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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.sink1 W3 /sɪŋk/ BrE AmE verb (past tense sank /sæŋk/ or sunk /sʌŋk/ American English, past participle sunk /sʌŋk/)
[Language: Old English; Origin: sincan]
1. IN WATER [intransitive] to go down below the surface of water, mud etc OPP float:
Their motorboat struck a rock and began to sink.
The kids watched as the coin sank to the bottom of the pool.
The heavy guns sank up to their barrels in the mud.
2. BOAT [transitive] to damage a ship so badly that it sinks:
A luxury yacht was sunk in a bomb attack yesterday.
3. MOVE LOWER [intransitive] to move downwards to a lower level:
The sun was sinking behind the coconut palms.
Her chin sank onto her chest, and she looked despairing.
4. FALL/SIT DOWN [intransitive] to fall down or sit down heavily, especially because you are very tired and weak
sink into/to/down/back etc
She let out a groan and sank into a chair.
He let go of her shoulders and she sank at once to the floor.
Marion sank down on a rock, and wept.
The minister sank to his knees (=he went down into a kneeling position) and prayed.
5. GET WORSE [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to gradually get into a worse condition
sink into
They lost all their money and sank into desperate poverty.
The good mood left me and I sank into depression.
The doctor said that the boy was sinking fast (=getting weaker and about to die).
6. your heart sinks (also your spirits sink) used to say that you lose hope or confidence:
His heart sank the way it always did when she left him.
She felt desperately tired, and her spirits sank.
7. LOWER AMOUNT/VALUE [intransitive] to go down in amount or value SYN drop OPP rise:
Shares in the company have sunk as low as 620p.
sink to
The population of the village sank to just a few families.
8. VOICE [intransitive] written if your voice sinks, it becomes very quiet
sink to/into
Her voice sank to a whisper.
9. sinking feeling informal the unpleasant feeling that you get when you suddenly realize that something bad is going to happen:
I had a sinking feeling inside as I realized I was going to fail yet again.
10. be sunk spoken to be in a situation where you are certain to fail or have a lot of problems:
If I don’t get paid by next week, I’ll really be sunk.
11. sink without trace especially British English (also sink like a stone especially American English) if something sinks without trace, it fails quickly or no one pays attention to it:
He made a few records, which all sank without trace.
12. sink so low (also sink to doing something) to be dishonest enough or ↑selfish enough to do something very bad or unfair SYN stoop:
How could he have sunk so low?
13. USE SOMETHING SHARP [transitive] to put your teeth or something sharp into someone’s flesh, into food etc
sink something into something
The dog sank its teeth into my arm.
She sank her fork into the pie.
14. DIG INTO GROUND [transitive] if you sink something such as a well or part of a building, you dig a hole to put it into the ground:
A well was sunk in the back garden, and water could be pumped up into the kitchen.
15. sink or swim to succeed or fail without help from anyone else:
They don’t give you a lot of guidance – you’re just left to sink or swim, really.
16. MONEY [transitive] to spend a lot of money on something
sink something in/into something
They sank their entire savings into their house.
17. BALL [transitive] to put a ball into a hole or ↑basket in games such as ↑golf or ↑basketball
18. sink your differences British English to agree to stop arguing and forget about your disagreements, especially in order to unite and oppose someone else:
Nations must sink their differences to achieve greater security.
19. DRINK [transitive] British English informal to drink alcohol, especially in large quantities:
We sank a few pints at the pub first.
sink in phrasal verb

if information, facts etc sink in, you gradually understand them or realize their full meaning:
He paused a moment for his words to sink in.
The implications of Labour’s defeat were beginning to sink in.
II.sink2 S3 BrE AmE noun

a large open container that you fill with water and use for washing yourself, washing dishes etc ⇨ basin:
Dirty plates were piled high in the sink.
everything but the kitchen sink at ↑everything(7)
III.sink3 BrE AmE adjective

sink estate/school British English an area where people live or a school that is in a very bad condition and seems unlikely to improve:
Go to almost any city and you find sink estates where you get the feeling that the council hates the place and the people too.



