởi đầu
the money gave him just the start he needed
tiền đó đã giúp cho anh ta đúng cái bước đầu mà anh ta cần
sự khởi hành, sự ra đi, sự lên đường
to make an early start
đi sớm
(the start) điểm xuất phát, chỗ xuất phát; giờ xuất phát (của cuộc đua); lệnh bắt đầu, lệnh xuất phát (của cuộc đua)
sự giật mình; sự giật nảy người (vì đau...)
sự chấp (trong thể thao)
I'll give him 40 meters start
tôi sẽ chấp cậu ấy 40 mét
vị trí lợi thế; thế lợi
to get the start of somebody
lợi thế hơn ai
sự cử động nhanh, đột ngột (do ngạc nhiên, sợ hãi..)
the news gave me quite a start
tin tức làm tôi giật nảy người
a rum start
(thông tục) một sự xảy ra kỳ lạ
by fits and starts
không đều, thất thường, từng đợt một
for a start
làm điểm đầu tiên (dùng trong một lý lẽ)
nội động từ
bắt đầu một chuyến đi; rời đi; khởi hành
to start on journey
bắt đầu lên đường, khởi hành
bắt đầu chạy (máy..)
giật mình; nhảy lên đột ngột (vì sợ hãi..)
to start out of one's sleep
giật mình thức dậy
chuyển động đột ngột, xuất hiện đột ngột
rời ra, long ra (gỗ)
(+ back) bắt đầu trở lại; nhảy lùi, bước lùi đột ngột (trong nỗi sợ hãi..)
(+ for) rời nơi này đến nơi khác
ngoại động từ
bắt đầu (công việc..)
to start work
bắt đầu công việc
làm cho (ai, cái gì) bắt đầu làm (một việc..), khiến (ai) phải
this started me coughing
điều đó làm tôi phát ho lên
ra hiệu xuất phát (cho người đua)
làm cho (máy..) bắt đầu chạy
khêu, gây, nêu ra
to start quarrel
gây chuyện cãi nhau
to start a problem
nêu ra một vấn đề
làm tách ra, làm rời ra, làm long ra (gỗ)
giúp đỡ, nâng đỡ (ai, trong công việc)
đuổi (thú săn) ra khỏi hang; lùa (con vật) khỏi chỗ ẩn nấp ra ngoài trời
to start a hare
lùa con thỏ rừng ra khỏi hang
(từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) (như) startle
(+ in on somebody; for something) (thông tục) bắt đầu chỉ trích, bắt đầu mắng mỏ, bắt đầu la hét (ai)
start in to do something/on something/on doing something
(thông tục) bắt đầu làm cái gì
to start aside
né vội sang một bên
to start in
(thông tục) bắt đầu làm
to start out
khởi hành
khởi công, bắt đầu tiến hành (công việc gì)
to start up
thình lình đứng dậy
nảy ra, nổi lên; nảy ra trong óc
many difficulties have started up
nhiều khó khăn nảy ra
khởi động (máy)
to start a baby
(thông tục) bắt đầu có thai
to start a family
bắt đầu có con
start something
(thông tục) mở đầu một cuộc chiến tranh (tranh cãi, chuyện phiền hà..)
to start with
ở điểm đầu tiên; là điểm đầu tiên
lúc đầu; ban đầu
we had six members to start with
lúc bắt đầu chúng tôi có sáu hội viên

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