1 giving things to people who need them or want to use them 2 giving things to people in order to please them 3 giving things to people who have done good work, etc 4 giving so as to help other people giving things when you die DIE see also BORROW/LEND
1 giving things to people who need them or want to use them - to let sb have sth so that they can look at it, use it or keep it for a time: give* sb sth, give* sth to sb She refused to give me my passport back. - to give sth to sb so that they take it in their hand: hand sb sth, hand sth to sb Can you hand me the screwdriver please? - to pick sth up and give it to sb: pass sb sth, pass sth (to sb) Can you pass the ketchup, please? - to give sth, often sth that you no longer want, without asking for or receiving money in return: give* sth away When she retired, she gave away all her books. - to give sth which is needed for some purpose: provide sth As it is a weekend course, accommodation will be provided. - to give a person what they need in order to live: provide for sb He finds it difficult to provide for a large family on a small salary. - to be able to give sth to sb: spare sth Can you spare ten pence for a cup of tea? ※ more on providing people with things PROVIDE ※ giving sth back - if sb has sth which you own and then they give it to you, they give* it back, hand it back, return it to you The chairman handed the papers back to the secretary. ◎ When must I return these books to the library? - to be given sth back: get* sth back - to give back money to sb who has lent it to you: repay* sth I managed to repay the loan after two months. ※ giving things to a number of people - to separate sth into parts and give them to each of a number of people: share sth (out) (among/between people), divide sth (out/up) (among/between people) We shared out the food between the three of us. - what each person gets when sth is shared: share ※ more on sharing things DIVIDE - to give things to a number of people: hand sth out, distribute sth; the act of doing this: distribution (noun C/U) Please hand these papers out to the rest of the class. ◎ I saw somebody distributing leaflets in the street. ※ giving something and getting something else - to give or receive sth in return for sth else: swap A (for B) (with sb), (more formal) exchange A (for B) (with sb) Some people swap houses for a holiday. ◎ Can I exchange this sweater if it's the wrong size? - to give sb (such as an official in the government) money or a gift to persuade them to do sth to help you: bribe sb (to do sth); the money given: bribe; the act of bribing: bribery (noun U) Gordon tried to bribe the traffic warden not to give him a parking ticket. ◎ to offer a bribe to sb ◎ to take/accept bribes
2 giving things to people in order to please them - a thing that you give to sb in order to please them: present, gift to give sb a present ◎ a Christmas/birthday/wedding present ◎ There was a free gift in the cornflakes packet. - to be given sth as a present: get* sth What did you get for Christmas? - to ask if sb would like to be given sth: offer sb sth, offer sth to sb He offered me a cigarette. - to give sb sth that is very special or enjoyable: treat sb to sth; noun: treat Go on, treat yourself to a new dress. ◎ As a special treat I've arranged a trip to the theatre. ※ more on offering OFFER - a person who likes to give a lot of presents, money, help, etc is generous (adverb generously); opposite: mean Please give generously. ◎ It was mean of him not to offer to pay for your taxi. - to give too much to sb or do too much for sb, especially a child, so that you have a bad effect on their character: spoil sb a spoilt child
3 giving things to people who have done good work, etc - money given in return for helping the police, finding sth that was lost, etc: reward; to give a reward: reward sb (for sth) We were given a day's holiday as a reward for working so hard. - something that is given to sb who is successful in a competition, etc: prize I won first prize in the competition. - to give sth officially to sb as a prize, payment, etc: award sth (to sb); something that is given in this way: award The Nobel prizes are awarded every year in Stockholm. ◎ The policewomen received awards for bravery. - to give sth to sb formally or publicly: present sb with sth, present sth to sb The dancers were presented with flowers at the end of the show. - a formal ceremony at which a prize, etc is given: presentation
4 giving so as to help other people - to give money or other things to a particular cause: give* sth (to sth), contribute sth (to sth), (more formal) donate sth (to sth) to give money to a good cause - the money, etc that is given: contribution, donation to make a donation - a person who gives (some of) the money, etc that is needed for sth: contributor, donor - an organization that collects money, etc to help the poor, the sick, etc: charity; the help given in this way: charity (noun U) OXFAM and Save the Children are well known charities in Britain. ◎ We're going on a walk to raise money for charity.