1. an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets (Freq. 21) - the flight was delayed due to trouble with the airplane • Syn: airplane, aeroplane • Members of this Topic: astern, circumnavigation, defroster, deicer, inclinometer, dip circle, roll-on roll-off, log, seat, place, highjacker, hijacker, passenger, rider, drift, leeway, titanium, Ti, atomic number 22, prang, hunt • Hypernyms: heavier-than-air craft • Hyponyms: airliner, amphibian, amphibious aircraft, biplane, bomber, delta wing, fighter, fighter aircraft, attack aircraft, hangar queen, jet, jet plane, jet-propelled plane, monoplane, multiengine airplane, multiengine plane, propeller plane, reconnaissance plane, seaplane, hydroplane, ski-plane, tanker plane • Part Meronyms: accelerator, accelerator pedal, gas pedal, gas, throttle, gun, escape hatch, fuselage, hood, bonnet, cowl, cowling, landing gear, navigation light, pod, fuel pod, radome, radar dome, windshield, windscreen, wing 2. (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape (Freq. 16) - we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane - any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane • Syn: sheet • Derivationally related forms: planar • Topics: mathematics, math, maths • Hypernyms: shape, form • Hyponyms: Cartesian plane, facet plane, midplane, midline, orbital plane, picture plane, tangent plane 3. a level of existence or development (Freq. 3) - he lived on a worldly plane • Hypernyms: degree, level, stage, point 4. a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood • Syn: planer, planing machine • Derivationally related forms: plane (for: planer) • Hypernyms: power tool 5. a carpenter's hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood - the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work • Syn: carpenter's plane, woodworking plane • Hypernyms: edge tool, hand tool • Hyponyms: beading plane, block plane, bullnose, bullnosed plane, chamfer plane, circular plane, compass plane, combination plane, dovetail plane, fore plane, jack plane, jointer, jointer plane, jointing plane, long plane, match plane, tonguing and grooving plane, tonguing and grooving plane, rabbet plane, router plane, scrub plane, smooth plane, smoothing plane, spokeshave
1. cut or remove with or as if with a plane (Freq. 2) - The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood • Syn: shave • Derivationally related forms: planer • Hypernyms: cut • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 2. travel on the surface of water • Syn: skim • Hypernyms: glide • Hyponyms: aquaplane • Verb Frames: - Something is ----ing PP 3. make even or smooth, with or as with a carpenter's plane - plane the top of the door • Derivationally related forms: planation, planer • Hypernyms: smooth, smoothen • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something
having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another (Freq. 2) - a flat desk - acres of level farmland - a plane surface - skirts sewn with fine flat seams • Syn: flat, level • Similar to: even • Derivationally related forms: planeness, flatness (for: flat)