1. work done by one person or group that benefits another (Freq. 24) - budget separately for goods and services • Hypernyms: work • Hyponyms: consulting service, facility, national service, utility 2. an act of help or assistance (Freq. 8) - he did them a service • Ant: disservice • Hypernyms: aid, assist, assistance, help • Hyponyms: childcare, child care, community service, public service, help desk, helpdesk, seating 3. the act of public worship following prescribed rules (Freq. 5) - the Sunday service • Syn: religious service, divine service • Hypernyms: religious ceremony, religious ritual • Hyponyms: church service, church, devotional, prayer meeting, prayer service, chapel service, chapel, committal service, none, vesper, watch night • Part Meronyms: invocation, supplication 4. a company or agency that performs a public service; subject to government regulation (Freq. 4) • Hypernyms: company • Hyponyms: utility, public utility, public utility company, public-service corporation 5. employment in or work for another (Freq. 3) - he retired after 30 years of service • Hypernyms: employment, work 6. a force that is a branch of the armed forces (Freq. 2) • Syn: military service, armed service • Topics: military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine • Hypernyms: force, personnel • Hyponyms: army, regular army, ground forces, navy, naval forces, coastguard, Marines, air force, airforce • Member Meronyms: military unit, military force, military group, force 7. tableware consisting of a complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table • Syn: table service • Hypernyms: tableware • Hyponyms: dinner service, dinner set, place setting, setting 8. the act of mating by male animals - the bull was worth good money in servicing fees • Syn: servicing • Derivationally related forms: service (for: servicing) • Hypernyms: coupling, mating, pairing, conjugation, union, sexual union 9. (law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him • Topics: case law, precedent, common law • Hypernyms: activity • Hyponyms: socage, military service, knight's service 10. the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone - he accepted service of the subpoena • Syn: serving, service of process • Hypernyms: delivery, bringing 11. periodic maintenance on a car or machine - it was time for an overhaul on the tractor • Syn: overhaul, inspection and repair • Derivationally related forms: overhaul (for: overhaul) • Hypernyms: care, maintenance, upkeep • Hyponyms: interim overhaul 12. a means of serving - of no avail - there's no help for it • Syn: avail, help • Derivationally related forms: avail (for: avail) • Hypernyms: helpfulness 13. (sports) a stroke that puts the ball in play - his powerful serves won the game • Syn: serve • Derivationally related forms: serve (for: serve) • Topics: tennis, lawn tennis, badminton, squash, squash racquets, squash rackets • Hypernyms: tennis stroke, tennis shot • Hyponyms: ace, fault, let, net ball 14. the performance of duties by a waiter or servant - that restaurant has excellent service • Hypernyms: accommodation • Hyponyms: curb service, self-service, valet parking
1. be used by; as of a utility (Freq. 3) - The sewage plant served the neighboring communities - The garage served to shelter his horses • Syn: serve • Hypernyms: function, work, operate, go, run • Verb Group: serve, function • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP - Something ----s somebody - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE 2. make fit for use (Freq. 1) - service my truck - the washing machine needs to be serviced • Hypernyms: tune, tune up • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 3. mate with - male animals serve the females for breeding purposes • Syn: serve • Derivationally related forms: servicing • Hypernyms: copulate, mate, pair, couple • Hyponyms: stand • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something