1. undergo or be subjected to (Freq. 17) - He suffered the penalty - Many saints suffered martyrdom • Syn: endure • Ant: enjoy • Hypernyms: experience, see, go through • Hyponyms: tolerate, die • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 2. undergo (as of injuries and illnesses) (Freq. 17) - She suffered a fracture in the accident - He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars - She got a bruise on her leg - He got his arm broken in the scuffle • Syn: sustain, have, get • Derivationally related forms: sufferer • Hypernyms: experience, receive, have, get • Hyponyms: break down, collapse, cramp, crack up, crack, crock up, break up • Verb Group: have • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 3. experience (emotional) pain (Freq. 12) - Every time her husband gets drunk, she suffers • Derivationally related forms: sufferer, suffering • Hypernyms: feel, experience • Hyponyms: agonize, agonise, anguish, lose, grieve, sorrow • Verb Group: digest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear, stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, put up • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP - Somebody ----s something - Sam and Sue suffer 4. put up with something or somebody unpleasant (Freq. 8) - I cannot bear his constant criticism - The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks - he learned to tolerate the heat - She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage • Syn: digest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear, stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, put up • Derivationally related forms: sufferance, abidance (for: abide), tolerant (for: tolerate), toleration (for: tolerate), tolerance (for: tolerate), bearable (for: bear), endurance (for: endure) • Hypernyms: permit, allow, let, countenance • Hyponyms: accept, live with, swallow, stand for, hold still for, bear up, take lying down, take a joke, sit out, pay • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Somebody ----s PP (for: put up) - Sam cannot suffer Sue 5. get worse (Freq. 7) - His grades suffered • Hypernyms: worsen, decline • Verb Group: lose • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Something is ----ing PP 6. feel pain or be in pain (Freq. 4) • Syn: hurt • Ant: be well • Derivationally related forms: hurt (for: hurt), hurting (for: hurt), sufferer, suffering, sufferance • Hypernyms: be • Hyponyms: have, gag, choke, strangle, suffocate, ail, starve, hunger, famish • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - Sam and Sue suffer 7. feel physical pain (Freq. 1) - Were you hurting after the accident? • Syn: hurt, ache • Derivationally related forms: sufferer, suffering, ache (for: ache), aching (for: ache), hurt (for: hurt), hurting (for: hurt) • Hypernyms: perceive, comprehend • Hyponyms: catch, get, twinge, prick, sting, kill • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Sam and Sue suffer 8. feel unwell or uncomfortable (Freq. 1) - She is suffering from the hot weather • Hypernyms: be • Hyponyms: freeze, swelter • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP 9. be given to - She suffers from a tendency to talk too much • Hypernyms: tend, be given, lean, incline, run • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s PP 10. undergo or suffer - meet a violent death - suffer a terrible fate • Syn: meet • Hypernyms: experience, see, go through • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 11. be set at a disadvantage - This author really suffers in translation • Syn: lose • Hypernyms: worsen, decline • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - Something is ----ing PP