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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.order1 S1 W1 /ˈɔːdə $ ˈɔːrdər/ BrE AmE noun
[Word Family: noun: ↑order ≠ ↑disorder, ↑ordering; adjective: ↑ordered ≠ ↑disordered, ↑orderly ≠ ↑disorderly; verb: ↑order]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: ordre, from Latin ordo 'arrangement, group']
a) in order to do something for the purpose of doing something:
Samuel trained every day in order to improve his performance.
In order to understand how the human body works, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry.
b) in order for/that formal so that something can happen or so that someone can do something:
Sunlight is needed in order for the process of photosynthesis to take place in plants.
2. ARRANGEMENT [uncountable and countable] the way that things or events are arranged in relation to each other, so that one thing is first, another thing is second etc SYN sequence
in the right/correct order
Make sure that you put the books back in the right order.
out of order/in the wrong order
The files are all out of order
in order (=one after another, according to a plan)
Then they call out our names in order and we answer yes or no.
in alphabetical order
Their names are arranged in alphabetical order.
in order of importance/difficulty etc
The cities are listed in order of importance.
Students learn the verbs in order of difficulty.
in ascending/descending order (=starting with the lowest or highest number)
The prices are given in ascending order.
in reverse order
She read out the names in reverse order.
There seemed to be no logical order to the sections.
3. INSTRUCTION [countable usually plural] an instruction to do something that is given by someone in authority
order to do something
The captain had to give the order to abandon ship.
under orders (from somebody) (to do something)
She is under orders to have a complete rest.
on sb’s orders
He was thrown into the river on the emperor’s orders.
by order of somebody
The company cannot be identified by order of the court.
4. CONTROLLED SITUATION [uncountable] a situation in which rules are obeyed and authority is respected:
the breakdown of law and order
The riots are a threat to public order.
keep order/keep somebody in order (=stop people from behaving badly)
The physics teacher couldn’t keep order in any class.
She had trouble keeping her teenage sons in order.
The army was called in to restore order.
5. WELL-ORGANIZED STATE [uncountable] a situation in which everything is controlled, well organized, and correctly arranged:
Let’s have some order in here.
You need to put your financial affairs in order.
She keeps her room in good order.
6. FOR FOOD OR DRINK [countable]
a) a request for food or drink in a restaurant or bar:
The waiter took our orders.
last orders British English (=the last time you can order a drink before a bar closes)
Last orders now please!
b) the food or drink you have asked for in a restaurant or bar:
When our order finally arrived we were very hungry indeed. ⇨ ↑side order
7. FOR GOODS [countable]
a) a request by a customer for a company to supply goods:
Goods will be sent within 24 hours of receiving your order.
You can always cancel your order if you change your mind.
The government has placed an order for (=asked a company to supply) new weapons.
Please complete the enclosed order form.
on order (=asked for, but not yet received)
My bicycle is on order.
make/supply something to order (=produce something especially for a particular customer)
They make hand-made shoes to order.
b) goods that you have ordered from a company:
Your order has arrived – you can collect it from the store any time. ⇨ ↑mail order
8. be out of order
a) if a machine or piece of equipment is out of order, it is not working:
The phone is out of order again.
b) British English informal if someone’s behaviour is out of order, it is unacceptable SYN out of line American English
c) to be breaking the rules in a committee, court, parliament etc:
The MP’s remarks were ruled out of order.
In everyday English, people usually say that a machine or piece of equipment is not working or is broken rather than out of order:
The phone’s not working.
9. be in order
a) if something is in order, it is correct or right:
Everything is in order.
b) to be a suitable thing to do or say on a particular occasion:
I hear congratulations are in order.
c) if an official document is in order, it is legal and correct:
Is your passport in order?
d) if something that you do is in order, it is allowed by the rules in a committee, court, parliament etc
10. be in (good) working/running order in good condition or working well:
She keeps her bicycle in good working order.
11. SOCIAL/ECONOMIC SITUATION [singular] the political, social, or economic situation at a particular time
social/political order
He called the rioters a threat to the social order.
The people of South Africa wanted a new order.
He dared to challenge the established (=traditional) order.
12. be the order of the day
a) to be suitable for a particular occasion or situation:
Casual clothes are the order of the day.
b) to be very common at a particular time – used especially when you disapprove of something:
Sexual explicitness is the order of the day.
13. the order of things the way that life and the world are organized and intended to be:
People accepted the class system as part of the natural order of things.
