1. a track or mark left by something that has passed (Freq. 5) - there as a trail of blood - a tear left its trail on her cheek • Hypernyms: path, track, course • Hyponyms: slot, spoor 2. a path or track roughly blazed through wild or hilly country (Freq. 4) • Hypernyms: track, cart track, cartroad • Hyponyms: cattle trail, deer trail, horse-trail, Indian trail, mountain trail, ski run, ski trail • Instance Hyponyms: Iditarod Trail, Santa Fe Trail 3. evidence pointing to a possible solution (Freq. 1) - the police are following a promising lead - the trail led straight to the perpetrator • Syn: lead, track • Derivationally related forms: track (for: track) • Hypernyms: evidence, grounds
1. to lag or linger behind (Freq. 8) - But in so many other areas we still are dragging • Syn: drag, get behind, hang back, drop behind, drop back • Derivationally related forms: trailer • Hypernyms: lag, dawdle, fall back, fall behind • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - Something is ----ing PP - Somebody ----s PP 2. go after with the intent to catch (Freq. 3) - The policeman chased the mugger down the alley - the dog chased the rabbit • Syn: chase, chase after, tail, tag, give chase, dog, go after, track • See Also: tag along (for: tag), chase away (for: chase) • Derivationally related forms: track (for: track), tracker (for: track), tracking (for: track), tag (for: tag), tail (for: tail), tailing (for: tail), trailing, chaser (for: chase), chase (for: chase) • Hypernyms: pursue, follow • Hyponyms: tree, quest, hound, hunt, trace, run down • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - They trail the car down the avenue 3. move, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly - John trailed behind his class mates - The Mercedes trailed behind the horse cart • Syn: shack • Derivationally related forms: trailer • Hypernyms: travel, go, move, locomote • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Something is ----ing PP 4. hang down so as to drag along the ground - The bride's veiled trailed along the ground • Verb Group: train • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Something is ----ing PP 5. drag loosely along a surface; allow to sweep the ground - The toddler was trailing his pants - She trained her long scarf behind her • Syn: train • Derivationally related forms: train (for: train), trailer • Hypernyms: drag • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something