1. a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity (Freq. 13) • Syn: lingua, glossa, clapper • Derivationally related forms: lingual (for: lingua) • Hypernyms: organ, articulator • Part Holonyms: mouth, oral cavity, oral fissure, rima oris, throat, pharynx • Part Meronyms: tastebud, taste bud, gustatory organ 2. a human written or spoken language used by a community; opposed to e.g. a computer language (Freq. 4) • Syn: natural language • Ant: artificial language (for: natural language) • Hypernyms: language, linguistic communication • Hyponyms: mother tongue, maternal language, first language, tone language, tonal language, creole, Amerind, Amerindian language, American-Indian language, American Indian, Indian, Eskimo-Aleut, Eskimo-Aleut language, Chukchi, Chukchi language, Sino-Tibetan, Sino-Tibetan language, Austro-Asiatic, Austro-Asiatic language, Munda-Mon-Khmer, Hmong, Hmong language, Miao, Austronesian, Austronesian language, Papuan, Papuan language, Khoisan, Khoisan language, Indo-European, Indo-European language, Indo-Hittite, Ural-Altaic, Basque, Elamitic, Elamite, Susian, Kassite, Cassite, Caucasian, Caucasian language, Dravidian, Dravidic, Dravidian language, Afroasiatic, Afro-Asiatic, Afroasiatic language, Afroasiatic language, Afrasian language, Hamito-Semitic, Niger-Kordofanian, Niger-Kordofanian language, Nilo-Saharan, Nilo-Saharan language 3. any long thin projection that is transient (Freq. 2) - tongues of flame licked at the walls - rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark • Syn: knife • Hypernyms: projection 4. a manner of speaking (Freq. 1) - he spoke with a thick tongue - she has a glib tongue • Hypernyms: manner of speaking, speech, delivery • Hyponyms: sharp tongue 5. metal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the side • Syn: clapper • Derivationally related forms: clap (for: clapper) • Hypernyms: striker • Part Holonyms: bell 6. a narrow strip of land that juts out into the sea • Syn: spit • Hypernyms: cape, ness • Substance Meronyms: sand 7. the tongue of certain animals used as meat • Hypernyms: variety meat, organs • Hyponyms: beef tongue, calf's tongue 8. the flap of material under the laces of a shoe or boot • Hypernyms: flap • Part Holonyms: boot, shoe
1. articulate by tonguing, as when playing wind instruments • Topics: music • Hypernyms: play, spiel • Hyponyms: double tongue, triple-tongue • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s something 2. lick or explore with the tongue • Hypernyms: lick, lap • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody