Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

hock [hock hocks hocked hocking] noun, verb BrE [hɒk] NAmE [hɑːk]
1. countable the middle joint of an animal's back leg
2. uncountable, countable (BrE)a German white wine
3. uncountable, countable (especially NAmE) = knuckle (2)
4. uncountable (informal)if sth that you own is in hock, you have exchanged it for money but hope to buy it back later

Word Origin:
n. sense 1 and n. sense 3 late Middle English hough n. sense 2 hockamore German Hochheimer (Wein) ‘(wine) from Hochheim’ n. sense 4 and v. mid 19th cent. in hock Dutch hok ‘hutch, prison, debt’
Idiom:in hock
verb ~ sth (informal)
to leave a valuable object with sb in exchange for money that you borrow
Syn: pawn
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
n. sense 1 and n. sense 3 late Middle English hough n. sense 2 hockamore German Hochheimer (Wein) ‘(wine) from Hochheim’ n. sense 4 and v. mid 19th cent. in hock Dutch hok ‘hutch, prison, debt’

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