Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
division of numbers NUMBER see also JOIN, PART/WHOLE - to break or separate into parts: divide (into sth); to break or separate sth into parts: divide sth (up) (into sth); noun (U): division When the path divides, take the left fork. ◎ They divided into two groups. ◎ We want to divide the house into flats. ◎ cell division in plants and animals ◎ The division of his property caused a lot of bad feeling among members of his family. - to divide into smaller parts: subdivide; to divide sth into smaller parts: subdivide sth; noun (U): subdivision - to stop being together; to divide: separate (from sb/sth); to cause this to happen: separate sb/sth (from sb/sth); noun (U): separation The wing had separated from the rest of the plane. ◎ The teacher separated the girls from the boys. - to divide people into groups: split* people (up) (into sth); to be divided into groups: split* (up) (into sth) I'm going to split you into three groups. ◎ The students split up into several small groups. ※ being together or separated TOGETHER - to divide sth into two equal parts: halve sth - to divide sth into parts with scissors or a knife: cut* sth in/into ※¦ He cut the apple in half. ◎ Cut the piece of paper into three. - to break sth into parts: break* sth into ※¦ He broke the bar of chocolate into two equal parts. - to divide sth (for example a country, a room) into two parts: partition sth; noun (U): partition Germany was partitioned after the war. - a thing that is used to divide a room: partition I'm thinking of putting up a partition between the kitchen and the dining area. ※ more on cutting and breaking CUT, BREAK - to divide sth and give some of it to other people: share sth (out), share sth (with sb); an amount that one person receives in this way: share We shared out the remaining food. ◎ She always shares her sweets with her friends. ◎ What's my share? ◎ a bigger share of the profits
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