1. the event of something coming in contact with the body (Freq. 8) - he longed for the touch of her hand - the cooling touch of the night air • Syn: touching • Derivationally related forms: touch (for: touching) • Hypernyms: contact, impinging, striking • Hyponyms: brush, light touch, stroke 2. the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands) (Freq. 3) - only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us • Syn: sense of touch, skin senses, touch modality, cutaneous senses • Hypernyms: somatosense, exteroception • Part Holonyms: somesthesia, somesthesis, somaesthesia, somaesthesis, somatesthesia, somataesthesis, somatosensory system, somatic sensory system, somatic sense 3. a suggestion of some quality (Freq. 2) - there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone - he detected a ghost of a smile on her face • Syn: trace, ghost • Hypernyms: suggestion, proposition, proffer 4. a distinguishing style (Freq. 2) - this room needs a woman's touch • Syn: signature • Hypernyms: manner, mode, style, way, fashion • Hyponyms: common touch 5. the act of putting two things together with no space between them (Freq. 2) - at his touch the room filled with lights • Syn: touching • Derivationally related forms: touch (for: touching) • Hypernyms: act, deed, human action, human activity • Hyponyms: contact, physical contact, tap, pat, dab, hit, hitting, striking, dig, jab, kiss, buss, osculation, catch, grab, snatch, snap, handling, manipulation, fingering, grope, palpation, tactual exploration, tickle, tickling, titillation, stroke, stroking, tag, lick, lap, grazing, shaving, skimming 6. a slight but appreciable amount (Freq. 1) - this dish could use a touch of garlic • Syn: hint, tinge, mite, pinch, jot, speck, soupcon • Hypernyms: small indefinite quantity, small indefinite amount • Hyponyms: snuff 7. a communicative interaction (Freq. 1) - the pilot made contact with the base - he got in touch with his colleagues • Syn: contact • Hypernyms: communication, communicating 8. the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin - she likes the touch of silk on her skin - the surface had a greasy feeling • Syn: touch sensation, tactual sensation, tactile sensation, feeling • Derivationally related forms: feel (for: feeling) • Hypernyms: perception • Hyponyms: creepiness, cutaneous sensation, haptic sensation, skin sensation 9. a slight attack of illness - he has a touch of rheumatism • Syn: spot • Hypernyms: attack 10. the act of soliciting money (as a gift or loan) - he watched the beggar trying to make a touch • Hypernyms: solicitation 11. deftness in handling matters - he has a master's touch • Hypernyms: adeptness, adroitness, deftness, facility, quickness • Hyponyms: finishing touch, capstone, copestone 12. the feel of mechanical action - this piano has a wonderful touch • Hypernyms: tactile property, feel
1. make physical contact with, come in contact with (Freq. 33) - Touch the stone for good luck - She never touched her husband • See Also: touch down • Derivationally related forms: toucher, touching • Hyponyms: engage, toe, pick up, strike, hit, finger, thumb, feel, palpate, handle, palm, stroke, impinge on, run into, collide with, brush, skim over, skim, snog, kiss, buss, osculate, mouth, press, tag • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody PP - Somebody ----s something PP 2. perceive via the tactile sense (Freq. 5) - Helen Keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her • Derivationally related forms: touching • Hypernyms: perceive, comprehend • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody 3. affect emotionally (Freq. 4) - A stirring movie - I was touched by your kind letter of sympathy • Syn: stir • See Also: stir up (for: stir) • Derivationally related forms: stir (for: stir), stirring (for: stir) • Hypernyms: affect, impress, move, strike • Hyponyms: get • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - The bad news will touch him - The performance is likely to touch Sue 4. be relevant to (Freq. 3) - There were lots of questions referring to her talk - My remark pertained to your earlier comments • Syn: refer, pertain, relate, concern, come to, bear on, touch on, have-to doe with • Derivationally related forms: pertinent (for: pertain), pertinency (for: pertain), pertinence (for: pertain), reference (for: refer) • Hyponyms: focus on, center on, revolve around, revolve about, concentrate on, center, apply, hold, go for, involve, affect, regard, matter to, interest • Verb Group: allude, advert • Verb Frames: - Something ----s somebody - Something ----s something - Something is ----ing PP (for: relate) - Something is ----ing PP (for: pertain) - Something is ----ing PP (for: refer) 5. have an effect upon (Freq. 3) - Will the new rules affect me? • Syn: affect, impact, bear upon, bear on, touch on • Derivationally related forms: impact (for: impact) • Hypernyms: change, alter, modify • Hyponyms: strike a blow, repercuss, tell on, redound, stimulate, excite, process, treat, hydrolize, hydrolise, tinge, color, colour, distort, queer, expose, scupper, endanger, peril, hit, strike, subject, trouble, put out, inconvenience, disoblige, discommode, incommode, bother, influence, act upon, work, slam-dunk • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - Something ----s something 6. be in direct physical contact with; make contact (Freq. 3) - The two buildings touch - Their hands touched - The wire must not contact the metal cover - The surfaces contact at this point • Syn: adjoin, meet, contact • Derivationally related forms: contact (for: contact), adjunctive (for: adjoin), adjunction (for: adjoin) • Hyponyms: cover, spread over, cling, cleave, adhere, stick, cohere, rub, fray, fret, chafe, scratch, attach, hug, border, adjoin, edge, abut, march, butt, butt against, butt on, surround, environ, ring, skirt, lean on, rest on, lean against • Verb Group: converge, meet • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something - Our properties touch at this point - His fields touch mine at this point 7. deal with; usually used with a form of negation (Freq. 2) - I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole - The local Mafia won't touch gambling • Hypernyms: manage, deal, care, handle • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 8. cause to be in brief contact with (Freq. 2) - He touched his toes to the horse's flanks • Derivationally related forms: toucher • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 9. be equal to in quality or ability (Freq. 1) - Nothing can rival cotton for durability - Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues - Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents • Syn: equal, rival, match • Derivationally related forms: match (for: match), equal (for: equal) • Hypernyms: compete, vie, contend • Verb Group: equal, match, equalize, equalise, equate • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s something 10. tamper with (Freq. 1) - Don't touch my CDs! • Syn: disturb • Derivationally related forms: disturbance (for: disturb) • Hypernyms: change, alter, modify • Hyponyms: upset, violate • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 11. make a more or less disguised reference to (Freq. 1) - He alluded to the problem but did not mention it • Syn: allude, advert • Derivationally related forms: allusive (for: allude), allusion (for: allude) • Hypernyms: hint, suggest • Verb Group: refer, pertain, relate, concern, come to, bear on, touch on, have-to doe with • Entailment: denote, refer • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s PP 12. to extend as far as (Freq. 1) - The sunlight reached the wall - Can he reach?" "The chair must not touch the wall • Syn: reach, extend to • See Also: reach out (for: reach), reach into (for: reach) • Derivationally related forms: reach (for: reach) • Hypernyms: be • Hyponyms: reach into • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP - Something ----s something 13. comprehend (Freq. 1) - He could not touch the meaning of the poem • Hypernyms: understand • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 14. color lightly - her greying hair was tinged blond - the leaves were tinged red in November • Syn: tint, tinct, tinge • Derivationally related forms: tinge (for: tinge), tincture (for: tinge), tinter (for: tint), tinting (for: tint), tint (for: tint) • Hypernyms: color, colorize, colorise, colourise, colourize, colour, color in, colour in • Hyponyms: henna, tincture, complexion • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 15. consume - She didn't touch her food all night • Syn: partake • Hypernyms: consume, ingest, take in, take, have • Hyponyms: receive • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - They touch more bread