1. an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: "the range of a supersonic jet" (Freq. 15) - a piano has a greater range than the human voice - the ambit of municipal legislation - within the compass of this article - within the scope of an investigation - outside the reach of the law - in the political orbit of a world power • Syn: range, reach, orbit, compass, ambit • Derivationally related forms: compass (for: compass), range (for: range), scopal • Hypernyms: extent • Hyponyms: approximate range, ballpark, confines, contrast, internationality, internationalism, latitude, horizon, view, purview, sweep, expanse, gamut, spectrum, palette, pallet 2. the state of the environment in which a situation exists - you can't do that in a university setting • Syn: setting, background • Derivationally related forms: scopal • Hypernyms: environment • Hyponyms: canvas, canvass, showcase, show window 3. a magnifier of images of distant objects • Syn: telescope • Derivationally related forms: telescopic (for: telescope) • Hypernyms: magnifier • Hyponyms: astronomical telescope, collimator, equatorial, solar telescope, transit instrument • Part Meronyms: aperture, finder, viewfinder, view finder, prism, optical prism 4. electronic equipment that provides visual images of varying electrical quantities • Syn: oscilloscope, cathode-ray oscilloscope, CRO • Hypernyms: electronic equipment • Part Holonyms: radar, microwave radar, radio detection and ranging, radiolocation, cardiac monitor, heart monitor, monitor, monitoring device • Part Meronyms: cathode-ray tube, CRT