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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.touch1 S2 W2 /tʌtʃ/ BrE AmE verb
[Word Family: adjective: ↑touched, ↑untouched, ↑touching, ↑touchy, ↑untouchable; noun: ↑touch, ↑untouchable; verb: ↑touch; adverb: ↑touchingly]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: tuchier, from Vulgar Latin toccare 'to knock, hit a bell, touch'; from the sound]
1. FEEL [transitive] to put your hand, finger etc on someone or something:
She reached out to touch his arm.
If your house has been burgled, you shouldn’t touch anything until the police arrive.
‘Don’t touch me!’ she yelled.
touch somebody on the arm/leg etc
A hand touched her on the shoulder.
2. NO SPACE BETWEEN [intransitive and transitive] if two things touch, or one thing touches another thing, they reach each other so that there is no space between them:
As our glasses touched, he said ‘Cheers!’
Her dress was so long that it was touching the ground.
3. touch something to something literary to move something so that it reaches something else with no space between the two things:
She touched the handkerchief to her nose.
He touched his lips to her hair.
4. AFFECT SB’S FEELINGS [transitive] to affect someone’s emotions, especially by making them feel sympathy or sadness:
Her plight has touched the hearts of people around the world.
She could sense his concern and it touched her. ⇨ ↑touched, ↑touching1
5. HAVE AN EFFECT [transitive] to have an effect on someone or something, especially by changing or influencing them:
He has touched the lives of many people.
Unemployment remains an evil that touches the whole community.
He was often touched by doubt (=doubt affected him).
6. USE [transitive usually in negatives] to use or handle something:
The law doesn’t allow him to touch any of the money.
It’s a long time since I’ve touched a piano.
7. not touch something
a) to not eat or drink something:
What’s wrong? You’ve hardly touched your food.
My grandfather was an alcoholic but I never touch the stuff (=never drink alcohol).
b) to not deal with something that you should deal with:
I brought home loads of work, but I haven’t touched any of it yet.
8. not touch somebody/something to not hurt someone or not damage something:
The older boys swore they hadn’t touched the child.
Parma had not been touched.
9. DEAL WITH SOMEBODY/SOMETHING [transitive] to become involved with or deal with a particular problem, situation, or person:
He was the only lawyer who would touch the case.
Everything he touches turns to disaster.
No school would touch a teacher who had been convicted of assault.
10. REACH AN AMOUNT [transitive] especially British English to reach a particular amount or level:
At the time, the unemployment rate was touching 10 percent and rising.
11. HIT/KICK [transitive] British English to gently hit or kick a ball – used especially in reports of sports games:
Evans was just able to touch the ball away from Wilkinson.
12. not touch something/somebody (with a bargepole) British English, not touch something/somebody with a ten-foot pole American English used to say that you think someone or something is bad and people should not be involved with them:
I wouldn’t touch him with a bargepole.
Financial analysts have warned investors not to touch these offers with a ten-foot pole.
13. be touched with something literary to have a small amount of a particular quality:
His voice was touched with the faintest of Italian accents.
Her nails had been manicured and lightly touched with colour.
14. EXPRESSION [transitive] if an expression such as a smile touches your face, your face has that expression for a short time:
A smile touched her lips.
15. RELATE TO SOMETHING [transitive] to be about or to deal with a particular subject, situation, or problem:
Though the question touched a new vein, Nelson answered promptly.
The discourse touches many of the issues which are currently popular.
16. LIGHT [transitive] literary if light touches something, it shines on it:
The sun was just touching the tops of the mountains.
17. nothing/no one can touch somebody/something used for saying that nothing or no one is as good as a particular person or thing:
He describes the events with a passion that no other writer can touch.
18. touch base (with somebody) to talk to someone in order to find out how they are or what is happening:
I just wanted to touch base and make sure you hadn’t changed your mind about seeing me.
