Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary
1. an active and efficient cause; capable of producing a certain effect (Freq. 21) - their research uncovered new disease agents • Derivationally related forms: agency • Hypernyms: causal agent, cause, causal agency • Hyponyms: vasoconstrictor, vasoconstrictive, pressor, biological agent, biohazard, eliminator, impairer, infectious agent, infective agent, lethal agent, motor, mutagen, quickener, invigorator, enlivener, relaxer, repressor, represser, retardant, retardent, retardation, satisfier, shortener, stressor, teratogen, vector, transmitter, weakener 2. a representative who acts on behalf of other persons or organizations (Freq. 6) • Derivationally related forms: agential, agency • Hypernyms: representative • Hyponyms: business agent, literary agent, bailee, booker, booking agent, deputy, surrogate, employment agent, freight agent, government agent, handler, mill agent, next friend, parliamentary agent, proxy, placeholder, procurator, purchasing agent, secret agent, intelligence officer, intelligence agent, operative, shipping agent, shopper, special agent, talent agent, universal agent, general agent 3. a substance that exerts some force or effect (Freq. 5) • Hypernyms: causal agent, cause, causal agency, substance • Hyponyms: antiflatulent, antifungal, antifungal agent, fungicide, antimycotic, antimycotic agent, disinfectant, germicide, antimicrobic, antimicrobial, drug, vermicide, antacid, gastric antacid, alkalizer, alkaliser, antiacid, bacteriostat, bleaching agent, bleach, blanching agent, whitener, chemical agent, coagulant, coagulator, coolant, dilutant, diluent, thinner, emmenagogue, galactagogue, hypnagogue, hypoglycemic agent, hypoglycaemic agent, inducer, lactifuge, lactogen, mitogen, nerve gas, nerve agent, precipitant, solvating agent, viricide, virucide 4. a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission (Freq. 1) • Syn: factor, broker • Derivationally related forms: broker (for: broker), agential • Hypernyms: businessperson, bourgeois • Hyponyms: auctioneer, insurance broker, insurance agent, general agent, underwriter, investment banker, real estate broker, real estate agent, estate agent, land agent, house agent, ship broker, stockbroker, syndic, travel agent • Member Holonyms: brokerage, brokerage firm, securities firm 5. any agent or representative of a federal agency or bureau • Syn: federal agent • Derivationally related forms: agential • Hypernyms: official, functionary • Hyponyms: Indian agent, Federal, Fed, federal official, trustbuster 6. the semantic role of the animate entity that instigates or causes the happening denoted by the verb in the clause • Syn: agentive role • Hypernyms: semantic role, participant role
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