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I.bite1 S2 /baɪt/ BrE AmE verb (past tense bit /bɪt/, past participle bitten /ˈbɪtn/, present participle biting)
[Language: Old English; Origin: bitan]

1. TEETH [intransitive and transitive] to use your teeth to cut, crush, or chew something:
The dog bit him and made his hand bleed.
bite into/through/at/down
She bit into a croissant and took a sip of coffee.
An adult conger eel can easily bite through a man’s leg.
Nina pushed her fist into her mouth and bit down hard.
bite something off
a man whose arm was bitten off by an alligator
bite your nails (=bite the nails on your fingers, especially because you are nervous)
I wish I could stop biting my nails.
bite your lip (=because you are upset or not sure what to say)
She paused uncertainly, biting her lip.
2. INSECT/SNAKE [intransitive and transitive] to injure someone by making a hole in their skin ⇨ sting:
I think I’ve been bitten.
The dog’s been badly bitten by fleas.
3. PRESS HARD [intransitive] if an object bites into a surface, it presses firmly into it and does not move or slip
bite into
The hooves of the galloping horses had bitten deep into the soft earth.
He wore boots that bit into the ice.
4. EFFECT [intransitive] to start to have an unpleasant effect:
The new tobacco taxes have begun to bite.
bite into
The recession is biting into the music industry.
5. ACCEPT [intransitive] to believe what someone tells you, or to buy something they are selling, especially when they have persuaded you to do this:
The new camcorders were withdrawn after consumers failed to bite.
6. FISH [intransitive] if a fish bites, it takes food from a hook and so gets caught:
The fish just aren’t biting today.
7. bite your tongue to stop yourself from saying what you really think, even though this is difficult:
She should have bitten her tongue.
8. bite the dust informal to die, fail, or be defeated:
Italy’s championship hopes eventually bit the dust.
9. bite the bullet informal to start dealing with an unpleasant or dangerous situation because you cannot avoid it any longer:
I finally bit the bullet and left.
10. bite off more than you can chew to try to do more than you are able to do
11. he/she won’t bite spoken used to say that there is no need to be afraid of someone, especially someone in authority:
Well, go and ask him – he won’t bite!
12. what’s biting you/her etc? spoken used to ask why someone is annoyed or upset
13. somebody/something bites spoken not polite used to say that you dislike someone or something very much or think that something is very bad
14. once bitten, twice shy used to say that if you have failed or been hurt once, you will be more careful next time
15. bite the hand that feeds you to harm someone who has helped or supported you
16. be bitten by the showbiz/travel/flying etc bug to develop a very strong interest in something
bite sb’s head off at ↑head1(33), ⇨ ↑nail-biting
• • •
bite to use your teeth to cut, crush, or chew something: The dog bit me! | I sometimes bite my fingernails when I’m nervous. | He bit into the apple.
chew to keep biting something that is in your mouth: Helen was chewing a piece of gum. | He was chewing on a cigar.
gnaw if an animal gnaws something, it bites it repeatedly: The dog was in the yard gnawing on a bone.
nip somebody/give somebody a nip to give someone or something a small sharp bite: When I took the hamster out of his cage, he nipped me.
nibble to take a lot of small bites from something: A fish nibbled at the bait. | She sat at her desk, nibbling her sandwich.
sink your teeth into somebody/something to bite someone or something with a lot of force, so that your teeth go right into them: The dog sank its teeth into my leg. | He sank his teeth into the steak.
chomp on something informal to bite something and chew it in a noisy way: The donkey was chomping on a carrot. | He was chomping away on big slice of toast.
sting if an insect stings you, it makes a very small hole in your skin. You use sting about bees, wasps, and scorpions, and bite about mosquitoes, ants, spiders, and snakes: She stepped on a wasps’ nest and must have been stung at least 20 times.
bite back phrasal verb

1. bite something ↔ back to stop yourself from saying or showing what you really think:
Tamar bit back the retort that sprang to her lips.
2. to react strongly and angrily to something
bite back at
Determined to bite back at car thieves, he wired his car to an electric fence.
II.bite2 S3 BrE AmE noun