19. touch bottom
a) to reach the ground at the bottom of a sea, river etc:
He swam down but could not touch bottom.
b) to reach the lowest level or worst condition:
The housing market has touched bottom.
touch a (raw) nerve at ↑nerve1(6), ⇨ touch wood at ↑wood(3)
• • •
touch to put your fingers or hand onto someone or something for a very short time: Don’t touch the iron – it’s hot!
feel to touch something with your fingers in order to find out about it: Feel how soft this material is. | I felt his forehead. It was cold.
handle to touch something and pick it up and hold it in your hands: Children should always wash their hands before handling food. | The glass was very fragile, and she handled it with great care. | Please do not handle the merchandise.
finger to touch or handle something with your fingers, especially while you are thinking of other things: She fingered the heavy necklace around her neck.
rub to move your hand over a surface while pressing it: Bob rubbed his eyes and yawned.
scratch to rub part of your body with your nails, often because it ITCHES: The dog kept scratching its ear. | Bob scratched his head thoughtfully.
tickle to move your fingers lightly over someone’s body in order to make them laugh: The baby giggled as I tickled him.
grope to touch someone’s body in a sexual way when they do not want to be touched: The officer was accused of groping several women in his platoon.
touch somebody gently or lovingly
stroke to move your hand gently over something, especially in a loving way: She stroked the child’s hair. | Our cat won’t let people stroke him.
pat to touch an animal or child lightly several times, with your hand flat: He knelt down to pat the dog. | She patted the little boy’s head.
pet to touch and move your hand gently over someone, especially an animal or child: The goats, pigs, sheep, and cows here allow you to pet them.
caress /kəˈres/ to gently touch a part of someone’s body in a loving way: a mother caressing her child | She caressed his cheek.
fondle to touch a part of someone’s body in a loving or sexual way – use this especially about touching someone in a sexual way that is not wanted: He tried to fondle her and she immediately pulled away from him.
touch down phrasal verb

1. when an aircraft touches down, it lands on the ground:
The plane finally touched down at Heathrow airport around midday.
2. in the sport of ↑rugby, to score by putting the ball on the ground behind the other team’s ↑goal line
touch somebody for something phrasal verb
British English informal
to persuade someone to give or lend you something, especially money:
He tried to touch me for the taxi fare home.
touch something ↔ off phrasal verb
to cause a difficult situation or violent events to begin:
It was these national rivalries that eventually touched off the First World War.
touch on/upon something phrasal verb
to mention a particular subject when talking or writing:
The report touches on the relationship between poverty and poor health.
These issues were touched on in Chapter 2.
touch somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb
1. to improve something by changing it slightly or adding a little more to it:
She quickly touched up her lipstick.
The photograph had obviously been touched up.
The speech he finally gave had been touched up by his staff.
2. British English informal to touch someone in a sexual way when they do not want you to:
He was accused of touching up one of his students.
II.touch2 S2 W2 BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: adjective
: ↑touched, ↑untouched, ↑touching, ↑touchy, ↑untouchable; noun
: ↑touch, ↑untouchable; verb
: ↑touch; adverb
: ↑touchingly]
1. TOUCHING SOMEBODY/SOMETHING [countable usually singular] the action of putting your hand, finger, or another part of your body on something or someone:
She felt a gentle touch on her shoulder.
touch of
He remembered the touch of her fingers on his face.
2. ABILITY TO FEEL THINGS [uncountable] the sense that you use to discover what something feels like, by putting your hand or fingers on it:
the sense of touch
by touch
Visually impaired people orient themselves by touch.
Bake the cake for 30 minutes until risen and firm to the touch.
3. in touch (with somebody) talking or writing to someone:
We’ll get in touch (=start talking or writing to you) as soon as we know the results of the test.
Can I have your phone number in case I need to get in touch with you?
Bye. I’ll be in touch.
Are you still in touch with John (=are you talking to him regularly)?
I’m in close touch with Anna.
stay/keep in touch (=keep writing or talking, even though you do not see each other often)
Anyway, we must stay in touch.
I met him when I worked in Madrid, and I’ve kept in touch with him ever since.
I lost touch with (=stopped writing or talking to) Julie after we moved.
I can put you in touch with a local photography club (=give you their address or phone number so you can talk to them).
4. be/keep/stay etc in touch (with something) to have the latest information or knowledge about something:
A regular newsletter keeps people in touch with local events.
The speech was good and you felt he was in touch with people’s needs.
Rescuers were kept in touch through radio links.
A head-teacher needs to remain in close touch with teachers’ everyday concerns.
5. be out of touch
a) (also lose touch (with something)) to not have the latest knowledge about a subject, situation, or the way people feel
be out of touch with
I’m out of touch with modern medicine.
The party cannot afford to lose touch with political reality.
b) to not know much about modern life:
Judges are often accused of being out of touch.