We can wash our hands at a sink.

danh từ
bồn rửa bát, chậu rửa bát
(từ Mỹ, nghĩa Mỹ) chậu rửa (lavabô)
bể phốt
(nghĩa bóng) vũng nước bẩn, vũng lầy; ổ
a sink of vices
một ổ truỵ lạc
đầm lầy
khe kéo phông (trên (sân khấu))
nội động từ sank; sunk
chìm, thụt, lún
ship sinks
tàu chìm
cart sinks into mud
xe bò lún xuống bùn
lún xuống, trở nên thấp hơn, hạ thấp dần dần
the soldier sank to the ground badly wounded
người lính bị thương nặng, ngã gục xuống
lặn xuống dưới chân trời (mặt trời)
the sun is sinking
mặt trời đang lặn
xuống thấp, lắng xuống
voice sinks
giọng hạ thấp
river sinks
nước sông xuống
mất dần giá trị (sức mạnh..); suy giảm
prices sink
giá sụt xuống
to sink in someone's estimation
mất uy tín đối với ai
hõm vào, hoắm vào (má...)
his eyes have sunk in
mắt anh ta hõm vào
xuyên vào, ăn sâu vào, ngập sâu vào; thấm vào
bayonet sinks in to the hilt
lưỡi lê ngập sâu vào đến tận cán
impression sinks into mind
ấn tượng thấm sâu vào óc
dye sinks in
thuốc nhuộm ăn vào
(nghĩa bóng) chìm, chìm đắm
to sink into degradation
chìm sâu vào sự đê hèn
ngoại động từ
làm chìm, đánh đắm
to sink a ship
đánh chìm tàu
làm phá sản, phá hoại, không để cho thành công, ngăn trở
the press want to sink his bid for the Presidency
báo chí muốn làm thất bại cố gắng của ông ta giành chức Tổng thống
hạ xuống, làm cho thấp xuống, di chuyển xuống
drought sinks stream
hạn hán làm mực nước suối thấp xuống
to sink one's voice to a swhiper
hạ thấp giọng xuống thành một tiếng thì thầm
to sink two posts (into the ground) here
chôn hai cái cột ở đây
để ngả xuống, để rủ xuống
đào, khoan, khắc
to sink a well
đào giếng
to sink a die
khắc con súc sắc
to sink one's name
giấu tên tuổi
to sink a fact
giấu một sự việc
đánh (một quả bóng) vào hố, lỗ (trong bi da, golf..)
(thông tục) uống (nhất là uống nhiều rượu)
they sank a bottle of gin between them
họ uống với nhau hết cả một chai rượu gin
to sink one's own interests
quên mình
to sink oneself
quên mình
to sink one's knees
quỳ sụp xuống
to sink money
đầu tư vốn vào một việc kinh doanh mà khó rút ra; mất vốn bị mắc kẹt trong một việc kinh doanh
sink or swim
(tục ngữ) (dùng cho một tình huống mà ta sẽ thất bại hoàn toàn hoặc là sẽ sống sót bằng nỗ lực của bản thân) một mất một còn; nhất sống nhì chết
The refugees had lost their homes and their possessions, and it was now (a case of) sink or swim
Những người tị nạn đã mất hết nhà cửa và tài sản, và bây giờ là trường hợp nhất sống nhị chết
his heart sank at the sad news
được tin buồn lòng anh ta se lại
to sink one's differences
đồng ý quên đi những sự bất đồng
a/that sinking feeling
(thông tục) cảm thấy có cái gì xấu xảy ra
to sink like a stone
chìm nghỉm
sink in/sink into something
ăn vào, thấm vào một chất khác; bị hút vào (về chất lỏng)
thấm nhuần, thấm thía, được hiểu hoàn toàn (về lời lẽ..)

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