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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.chatter1 /ˈtʃætə $ -ər/ BrE AmE verb [intransitive]
[Date: 1200-1300; Origin: From the sound]
1. (also chatter away/on) to talk quickly in a friendly way without stopping, especially about things that are not serious or important:
She chattered away happily until she noticed I wasn’t listening.
She chattered excitedly like a child.
chatter about
We were chattering about the events of last night.
2. if birds or monkeys chatter, they make short high sounds
3. if your teeth are chattering, you are so cold or frightened that your teeth are knocking together
4. the chattering classes British English educated ↑middle-class people who like to discuss and have opinions about recent events and situations in society
—chatterer noun
II.chatter2 BrE AmE noun
1. informal talk, especially about things that are not serious or important
chatter of
the excited chatter of the audience
Jane’s constant chatter was annoying him.
gossip and idle chatter
She was full of chatter about her new friends.
2. a series of short high sounds made by some birds or monkeys
chatter of
the chatter of birds
3. a hard quick repeated sound made by your teeth knocking together or by machines
chatter of
the chatter of the printer

danh từ
tiếng hót líu lo, tiếng ríu rít (chim); tiếng róc rách (suối)
sự nói huyên thuyên, sự nói luôn mồm (người)
tiếng lập cập (răng)
tiếng lạch cạch (của máy bị xọc xạch, bị rơ)
nội động từ
hót líu lo, hót ríu rít (chim); róc rách (suối)
nói huyên thuyên, nói luôn mồm
lập cập (răng đập vào nhau)
kêu lạch cạch (máy bị xọc xạch, bị jơ)
to chatter like a magpie
nói như khướu

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