1. seed of a pea plant used for food (Freq. 3) • Hypernyms: legume • Hyponyms: green pea, garden pea, marrowfat pea, cajan pea, pigeon pea, dahl, field pea 2. the fruit or seed of a pea plant • Hypernyms: legume • Hyponyms: garden pea • Part Holonyms: pea plant • Part Meronyms: pea pod, peasecod 3. a leguminous plant of the genus Pisum with small white flowers and long green pods containing edible green seeds • Syn: pea plant • Hypernyms: legume, leguminous plant • Hyponyms: garden pea, garden pea plant, common pea, Pisum sativum, edible-pod pea, edible-pod pea, Pisum sativum macrocarpon, field pea, field-pea plant, Austrian winter pea, Pisum sativum arvense, Pisum arvense • Member Holonyms: Pisum, genus Pisum