(poetic) tranquil silence (Freq. 1) - the still of the night • Syn: stillness, still • Derivationally related forms: still (for: still), still (for: stillness) • Topics: poetry, poesy, verse • Hypernyms: silence, quiet
1. become quiet or still; fall silent (Freq. 2) - hush my baby! • Hypernyms: change • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s 2. cause to be quiet or not talk (Freq. 1) - Please silence the children in the church! • Syn: quieten, silence, still, shut up, hush up • Ant: louden (for: quieten) • See Also: hush up • Derivationally related forms: still (for: still), silence (for: silence), silencer (for: silence) • Hypernyms: suppress, stamp down, inhibit, subdue, conquer, curb • Hyponyms: shush, lull, calm down, shout down, gag, muzzle • Verb Group: quieten, quiet, quiesce, quiet down, pipe down • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody 3. become quiet or quieter - The audience fell silent when the speaker entered • Syn: quieten, quiet, quiesce, quiet down, pipe down • Ant: louden (for: quieten) • Derivationally related forms: quiescent (for: quiesce), quiet (for: quiet) • Hypernyms: change intensity • Verb Group: quieten, silence, still, shut up, hush up • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s 4. wash by removing particles - Wash ores • Topics: mining, excavation • Hypernyms: wash, lave • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 5. run water over the ground to erode (soil), revealing the underlying strata and valuable minerals • Topics: mining, excavation • Hypernyms: water, irrigate • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something