1. a small drink of liquor - he poured a shot of whiskey • Syn: shot • Hypernyms: small indefinite quantity, small indefinite amount 2. the property of being moderately cold - the chilliness of early morning • Syn: chilliness, coolness • Derivationally related forms: nippy, cool (for: coolness), chilly (for: chilliness) • Hypernyms: coldness, cold, low temperature, frigidity, frigidness 3. the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth • Syn: relish, flavor, flavour, sapidity, savor, savour, smack, tang • Derivationally related forms: tangy (for: tang), nippy, smack (for: smack), savoury (for: savour), savour (for: savour), savor (for: savor), flavourous (for: flavour), flavour (for: flavour), flavorous (for: flavor), flavor (for: flavor) • Hypernyms: taste, taste sensation, gustatory sensation, taste perception, gustatory perception • Hyponyms: lemon, vanilla 4. a tart spicy quality • Syn: piquance, piquancy, piquantness, tang, tanginess, zest • Derivationally related forms: zesty (for: zest), tangy (for: tanginess), nippy, zest (for: zest) • Hypernyms: spiciness, spice, spicery 5. a small sharp bite or snip • Syn: pinch • Derivationally related forms: pinch (for: pinch) • Hypernyms: bite, chomp, clip, clipping, snip
1. squeeze tightly between the fingers (Freq. 1) - He pinched her behind - She squeezed the bottle • Syn: pinch, squeeze, twinge, tweet, twitch • Derivationally related forms: nipper, squeeze (for: squeeze), pinch (for: pinch) • Hypernyms: grip • Hyponyms: goose, tweak • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 2. give a small sharp bite to (Freq. 1) - The Queen's corgis always nip at her staff's ankles • Hypernyms: bite, seize with teeth • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something 3. sever or remove by pinching or snipping - nip off the flowers • Syn: nip off, clip, snip, snip off • Derivationally related forms: snip (for: snip), snipping (for: snip), clip (for: clip), clipper (for: clip), clipping (for: clip) • Hypernyms: cut • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - Something ----s something