14. of a high order/of the highest order (also of the first order) of a very good kind or of the best kind:
an achievement of the highest order
15. withdraw/retreat in good order to move away from the enemy in war in an organized way
16. in the order of something/of the order of something (also on the order of something American English) a little more or a little less than a particular amount, especially a high amount SYN approximately:
a figure in the order of $7 million
17. RELIGIOUS GROUP [countable] a society of ↑monks or ↑nuns (=people who live a holy life according to religious rules):
the Benedictine Order
order of
the order of Jesuits
18. take (holy) orders to become a priest
19. SECRET SOCIETY [countable] an organization or a society whose members meet for secret ceremonies
20. OFFICIAL HONOUR [countable] a group of people who have received a special official reward from a king, president etc for their services or achievements:
the Order of the Garter
21. MONEY [countable] an official piece of paper that can be exchanged for money ⇨ ↑money order, ↑postal order
22. the lower orders British English old-fashioned people who belong to the lowest social class
23. ANIMALS/PLANTS [countable] technical a group of animals or plants that are considered together because they ↑evolved from the same plant or animal ⇨ ↑class1(5), ↑species
24. COMPUTER [countable] American English a list of jobs that a computer has to do in a particular order SYN queue British English
25. Order! Order! spoken used to ask people to stop talking in a meeting or parliament
⇨ ↑pecking order, ↑point of order, ↑standing order, ⇨ call somebody/something to order at ↑call1(16), ⇨ set/put your own house in order at ↑house1(7), ⇨ be given/get your marching orders at ↑march1(5), ⇨ in short order at ↑short1(22), ⇨ under starter’s orders at ↑starter, ⇨ tall order at ↑tall
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 2)
the right/correct order Of course, the notes must be played in the right order.
the wrong order The pages had been put in the wrong order.
the same order He always closed the windows in the same order.
reverse order They announced the results in reverse order, starting with the last.
alphabetical order List the names in alphabetical order.
numerical order The dogs are given numbers, and stand in numerical order while the judge looks at them.
chronological order (=the order that things happened in time) The paintings are arranged in chronological order.
ascending/descending order (=with the lowest or highest number first) The films are ranked in ascending order of profitability.
a logical order Put the events of the story into a logical order.
put/arrange something in order Decide what points you want to talk about, and put them in order.
in order of importance/priority/preference etc The country’s main exports were, in order of importance, coffee, sugar, and soya beans.
• • •
COLLOCATIONS (for Meaning 3)
give/issue an order Do not fire until I give the order.
obey an order He refused to obey this order.
follow orders/carry out orders (=obey them) The men argued that they had only been following orders.
take orders from somebody (=be given orders by them and obey them) I don’t take orders from you!
disobey/ignore an order Anyone who disobeys these orders will be severely punished.
have orders to do something The soldiers had orders to shoot anyone on the streets after 10 o'clock.
receive an order The general says he received no order to withdraw.
make an order (=used of a court) The court made an adoption order.
a direct order (=a clear order) What happens to a soldier who disobeys a direct order?
strict orders They had strict orders not to allow anyone through.
a court order (=when a judge in a court says you must do something) Now they’re faced with a court order that could force them to leave.
an executive order (=an order from a president) President Grant issued an executive order establishing a reservation for the Nex Perce Indians.
doctor’s orders (=when the doctor says you must do something) She was to rest as much as possible on doctor’s orders.
II.order2 S2 W2 BrE AmE verb

[Word Family: noun
: ↑order ≠ ↑disorder, ↑ordering; adjective
: ↑ordered ≠ ↑disordered, ↑orderly ≠ ↑disorderly; verb
: ↑order]
1. ASK FOR FOOD/DRINK [intransitive and transitive] to ask for food or a drink in a restaurant, bar etc:
Anne ordered another glass of wine.
Are you ready to order?
He sat down and ordered a meal.
2. ASK FOR GOODS [intransitive and transitive] to ask for goods or services to be supplied:
I’ve ordered a new computer from the supplier.
order somebody something
I’ll order you a taxi.
3. TELL SOMEBODY TO DO SOMETHING [transitive] to tell someone that they must do something, especially using your official power or authority:
The court ordered his release from prison.
‘Stay right there,’ she ordered.
order somebody to do something
Tom was ordered to pay £300 as compensation.
Her doctor had ordered her to rest for a week.
be ordered back to something
The soldiers were ordered back to their units.
order that
He ordered that the house be sold.
4. ARRANGE [transitive] to arrange something in an order:
The list is ordered alphabetically.