1. USING TEETH [countable] the act of cutting or crushing something with your teeth:
Antonio devoured half his burger in one bite.
take/have a bite (of something/out of something)
She picked up the sandwich and took a bite.
Can I have a bite of your apple?
give somebody a bite
Some fish can give you a nasty bite.
Her body was covered in bite marks.
2. WOUND [countable] a small hole made where an animal or insect has bitten you
snake/ant etc bite
bite of
The infection is passed by the bite of a mosquito.
3. a bite (to eat) informal a small meal:
We had a bite to eat and a couple of drinks before the flight.
4. TASTE [uncountable] a pleasantly sharp taste:
Goat’s cheese adds extra bite to any pasta dish.
5. COLD [singular] a feeling of coldness:
There was no mistaking the approach of winter; he could feel its bite.
6. STRONG EFFECT [uncountable] a special quality in a performance, piece of writing etc that makes its arguments very effective and likely to persuade people:
The film gains incisive bite from Sellers’ performance as the union chief.
7. FISH [countable] when a fish takes the food from a hook:
Sometimes I sit for hours and never get a bite.
8. another/a second bite at the cherry British English a second chance to do something
9. JAW [countable usually singular] technical the way that a person or animal’s top and bottom teeth touch when their mouth is closed:
Our dentist said that Emmy should wear a brace to improve her bite.
⇨ ↑love bite, ↑sound bite, ⇨ sb’s bark is worse than their bite at ↑bark2(4)

danh từ
sự cắn, sự ngoạm; miếng cắn; vết cắn
sự châm, sự đốt; nốt đốt (muỗi, ong...)
miếng (thức ăn); thức ăn
a bite of food
một miếng ăn
without bite and soup
không cơm nước gì cả
sự đau nhức, sự nhức nhối của vết thương
sự cắn câu (cá...)
sự bám chắt, sự ăn sâu (mỏ neo, phanh, đinh ốc...)
vị cay tê (gừng, hạt tiêu...)
(nghĩa bóng) sự châm biếm, sự chua cay (lời nói)
cỏ cho vật nuôi
động từ bất quy tắc bit; bitten
cắn, ngoạm
to bite one's nails
cắn móng tay
châm đốt; đâm vào (gươm...)
to be badly bitten by mosquitoes
bị muỗi đốt nhiều quá
làm đau, làm nhột; ăn mòn; làm cay tê (thức ăn)
the frost will bite the fruit blossom
sương giá sẽ làm chột mầm quả
strong acids bite metals
axit mạnh ăn mòn kim loại
pepper and ginger bite the tongue
hạt tiêu và gừng làm cay tê lưỡi
cắn câu ((nghĩa đen), (nghĩa bóng))
bám chắt, ăn sâu, bắt vào
the screw does not bite
đinh ốc không bắt vào được
the anchor does not bite
neo không bám chắc
the brake will not bite
phanh không ăn
(nghĩa bóng) lừa bịp
to bite off
cắn, cắn đứt ra
to be bitten with
say mê, ham mê (cái gì)
to bite the dust (ground, sand)
ngã xuống và chết
to bite one's lips
mím môi (để nén giận...)
to bite off more than one can chew
cố làm việc gì quá sức mình
to bite the bullet
nhẫn nhục chịu đựng, ngậm đắng nuốt cay
to bite someone's head off
mắng nhiếc thậm tệ
the biter bit
kẻ bị lừa trước khi định lừa người khác
to bite one's tongue
cố gắng không nói ra điều mình nghĩ hoặc cảm thấy; tự trách mình đã nói ra những điều khiến người khác đau lòng
sb's bark is worse than his bite
trông bề ngoài hung tợn, chứ thực chất không phải vậy
to bite the hand that feeds one
ăn ở bội bạc, ăn cháo đá bát
once bitten, twice shy
một lần bị cắn là tởn tới già; phải một bận, cạch đến già
what's biting him?
tại sao hắn lo âu thế?

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