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Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary

a colloquial expression;
characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
Members of this Usage Domain:
potted, come-at-able, get-at-able, getatable, un-come-at-able,
un-get-at-able, ungetatable, dead-on, hot, fly, hot under the collar,
huffy, mad, sore, livid, dinky, dishy,
primo, chicken, chickenhearted, lily-livered, white-livered, yellow,
yellow-bellied, bone-idle, bone-lazy, chancy, fluky, flukey,
iffy, punch-drunk, silly, slaphappy, anserine, dopy,
dopey, foolish, goosey, goosy, gooselike, jerky,
chummy, buddy-buddy, thick, togged, bare-assed, bare-ass,
in the altogether, in the buff, in the raw, raw, peeled, naked as a jaybird,
stark naked, starkers, comfortable, comfy, bad, tough,
flustered, hot and bothered, perturbed, rattled, boss-eyed, broken,
busted, knocked-out, licked, plummy, done for, kaput,
gone, tall, cushy, soft, easygoing, flat-footed,
hopped-up, stoned, live, anxious, dying, ritzy,
het up, crazy, wild, dotty, gaga, no-frills,
big-ticket, high-ticket, cool, groovy, swagger, in,
prehistoric, classy, posh, swish, snazzy, gammy,
niffy, matey, pally, palsy-walsy, stuffed, bang-up,
bully, corking, cracking, dandy, great, keen,
neat, nifty, not bad, peachy, slap-up, swell,
smashing, hopeless, icky, crappy, lousy, rotten,
shitty, stinking, stinky, rubber, no-good, shirty,
snorty, straight, killing, sidesplitting, dicky, dickey,
big, fiddling, footling, lilliputian, little, niggling,
piddling, piffling, petty, picayune, trivial, potty,
hep, hip, hip to, highbrow, highbrowed, humongous,
banging, thumping, whopping, walloping, man-sized, whacking,
bitty, bittie, teensy, teentsy, teeny, wee,
weeny, weensy, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy,
canned, transcribed, blue-eyed, fair-haired, white-haired, hexed,
jinxed, blood-and-guts, bodacious, all-fired, decent, together,
frightful, terrible, awful, tremendous, some, square,
stuck, mind-bending, mind-blowing, dressy, half-baked, screwball,
softheaded, high-flown, high-sounding, inflated, jumped-up, white-shoe,
fat, juicy, kosher, fishy, funny, shady,
suspect, suspicious, lunatic, moonstruck, screw-loose, screwy,
all right, fine, o.k., ok, okay, hunky-dory,
umpteenth, umteenth, umptieth, clubbable, clubable, shy,
ace, A-one, crack, first-rate, super, tiptop,
topnotch, top-notch, tops, boss, brag, bum,
cheap, cheesy, chintzy, crummy, punk, sleazy,
tinny, ropey, ropy, gobsmacked, goggle-eyed, openmouthed,
popeyed, jiggered, buttoned-up, pumped-up, pumped up, pumped,
wired, economical, frugal, scotch, sparing, stinting,
all in, beat, bushed, dead, whacked, fuggy,
knockdown-dragout, knock-down-and-drag-out, cockamamie, cockamamy, goofy, sappy,
wacky, whacky, zany, boiling, wholly, entirely,
completely, totally, all, altogether, whole, plumb,
plum, O.K., alright, anywhere, anyplace, somewhere,
someplace, everywhere, everyplace, all over, good and, anon,
obviously, evidently, manifestly, patently, apparently, plainly,
plain, terribly, awfully, frightfully, by all means, by no means,
not by a long sight, not by a blame sight, thoroughly, soundly, good, right,
flop, forever, forever and a day, dingdong, way, right smart,
at least, leastways, leastwise, at any rate, irregardless, surely,
certainly, sure, for sure, for certain, sure enough, sure as shooting,
easily, easy, slowly, slow, tardily, in a pig's eye,
like hell, like mad, like crazy, like sin, like thunder, like the devil,
hopelessly, bang, slap, slapdash, smack, bolt,
roughly, rough, heaps, plop, plunk, plump,
sweetly, sweet, firewall, fix, heavy lifting, game,
biz, no-brainer, crapshoot, snogging, wash, aggro,
fun, sin, hell, dickeybird, dickey-bird, dickybird,
dicky-bird, bunny, bunny rabbit, bib-and-tucker, delf, funny wagon,
ghetto blaster, boom box, lemon, stinker, long johns, main drag,
put-put, rathole, rattrap, redbrick university, Ritz, security blanket,
shooting gallery, Sunday best, Sunday clothes, war paint, smoke, class,
setup, backbone, grit, guts, moxie, sand,
gumption, number, enormity, drag, hot stuff, voluptuousness,
eye, oculus, optic, peeper, proboscis, countenance,
physiognomy, phiz, visage, kisser, smiler, mug,
can of worms, hang-up, think, crosshairs, turn-on, turnoff,
negative stimulation, plague, bare bones, pertainym, teaser, pickup,
double Dutch, put-down, squelch, squelcher, takedown, Ebonics,
rap, bull session, huddle, powwow, pep talk, homestretch,
barnburner, blessed event, happy event, creeps, blahs, banger,
firewater, swad, mafia, maffia, turf, borscht circuit,
borsht circuit, borscht belt, borsht belt, drink, number one, big shot,
big gun, big wheel, big cheese, big deal, big enchilada, big fish,
head honcho, bull, cop, copper, fuzz, pig,
canary, cannon fodder, fodder, fresh fish, loony, looney,
nutcase, weirdo, dick, gumshoe, hawkshaw, dimwit,
nitwit, half-wit, doofus, dodo, fogy, fogey,
fossil, don't-know, fence, dud, washout, fuddy-duddy,
gal, geezer, head, headhunter, hustler, wheeler dealer,
operator, know-it-all, know-all, lazybones, man, middlebrow,
mouthpiece, mouth, paperhanger, rainmaker, ringer, dead ringer,
clone, shoofly, sourpuss, picklepuss, gloomy Gus, pouter,
Rebel, Reb, Johnny Reb, Johnny, greyback, spoilsport,
killjoy, wet blanket, party pooper, square toes, stuffed shirt, thrush,
townee, wag, wit, card, woman, cleanup,
giveaway, meal ticket, swag, ice, sparkler, load,
soup, size, size of it, state, frazzle, horniness,
hotness, hot pants, charley horse, charley-horse, dumps, mopes,
shot, street, throw, fug, sticks and stone, week from Monday,
month of Sundays, blue moon, figure, foot, leg it, hoof,
hoof it, skip, keep one's eyes peeled, keep one's eyes skinned, keep one's eyes open, give it a whirl,
give it a try, break
formulation, expression

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