racial and other social groups that a person belongs to GROUP, PEOPLE what a person looks like BEAUTIFUL/ATTRACTIVE, BODY, FACE, HAIR what makes one person different from another person PERSONALITY - a man, woman or child: person (plural people) That's terrible - what kind of a person would do a thing like that? ◎ a mature and confident person ◎ all kinds of people - more formal or more scientific words for a person: human, human being; adjective: human Human beings have larger brains than other animals. ◎ human behaviour ◎ the human race (= all human beings) - one single person: individual; for, from or belonging to a single person: individual Each individual must take responsibility for his or her own safety. ◎ the needs of an individual person ◎ individual opinions - a person's inner nature, including the mind and the spirit: (formal) self (noun U) self-knowledge - belonging to or connected with a particular person: personal I'm not interested in your personal views on the matter. ◎ personal belongings (= the things that a person owns) personal qualities (= the good or bad things about a person) These children are your personal responsibility. ◎ personal relationships - as an individual person: personally We're holding you personally responsible. ◎ Do you have any idea what it meant to him personally?