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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.medium1 S3 AC /ˈmiːdiəm/ BrE AmE adjective
1. of middle size, level, or amount:
What size shirt does he wear – small, medium or large?
(of) medium height/length/build
She’s of medium height.
hair of medium length
Fry the onions over a medium heat until they are golden.
medium to large companies
Use average, not ‘medium’, when you want to say that someone’s level of skill or ability is neither high nor low: students of average ability (NOT students of medium ability)
2. (also medium rare) meat that is medium or medium rare is partly cooked but still slightly pink inside ⇨ rare, well-done
3. medium dry medium dry wine is slightly sweeter than dry wine
4. medium brown/blue etc a colour which is neither light nor dark:
His jacket’s a medium brown colour.
II.medium2 AC BrE AmE noun (plural media /-diə/ or mediums) [countable]
1. a way of communicating information and news to people, such as newspapers, television etc ⇨ media:
Advertising is a powerful medium.
2. a way of expressing your ideas, especially as a writer or an artist
medium for
the novel as a medium for satire
the visual media (=painting and films)
3. medium of instruction a language that is used for teaching:
English is still the main medium of instruction in Nigeria.
4. medium of exchange money or other ways of paying for things
5. technical a substance or material in which things grow or exist:
a good growing medium for tomatoes
6. technical a substance through which a force travels
⇨ ↑magnetic media, ⇨ a happy medium at ↑happy(8)
III.medium3 BrE AmE noun
(plural mediums) [countable]
someone who claims to have the power to receive messages from dead people

danh từ, số nhiều là media
sự trung gian; sự môi giới
through (by) the medium of
qua sự môi giới của
phương tiện truyền đạt (phát thanh, truyền hình, ấn loát...)
hoàn cảnh; môi trường
sound travels through the medium of air
âm thanh truyền qua môi trường không khí
danh từ, số nhiều là mediums
trung dung; điểm chiết trung
happy medium
chính sách trung dung, chính sách ôn hoà
medium between tolerance and intolerance
cái trung dung giữa tính khoan dung và tính cố chấp
ông đồng bà cốt; đồng cốt
tính từ
trung bình, trung, vừa
medium wave
(rađiô) làn sóng trung
medium temperature
nhiệt độ trung bình

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