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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.hang1 S1 W2 /hæŋ/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle hung /hʌŋ/)
[Word Family: noun: ↑hanger, ↑hanging, ↑overhang; verb: ↑hang, ↑overhang; adjective: hanging]
a) [transitive always + adverb/preposition] (also hang up) to put something in a position so that the top part is fixed or supported, and the bottom part is free to move and does not touch the ground:
Philip hung his coat on a hook behind the door.
She hung the sheets on the washing line.
b) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to be in a position where the top part is fixed or supported, and the bottom part is free to move and does not touch the ground:
An old-fashioned gas lamp hung from the ceiling.
Her long hair hung loose about her shoulders.
The shirt hung down almost to his ankles.
a) [transitive] to fix a picture, photograph etc to a wall:
I wanted to hang the picture in the hall.
b) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] if a picture, photograph etc is hanging somewhere, it is fixed to a wall:
There was a family photograph hanging on the wall.
c) be hung with something if the walls of a room are hung with pictures or decorations, the pictures etc are on the walls:
The entrance hall was hung with rich tapestries.
3. KILL/BE KILLED (past tense and past participle hanged) [intransitive and transitive] to kill someone by dropping them with a rope around their neck, or to die in this way, especially as a punishment for a serious crime
be hanged for something
He was hanged for murder.
hang yourself
Corey hanged himself in his prison cell.
If he is found guilty, he will almost certainly hang.
4. PAPER [transitive] to fasten attractive paper to a wall in order to decorate a room:
We spent the afternoon hanging wallpaper.
5. DOOR [transitive] to fasten a door in position:
Hanging a door is quite a tricky job.
6. MIST/SMOKE/SMELL [intransitive + adverb/preposition] if something such as smoke hangs in the air, it stays in the air for a long time:
The smoke from the bonfires hung in the air.
A thick mist hung over the town.
7. hang open if a door, someone’s mouth etc hangs open, it is open
8. hang in the balance if something hangs in the balance, it is not certain what will happen to it:
The future of the company hangs in the balance.
9. hang by a thread if something is hanging by a thread, it is in a very dangerous situation and may not continue:
He is still in hospital, his life hanging by a thread.
10. hang (on) in there (also hang tough especially American English spoken) to remain brave and determined when you are in a difficult situation:
Don’t worry. Just hang on in there.
11. hang your head to look ashamed and embarrassed:
She hung her head, not sure how to reply.
Daphne had hung her head in shame.
12. hang fire to wait for a short while before you do something:
I think we should hang fire for a week.
13. leave something hanging in the air to leave something in a situation where it has not been explained, completed, or dealt with:
His resignation has left some important questions hanging in the air.
14. hang a right/left American English spoken to turn right or left when driving:
Go straight on for two blocks, then hang a left.
15. [intransitive] American English spoken to spend time somewhere, relaxing and enjoying yourself
hang with
We were just hanging with the dudes at Mike’s house.
16. I’ll be hanged if British English old-fashioned used to express annoyance or to say that you will not allow something to happen:
I’ll be hanged if I’ll give them any money!
17. hang it (all) British English old-fashioned used to say that you are disappointed or annoyed about something
18. hang something British English old-fashioned used to say that you are not going to do something:
Oh hang the report, let’s go for a drink.
19. I/you might as well be hanged for a sheep as (for) a lamb used to say that, if a small action may have the same bad results for you as a larger one, there is no reason for not doing the larger thing
hang about phrasal verb
British English
1. spoken to move slowly or take too long doing something:
Come on, we haven’t got time to hang about!
2. hang about (something) to spend time somewhere without any real purpose:
There were always groups of boys hanging about in the square.
He normally hung about the house all day.
3. hang about! spoken
a) used to ask someone to wait or stop what they are doing
b) used when you have just noticed or thought of something that is interesting or wrong:
Hang about – that can’t be right.
hang about with somebody phrasal verb
British English informal
to spend a lot of time with someone
hang around/round (something) phrasal verb
to wait or spend time somewhere, doing nothing:
I hung around the station for an hour but he never came.
hang around with somebody phrasal verb
to spend a lot of time with someone:
The people I used to hang around with were much older than me.
hang back phrasal verb
1. to stay a short distance away from someone or something, and not go too near them:
Instinctively he hung back in the shelter of a rock.
2. to not say or do something because you are shy or afraid
hang on phrasal verb
1. to hold something tightly
hang on to
She hung on to the side of the cart.
Hang on tight!
2. hang on! British English spoken
a) used to ask or tell someone to wait SYN hold on:
Hang on! I’ll be back in a minute.
b) used when you have just noticed or thought of something that is interesting or wrong
3. hang on something to depend on something:
Everything hangs on the outcome of this meeting.
4. hang on sb’s words/every word to pay close attention to everything someone is saying:
She was watching his face, hanging on his every word.
hang on to something (also hang onto something) phrasal verb
to keep something:
I think I’ll hang on to the documents for a bit longer.
hang out phrasal verb
1. informal to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with particular people
hang out with
I don’t really know who she hangs out with.
Where do the youngsters hang out? ⇨ ↑hangout
2. hang something ↔ out to hang clothes outside in order to dry them:
My job was to hang out the washing.
Hang the wet things out to dry.
3. let it all hang out informal to relax and do what you like
hang over something/somebody phrasal verb
if something bad is hanging over you, you are worried or anxious about it:
The threat of redundancy was still hanging over us.
It’s not very nice to have huge debts hanging over your head.
hang together phrasal verb
1. if a plan, story, set of ideas etc hangs together, it is well organized and its different parts go well together:
Her story just doesn’t hang together.
2. if people hang together, they help each other
hang up phrasal verb
1. to finish a telephone conversation:
I said goodbye and hung up.
hang up on
Don’t hang up on me.
2. hang something ↔ up to hang clothes on a hook etc:
She took her coat off and hung it up.
3. hang up your hat/football boots/briefcase etc informal to stop doing a particular kind of work
⇨ ↑hang-up, ↑hung-up
II.hang2 BrE AmE noun
get the hang of something informal to learn how to do something or use something:
It seems difficult at first, but you’ll soon get the hang of it.