• • •
THESAURUS (for Meaning 3)
to tell someone they must do something
order to tell someone that they must do something, using your official power or authority: A policeman ordered him to stop. | He ordered his men to put down their weapons. | ‘Don’t move,’ he ordered.
tell to say to someone that they must do something: Stop telling me what to do! | The headmaster told me to wait outside his office.
give orders/instructions to tell someone exactly what they must do: The police chief gave orders to shoot. | The doctor gave instructions that she should rest as much as possible.
command used about a high-ranking person such as a general, captain, or king ordering someone to do something: The general commanded the troops to fall back. | They believe that the Lord has commanded them to do this.
instruct formal to tell someone to do something, especially when you tell them exactly how it should be done: The architect was instructed to keep the plans simple. | She took three tablets every day, as instructed by her doctor.
direct to give someone an official or legal order to do something: The judge directed the jury to find her not guilty.
subpoena /səˈpiːnə, səb-/ to officially order someone to appear in a court of law in order to answer questions: Another three of the President’s advisors were subpoenaed.
order somebody around (also order somebody about British English) phrasal verb

to give someone orders in an annoying or threatening way:
How dare he order her about like that?
order somebody ↔ out phrasal verb

to order soldiers or police to go somewhere to stop violent behaviour by a crowd:
The governor decided to order out the National Guard.

danh từ
(toán học) bậc
equation of the first order
phương trình bậc nhất
loại, hạng
skills of the highest order
các kỹ năng thuộc loại cao nhất
phẩm cấp
the Order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry
phẩm cấp Gatơ là một cấp hiệp sĩ thời cổ
(tôn giáo) phẩm chức; giáo phẩm
the Order of Priests/Deacons/Bishops
phẩm chức linh mục/trợ tế/giám mục
luật dòng tu
the monastic orders
các luật dòng ở tu viện
the Order of Dominican Friars
luật lệ của các thầy dòng Đôminich
(kiến trúc) kiểu
the five classical orders of architecture
năm kiểu kiến trúc cổ điển
the Doric order
kiểu kiến trúc Đorich
huân chương
to wear all one's orders and medals
đeo tất cả huân chương và huy chương của mình
Labour Order
huân chương lao động
thứ tự; trình tự
in alphabetical order
theo thứ tự abc
in chronological order
theo thứ tự thời gian
arranged in order of size/merit/importance
được xếp thứ tự theo kích thước/công lao/tầm quan trọng
to follow the order of events
theo thứ tự của sự kiện
trật tự, nội quy, thủ tục (ở nghị viện, ở hội trường...), nghi lễ (tôn giáo)
to restore law and order
lập lại an ninh và trật tự
the social order of ants is very interesting
trật tự xã hội của loài kiến rất đáng chú ý
to call to order
nhắc phải theo đúng nội quy
the rules of order
các nguyên tắc của nội quy
the order of business
thủ tục kinh doanh
I want to raise a point of order
tôi muốn nêu lên vấn đề về thủ tục
to put/leave/set one's affairs, papers, accounts in order
để/đặt/thu xếp công việc, giấy tờ, sổ sách kế toán cho có trật tự
get your ideas into some kind of order before beginning to write
hãy sắp xếp ý tưởng của anh theo trình tự nào đó rồi hãy bắt đầu viết
some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes/to keep their classes in order
một số giáo viên thấy rằng khó giữ được trật tự trong lớp họ
the order of service as laid down in the prayer-book
nghi lễ như trong sách kinh đã đề ra
các thành viên của một nhóm, một tầng lớp
the lower classes
những tầng lớp dưới
nhóm động vật, thực vật có liên quan nhau, bên dưới lớp và bên trên họ; bộ
the rose and the bean families belong to the same order
họ hoa hồng và họ đậu thuộc cùng một bộ
mệnh lệnh, chỉ thị
soldiers must obey orders
binh lính phải chấp hành mệnh lệnh
he gave orders for the work to be started/that the work should be started immediately
ông ta ra lệnh phải bắt đầu công việc ngay
my orders prevent me from doing that
mệnh lệnh (tôi nhận được) ngăn không cho tôi làm việc đó
sự đặt hàng, đơn đặt hàng
to fill an order
thực hiện đơn đặt hàng (cung cấp hàng theo yêu cầu)
we received an order for two tons of coal
chúng tôi nhận được đơn đặt hai tấn than
hàng được cung cấp
a delivery van has brought the grocery order
chiếc xe giao hàng đã chở hàng tạp phẩm đặt mua đến
your order has arrived
hàng ông đặt đã tới
phiếu, lệnh
a banker's/postal order
phiếu cho ngân hàng/bưu điện chi trả
a court order to allow a divorced man to visit his children
một lệnh của toà án cho phép người đàn ông đã ly hôn được đến thăm con cái của mình
order! order!
chú ý!; trật tự!
to be in/take (holy) orders
trở thành tu sĩ; đi tu
to be under orders (to do something)
được lệnh phải làm gì
I'm under strict orders not to let any stranger in
tôi được lệnh nghiêm ngặt không cho bất cứ người lạ nào vào
by order of somebody/something
theo lệnh của một người có quyền
by order of the court/Governor
theo lệnh của toà án/thống đốc
in apple-pie order
xem apple
in running/working order
(máy móc) chạy tốt, êm
in order
hợp lệ
is your passport in order?
