tickets for travelling by bus, train, etc TRAVEL - the place where you buy a ticket (for any kind of event): ticket office, booking office; in a theatre, cinema, etc: box office - the amount you pay for a ticket: price What's the price of a ticket for the Scotland-England match? - to wait in a line of people to buy a ticket: queue (up) (for sth)/(to do sth) Queue here for the 1.30 performance. - a line of people who are waiting: queue (AmE line) Is this the queue for 'The Jungle Book'? - to arrange to buy a ticket in advance: book a ticket; noun (C/U) booking Did you book those tickets for the opera on Thursday? ◎ a booking in the name of McDonald ◎ Booking for the show doesn't start until next Monday. - if all tickets have been sold, sth is fully booked, booked up, sold out We can't take the children to the pantomime this year - it's already fully booked. - a ticket that can be used repeatedly for a fixed period of time: season ticket Some football fans buy season tickets to watch their club's home games. - a ticket that is cheaper for certain groups of people such as students or old people: concession Do you have concessions for students? - a free ticket: complimentary ticket