6. get in touch with something especially American English to realize and understand something such as your feelings and attitudes:
The first stage is to get in touch with your perceptions and accept responsibility for your relationships.
7. DETAIL/ADDITION [countable] a small detail that improves or completes something
put the final/finishing touches to something
Emma was putting the finishing touches to the cake.
There was a vase of flowers in the room, which was a nice touch.
Brass pans added a decorative touch to the plain brick wall.
8. WAY OF DOING SOMETHING [countable] a particular way of doing something, or the ability to do it in a particular way:
The room was decorated with a very artistic touch.
Our staff combine efficient service with a personal touch (=they do things in a friendly way).
The feminine touch was evident throughout the house.
His sure touch (=confident way of doing things) and attention to detail are just as evident now.
Barbara has a magic touch in the garden (=she grows things very well).
King obviously hasn’t lost his touch (=lost his ability) – his latest book sold in the millions.
9. a touch of something a small amount of something:
Our furniture is guaranteed to add a touch of class to your bedroom.
Add a lace top for a touch of glamour.
‘What?’ asked Hazel, with a touch of irritation.
10. a touch disappointed/faster/impatient etc slightly disappointed, faster etc:
He sounded a touch upset when I spoke to him on the phone.
11. with/at the touch of a button/key used to emphasize that something can be done very easily by pressing a button:
This card allows you to access your money at the touch of a button.
You can get all the latest information with the touch of a button.
12. a soft/easy touch informal if someone is a soft or an easy touch, you can easily persuade them to do what you want, especially give you money
13. WAY SOMETHING FEELS [countable usually singular] the way that something feels and the effect it has on your skin:
the warm touch of his lips
14. SOCCER/RUGBY [uncountable] the area outside the lines that mark the playing area
into touch
The ball rolled into touch.
common touch at ↑common1(13), ⇨ a/the human touch at ↑human1(5), ⇨ kick something into touch at ↑kick1(11), ⇨ lose your touch at ↑lose(1), ⇨ magic touch at ↑magic2(5), ⇨ ↑Midas touch, ⇨ a soft touch at ↑soft(17)



When two things touch, they are in physical contact with each other.

danh từ
sự sờ, sự mó, sự đụng, sự chạm
xúc giác (khả năng nhận thức được sự vật hoặc đặc tính của chúng bằng cách sờ vào chúng)
blind people rely a lot on touch
người mù dựa nhiều vào xúc giác
cảm thấy cái gì khi sờ vào
soft to the touch
sờ vào thấy mềm
chi tiết nhỏ
humorous touches
những chi tiết hài
nét (vẽ); ngón (đàn); bút pháp, văn phong, phong cách (biểu diễn..)
a bold touch
một nét vẽ táo bạo
to add a few finishing touches
hoàn chỉnh, thêm vào một vài nét hoàn chỉnh
the touch of a master
bút pháp của một nghệ sĩ bậc thầy
his work lacks that professional touch
tác phẩm của anh ấy thiếu phong cách chuyên nghiệp
kỹ năng đặc biệt của con người
một chút, một ít, số lượng rất ít
a touch of jealousy
hơi ghen
a touch of salt
một chút muối
a touch of indigestion
hơi bị đầy bụng
sự tiếp xúc, sự giao thiệp; quan hệ; sự dính líu, sự dính dáng
to keep in touch with
giữ quan hệ với; có dính líu với
to be out of touch with
không có quan hệ với, mất liên lạc với
to lose touch with
mất liên lạc với, tiếp xúc đến
(thể dục,thể thao) phần sân ngoài đường biên (trong môn bóng đá, bóng bầu dục)
(âm nhạc) lối bấm phím
(y học) phép thăm bệnh bằng cách sờ
(từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) sự thử thách, sự thử; đá thử
to put to the touch
đem thử thách
true as touch
rất chính xác
at a touch
nếu như động nhẹ vào
the machine stops and starts at a touch
chiếc máy đó chỉ cần chạm nhẹ vào là khởi động hoặc tắt ngay
in/out of touch (with somebody)
còn/không còn liên lạc
in/out of touch with something
có/không có tin tức về cái gì
a touch
hơi, một chút
ngoại động từ
chạm, tiếp xúc, để không còn khoảng không ở giữa
one of the branches was just touching the water
một cành cây chạm mặt nước
sờ, mó, đụng, chạm; ấn, đánh (bằng tay..)
don't touch that dish - it's very hot!
