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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

- to make musical sounds with your voice: sing*; noun (U): singing
to sing a song She sang to the children. What lovely singing! singing lessons a singing teacher
- to sing a tune with your lips closed: hum (sth)
Just hum the tune if you don't know the words. She was humming quietly as she worked.
- a person who writes songs: songwriter
※—† songs
- a piece of music which has words that you sing: song
a pop/folk/blues song a love song
- a single musical sound made by a voice or a musical instrument: note
I can only remember the first few notes of the song.
- an arrangement of notes to make a pleasant pattern: tune, melody
I can never remember the tune of that song.
- a group of lines that forms one part of a song: verse
- the part of a song that is repeated at the end of each verse: chorus
- a song which is sung gently in order to help a child to go to sleep: lullaby
- a traditional poem for children, often set to music: nursery rhyme
- a song sung in churches: hymn
- a kind of hymn with words from the Bible: psalm
- a song sung at Christmas: carol
- the official song of a country, played at public events: national anthem
- a song which is often repeated in a film, musical, etc: theme (tune)
※—† singers
- a person who sings: singer
an opera singer a jazz singer
- a large group of people who sing together: choir
the church choir to sing in a choir
- a person who sings alone: soloist
- the kind of sound that you make when you sing or speak is your voice
What kind of singing voice has she got? a high/low voice
- a woman, boy or girl with a high singing voice: soprano (plural sopranos)
- a young boy's high singing voice: treble
- a woman with a low voice: contralto (plural contraltos)
- a man with a very high voice: alto (plural altos)
- a man who has the highest normal singing voice: tenor
- a man with a fairly low voice: baritone
- a man with a very low voice: bass
※—† MORE ...
- if people sing exactly the same thing together, they sing in unison
- if people sing different notes or tunes that combine together pleasantly, they sing in harmony
- a street musician who plays or sings for money: busker; what this person does: busking (noun U)
He's got no job but he earns a bit from busking.

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