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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

C [C] noun, abbreviation, symbol BrE [siː] NAmE [siː]
noun (also c)countable, uncountable (pl. Cs, C's, c'sBrE [siːz] ; NAmE [siːz] )
1. the third letter of the English alphabet
‘Cat’ begins with (a) C/‘C’.
2. C (music)the first note in the ↑scale of C ↑major
see also middle C
3. Cthe third highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work
She got (a) C/‘C’ in/for Physics.
1. C. Cape
C. Horn (= for example, on a map)
2.Celsius Centigrade
Water freezes at 0° C.
3. (also ©) (NAmE also C.) ↑copyright
© Oxford University Press 2010
see also C. of E., C. & W.
1. (also c)the number 100 in ↑Roman numerals
2. the symbol for the chemical element ↑carbon
See also:©

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