đừng có đụng chạm vào chiếc đĩa đó - nó rất nóng
he touched me on the arm
anh ta đập nhẹ vào vai tôi
đến, đạt tới (mức độ.. nào đó)
I can touch the ceiling
tôi có thể với tới trần
the thermometer touched 37o yesterday
hôm qua nhiệt biểu lên tới 37 o
to touch bottom
xuống dốc đến cùng cực
to touch the spot
(thông tục) gãi đúng chỗ ngứa
gần, kề, sát bên, liền
his garden touches ours
vườn của anh ta sát liền ngay với vườn của chúng tôi
đả động đến, đề cập đến, đụng chạm, can thiệp vào; làm hại
to touch on a subject in the conversation
đả động đến một vấn đề trong khi nói chuyện
gõ nhẹ, đánh nhẹ (chuông), gảy (đàn); bấm (phím đàn)
to touch the piano
bấm phím đàn pianô
đụng vào, dính vào, mó vào, vầy vào, vọc vào
please do not touch my papers
xin đừng mó vào giấy tờ của tôi
có liên quan, có quan hệ với, dính dáng, dính líu
the question touched your interests
vấn đề có dính líu đến quyền lợi của anh
what happens to him doesn't touch me at all
những việc xảy đến với nó không có liên quan gì tới tôi cả
đụng đến, ăn, uống, dùng đến
he promises not to touch alcohol
hắn hứa là không đụng đến một giọt rượu
làm cảm động, làm mủi lòng, gợi mối thương tâm, làm xúc động
his grief touched us deeply
nỗi đau buồn của anh ta làm chúng tôi vô cùng xúc động
làm mếch lòng, làm phật lòng, chạm lòng tự ái, xúc phạm, đụng chạm (tình cảm)
that touched him home
điều đó làm anh ta hết sức phật lòng; điều đó chạm lòng tự ái của anh ta
có ảnh hưởng, có tác dụng, dính dáng đến
nothing you can say will touch him
tất cả những điều anh có thể nói sẽ chả có tác dụng gì đối với nó
làm hư nhẹ, gây thiệt hại nhẹ, làm hỏng nhẹ
the frost has touched the vines
sương giá làm hư hại nhẹ những giàn nho
sánh kịp, bằng, ngang tài, ngang phẩm chất
nobody can touch him in causticity
không ai có thể sánh kịp ông ta về lối châm biếm chua cay
(hàng hải) cặp, ghé (bến...)
the ship touched Colombo
con tàu cặp bến Cô-lom-bô
(từ lóng) gõ, vay
he touched me for 10d
nó gõ tôi lấy mười đồng, nó vay tôi mười đồng
nội động từ
chạm nhau, đụng nhau, tiếp xúc nhau
the two wires were touching
hai dây điện chập nhau
gần sát, kề nhau
to touch at
(hàng hải) cặp, ghé, đỗ vào (bến...)
to touch at a port
cặp bến
to touch down
(thể dục,thể thao) chạm đường biên ngang
(hàng không) hạ cánh
to touch in
vẽ phác, phác hoạ
to touch in the eyebrows of the portrait
vẽ phác đôi lông mày của bức chân dung
to touch off
cắt đứt (đường dây điện thoại, sự liên lạc bằng điện thoại)
vẽ phác, phác hoạ
bắn, nổ, xả, nhả (đạn)
gây ra, phát động (phong trào phản đối...)
to touch on (upon)
bàn đến, đả động đến, nói đến, đề cập đến
to touch on (upon) a subject
đề cập đến một vấn đề
to touch up
tô, sửa qua
to touch up a drawing
sửa qua bức vẽ
quất roi vào (ngựa...)
to touch with
nhuốm, đượm, ngụ
praise touched with jealousy
lời khen ngợi thoáng ngụ ý ghen tuông
to touch bottom
chạm tới đáy của cái gì chứa nước
xuống đến bùn đen
to touch somebody on the raw
làm tổn thương cảm xúc của ai do đã đề cập đến cái gì nhạy cảm với anh ta; chạm tự ái; chạm nóc
to touch the right chord
gãi đúng chỗ ngứa; nói trúng tâm lý
to touch at something
cặp, ghé (tàu)
to touch somebody up
chạm vào ai một cách khiêu gợi hoặc kích dục

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