d. 1 Khoảng trống sâu tự nhiên hay được đào vào trong lòng đất. Hang đá. Hang cua. Chuột đào hang. 2 Chỗ rỗng trong mô cơ thể động vật, do hiện tượng tế bào bị hoại tử tạo ra. Lao phổi đã thành hang.

danh từ
den; cave; hole; burrow
hang chuột
hang hùm
the tiger's den
vào hang hùm bắt cọp
to beard the lion in his den

danh từ
sự cúi xuống, sự gục xuống
dốc, mặt dốc
cách treo (một vật gì)
ý riêng, nghĩa riêng; cách làm, cách nói
to get the hang of something
hiểu rõ cái gì
not to care a hang
(thông tục) bất chấp, cóc cần
ngoại động từ hung
treo, mắc
to hang a picture
treo bức tranh
treo cổ (người)
to hang oneself
treo cổ tự tử
hang him!
thằng chết tiệt!
hang it!
đồ chết tiệt!
dán (giấy lên tường)
gục (đầu, vì hổ thẹn...), cụp (tai, vì xấu hổ...)
nội động từ
treo, bị treo, bị mắc
the picture hangs up against the wall
bức tranh (bị) treo trên tường
to hang by a thread
treo đầu sợi tóc (rất mong manh, nguy kịch)
(hanged) bị treo cổ
he will hang for it
nó sẽ bị treo cổ vì tội đó
cheo leo, lơ lửng; phấp phới; rủ xuống, xoã xuống, thõng xuống, lòng thòng
a cloud of smoke hangs over the town
đám khói lơ lửng trên thành phố
curtain hangs loose
màn rủ lòng thòng
hair hangs down one's back
tóc xoã xuống lưng
the mast hangs aft
cột buồm nghiêng về phía đuôi tàu
to hang about
đi lang thang, đi phất phơ, đi vơ vẩn, la cà
quanh quẩn, quanh quất
sắp đến, đến gần
there's a storm hanging about
trời sắp có bão
to hang back
do dự, lưỡng lự
có ý muốn lùi lại, chùn lại
to hang behind
tụt lại đằng sau, đà đẫn ở đằng sau
to hang down
rủ xuống, xoã xuống, bỏ thõng xuống, lòng thòng
nghiêng, cúi
to hang down one's head
cúi đầu
to hang off
do dự, lưỡng lự
lùi lại, chùn lại, có ý muốn lùi; (thông tục) muốn lĩnh, muốn chuồn
to hang on (upon)
dựa vào, tuỳ vào
bám vào, bám riết lấy, cố bám, kiên trì ((nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng))
to hang on someone's arm
bám chặt lấy cánh tay ai
to hang upon the left flank of the enemy
bám chặt lấy cánh trái của địch
(thông tục) giữ máy (không cắt khi gọi dây nói)
to hang out
trèo ra ngoài; thò cổ ra ngoài (cửa sổ...); thè ra (lưỡi)
thõng xuống, lòng thòng
(từ lóng) ở
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) lang thang, vơ vẩn lãng phí thời giờ (ở quán cà phê, tiệm trà...)
to hang together
đoàn kết với nhau, gắn bó với nhau
có mạch lạc, ăn khớp với nhau (lập luận)
to hang up
treo lên
(nghĩa bóng) trì hoãn (không biết đến bao giờ mới làm)
to hang fire
nổ chậm (súng)
to hang heavy
trôi đi chậm chạp (thời gian)
to hang on (upon) somebody's lips (words)
lắng nghe như uống từng lời từng chữ của ai
to hang on the line
treo (tranh...) ngang tầm mắt
let it all hang out
hoàn toàn tự do, không bị ràng buộc
to hang in the balance
đi đến kết quả chung cuộc
one may/might as well be hanged/for a sheep as a lamb
tội nặng không xử đích đáng, ắt người ta sẽ phạm những tội nặng hơn
time hangs heavy
thời gian nặng nề trôi qua
with one's tongue hanging out
khát khô họng, khát thè lưỡi ra
and thereby hangs a tale
có một điều thú vị về sự việc vừa nêu ra
a peg to hang sth on
cái cớ để làm gì

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