1. a worker who holds or is invested with an office (Freq. 23) • Syn: functionary • Derivationally related forms: function (for: functionary), officialdom • Hypernyms: skilled worker, trained worker, skilled workman • Hyponyms: apparatchik, appointee, bailiff, beadle, bureaucrat, administrative official, caretaker, censor, census taker, enumerator, church officer, city father, civil servant, commissar, political commissar, Comptroller General, Comptroller of the Currency, diplomat, diplomatist, elected official, equerry, fire marshall, fire warden, forest fire fighter, ranger, hearing examiner, hearing officer, holdover, hangover, incumbent, officeholder, Inquisitor, invalidator, voider, nullifier, judge, justice, jurist, licenser, macebearer, mace, macer, mandarin, notary, notary public, noticer, officer, agent, federal agent, provincial, postmaster general, proconsul, prosecutor, public prosecutor, prosecuting officer, prosecuting attorney, quaestor, recruiter, registrar, record-keeper, recorder, regulator, returning officer, sealer, searcher, searcher, vote counter, town clerk, usher, doorkeeper, vizier, weigher 2. someone who administers the rules of a game or sport (Freq. 3) - the golfer asked for an official who could give him a ruling • Hypernyms: adjudicator • Hyponyms: football official, linesman, referee, ref, scorekeeper, scorekeeper, starter, dispatcher, timekeeper, timer, umpire, ump
1. having official authority or sanction (Freq. 10) - official permission - an official representative • Ant: unofficial • Similar to: authoritative, authorized, authorised, ex officio, formal, formalized, formalised, semiofficial • See Also: authorized, authorised • Derivationally related forms: office 2. of or relating to an office (Freq. 1) - official privileges • Pertains to noun: office • Derivationally related forms: office 3. verified officially (Freq. 1) - the election returns are now official • Similar to: confirmed 4. conforming to set usage, procedure, or discipline - in prescribed order • Syn: prescribed • Similar to: regular • Derivationally related forms: office 5. (of a church) given official status as a national or state institution • Similar to: established, constituted • Topics: church service, church