1 colour 2 the different colours 3 making sth coloured 4 losing colour 5 different colours together
1 colour - the quality that makes sth red, yellow, green, etc: colour (noun U) Her paintings are wonderful - full of light and colour. - a particular colour: colour What's your favourite colour? - having many colours: colourful a colourful dress ◎ The garden is really colourful at this time of year. - having a particular colour: coloured a pinkish-coloured flower ◎ coloured paper ◎ the parts of the map that are coloured green Note: the AmE spelling of colour, coloured, colourful, etc is color, colored, colorful, etc. - photographs, television, etc can either be (in) colour or (in) black and white a colour printer ◎ Are the photos in colour or black and white? ◎ a black and white TV - having no colour: colourless Water is a colourless liquid. ◎ a colourless gas - not having much colour and therefore not attractive: dull It's a nice dress but it's a very dull colour. ◎ a dull sky - a colour which is nearer to black than to white is dark dark red curtains - a colour which is nearer to white than to black is light, pale light brown ◎ a pale pink colour - a strong, easily noticeable colour is bright (adverb brightly), strong bright red ◎ a brightly coloured shirt ◎ I like to wear strong colours like bright yellow and navy blue. - a colour which is dark and strong is deep deep blue - very pale or light colours are called pastel colours pastel blue/pink/green ◎ pastel shades - colours like reds, oranges and browns are warm colours the warm colours of autumn - a type of a particular colour (lighter, darker, brighter, deeper, etc): shade They had paint in lots of different shades of red. ◎ a lighter shade of green - a small amount of colour: tint green, with a blue tint in it - the colour of a person's hair, skin, eyes: colouring ※ the colour of people's skin SKIN, FACE
2 the different colours Note: to describe the shade that a colour is, you can use dark, light, pale or bright before the colour: bright blue ◎ pale yellow ◎ dark brown. You can use a suitable noun before the colour to show what shade it is: lemon yellow ◎ leaf green ◎ blood red. - To say that a colour is quite similar to the colour that you are thinking of, you can use -ish with a colour: a yellowish flower ◎ darkish brown hair, or you can use -y at the end of a colour + colour: a browny colour. - You can use two colours together to describe colours which seem to be a mixture of two different colours: brown-black ◎ browny-black ◎ bluish-green ◎ reddish-purple. - To talk about a colour in general, use the noun without a or the: I like bright red. ◎ My favourite colour is blue. To talk about a particular colour or shade, use a with the noun for the colour: It's a beautiful deep red. ◎ I've seen a shirt in a nice blue colour. To talk about a particular colour that you can see, use the: You should wear the pink with the blue. ※ black & white - the darkest colour possible: black - very black: jet black, pitch black jet black hair ◎ a pitch black night - the colour of snow or milk: white as white as snow ◎ bright white - a slightly yellowy white; the colour of cream: cream She wore a beautiful cream-coloured wedding dress. - almost white: off-white - a colour which is black mixed with white: grey (AmE gray) dark grey ◎ He's got grey hair. - a very dark grey: charcoal (grey) - the colour of silver: silver silver paint ※ red & pink - the colour of blood: red dark/deep red ◎ rose red ◎ blood red - very dark red: crimson - bright red: scarlet - dark red-brown: maroon - to become red: redden His face reddened with anger. - a dark colour which is a mixture of red and blue: purple, violet - a light red colour: pink a pale pink rose - the pink colour of roses: rose (pink) ※ yellow & orange - the colour of lemons or butter: yellow light/pale yellow ◎ a bright yellow flower - the colour of gold: gold, golden They had painted the roof gold. ◎ golden brown - the colour of oranges: orange a bright orange scarf ※ green - the colour of grass: green pale green eyes - a dark green-yellow colour: olive green an olive green uniform - a green-brown colour which is used in the army: khaki - a very bright green colour: emerald (green) an emerald silk shirt - a bright yellow-green colour: lime green ※ blue - the colour of the sky on a sunny day: blue a light blue jumper ◎ a deep blue sky - the bright blue colour of the sky on a sunny day: sky blue - a blue-green colour: turquoise (blue) - bright, deep blue: royal blue - dark blue: navy (blue) ※ brown - having the colour of soil or wood: brown - light brown: beige, fawn
3 making sth coloured - to put colour on sth (by using paint, coloured pencils, etc): colour sth to colour a picture ◎ to colour your hair ◎ Someone had coloured the ceiling black. - to put coloured paint on sth: paint sth to paint a picture ◎ to paint a wall - to fill a shape, a picture, etc with colour using pencils, pens, etc: colour sth in The little girl drew a picture and coloured it in. ◎ Draw lots of circles and then colour them in. ※ drawing and painting DRAW, PAINT - a substance that you use to make clothes or hair a different colour: dye (noun C/U); verb: dye sth blue dye ◎ hair dye ◎ You've dyed your jeans. ◎ You've had your hair dyed. - the dye which is already in the clothes when you buy them is usually called the colour Don't wash it in very hot water - all the colour will come out. - a clear liquid chemical that you can use to make clothes white or lighter in colour: bleach (noun U); verb: bleach sth bleached jeans - a special substance you use to make sth coloured (especially food): (food) colouring (noun C/U)
4 losing colour - when the dye comes out of clothes in water, the colour runs* Can I put this red shirt in with a white wash, or will it run? - colours that are not likely to come out of the clothes when you wash them are fast fast colours ◎ Are your jeans colour fast? - if sth changes colour because of heat or sun, it loses* (its) colour, discolours; adjective: discoloured When paper gets old it loses its colour. ◎ discoloured paper - to lose colour because of heat, sun or a lot of washing: fade; adjective: faded If you leave them in the sun, they'll fade. ◎ faded jeans
5 different colours together - if two colours look nice together, they go* together, one of the colours goes* with the other I think navy blue and red go well together. ◎ That blue doesn't really go with the orange. - if two bright colours look bad together, they clash The bright purple and the orange clash a bit. - when a colour looks nice on you, it suits you I'd prefer to wear blue - red doesn't really suit me. - the way in which colours are arranged, especially in a room: colour scheme I thought the house was nice but I didn't like the colour scheme in the living room. ※ MORE ... - unable to see the difference between different colours: colour-blind - the set of seven colours into which white light can be separated: spectrum - the three colours (red, yellow and blue) which you can use to make any other colour: primary colours