hộ chiếu của anh có hợp lệ không?
to be in bad order
xấu, hỏng (máy)
to be in good order
tốt, chạy tốt
đúng nội quy, đúng thủ tục
out of order
xấu, hỏng (máy)
không đúng nội quy, không đúng thủ tục
in order that
cốt để, mục đích để
he left early in order that he should arrive on time
ông ta đi sớm cốt là để đến đúng giờ
in order to do something
để mà, cốt để mà
she arrived early in order to get a good seat
cô ta đến sớm để có được chỗ ngồi tốt
in order to do something
theo thủ tục, nội quy
it's not in order to interrupt
theo nội quy không được phép ngắt lời
is it in order to speak now?
theo nội quy thì bây giờ có được nói hay không?
on order
đã đặt rồi nhưng chưa nhận được
I've got two books on order at the bookshop
tôi đã đặt mua hai cuốn sách ở hiệu sách (nhưng chưa nhận được)
of/in the order of something
khoảng, chừng
her salary is in the order of $150 a week
lương cô ta khoảng 150 đô la một tuần
in short order
nhanh và không ồn ào; nhanh gọn
in/into reverse order
xem reverse
an order to view
giấy của một người kinh doanh bất động sản cho phép khách đi xem ngôi nhà mà mình muốn mua
in short order
như short
the pecking order
xem peck
a point of order
xem point
to put/set one's own house in order
xem house
to take orders from somebody
làm theo lệnh của ai
a tall order
xem tall
(made) to order
(được làm) theo yêu cầu của khách hàng
this company will tailor a suit to order
công ty này cắt quần áo theo yêu cầu của khách hàng
under the orders of somebody
dưới quyền của ai
under starter's orders
xem starter
to get one's/give somebody his marching orders
xem march
the order of the day
chương trình làm việc; chương trình nghị sự
industry is the order of the day
công nghiệp là vấn đề trọng tâm hiện nay
good behaviour must be the order of the day when the school inspector comes
tư cách đạo đức tốt hẳn là nộidung chương trình làm việc khi ông thanh tra học đường tới
ngoại động từ
ra lệnh
to order an enquiry
ra lệnh điều tra
the doctor ordered me to stay in bed
bác sĩ ra lệnh cho tôi phải nằm nghỉ
the boy was ordered out of the room
đứa bé được lệnh phải ra khỏi phòng
the judge ordered that the prisoner should be remanded
quan toà ra lệnh tù nhân phải được trả lại trại giam để điều tra thêm
we ordered him to leave immediately
chúng tôi ra lệnh cho nó phải đi ngay lập tức
to be ordered abroad
được lệnh ra nước ngoài
chỉ dẫn; cho, cho dùng (thuốc...)
the doctor ordered a purge
bác sĩ cho uống thuốc xổ
gọi (món ăn, thức uống...), bảo người hầu đưa (thức ăn...); đặt (hàng...)
we haven't ordered yet
chúng tôi chưa gọi món nào cả
she ordered lunch at 1:30
bà ta đặt bữa trưa vào lúc 1 giờ rưỡi
I've ordered a steak
tôi đã gọi một miếng bít tết
he ordered himself a pint of beer
nó gọi cho mình một panh bia
I've ordered you egg and chips, I've ordered you egg and chips for you
tôi đã gọi cho anh trứng và khoai tây rán
to order two roast chickens and five bottles of beer
gọi hai con gà quay và năm chai bia
I've ordered a new carpet (from the shop)
tôi đã đặt mua một tấm thảm mới (ở cửa hàng)
we don't have the book in stock but we can order it
chúng tôi không có cuốn sách đó trong kho nhưng chúng tôi có thể đặt mua được
he ordered himself three shirts
nó đặt riêng cho nó ba áo sơ mi
she ordered a garden chair for her husband
bà ta đặt một chiếc ghế ngồi ở vườn cho chồng
thu xếp, sắp đặt
he ordered his life according to strict rules
ông ta thu xếp cuộc sống của mình theo những quy tắc chặt chẽ
I must have time to order my thoughts
tôi phải có thời gian để sắp xếp lại ý tưởng
to order somebody about/around
sai ai chạy như cờ lông công; sai ai luôn miệng
to order somebody off
(thể thao) ra lệnh cho ai rời khỏi bãi (vì đã phạm luật)
to order somebody out
ra lệnh (cho cảnh sát, quân đội) diễu hành để trấn an dân chúng
the government ordered the police out to restore order in the streets
chính phủ ra lệnh cho cảnh sát triển khai để khôi phục trật tự trên đường phố

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