Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 different kinds of animal 2 parts of an animal 3 animal behaviour 4 animal sounds 5 keeping and looking after animals 6 killing animals animals as food BIRD 2, FISH 2, FOOD, MEAT see also BIRD 1, INSECT, FISH 1
1 different kinds of animal - a living creature that is not a plant: animal - an animal which feeds on milk from its mother's body when young: mammal - an animal such as a snake or a crocodile that has a scaly skin and lays eggs: reptile - an animal that can live both on land and in water: amphibian - a large kind of animal which disappeared from the earth a long time ago: dinosaur - an animal that has a body temperature that varies with the temperature of the surroundings is cold-blooded; opposite: warm-blooded - all the animals in the world make up the animal kingdom - a group of animals that are similar to each other: species (plural species) an endangered species - a species of animal that no longer exists is extinct; noun (U): extinction Note: animal is sometimes used to mean all living creatures that are not plants, sometimes to mean living creatures of this kind that are not humans, and sometimes to mean living creatures which have four legs (and therefore not including humans, birds, fish, insects or reptiles). - animals living in natural surroundings are wild wild rabbits - wild animals, birds and plants: wildlife (noun U) - animals that are kept on farms or in people's homes and are not wild are domestic domestic cats - animals that have become used to living near people and being controlled by them are tame, domesticated - animals that live on farms: farm animals - more on domestic animals CAT, COW, DOG, HORSE, PIG, SHEEP, FARM - more on wild animals LION/LEOPARD/TIGER, SNAKE
2 parts of an animal - the long thin part at the end of the body of an animal, bird or fish: tail - one of the hard pointed things that cows, goats, etc have on their heads: horn - the foot of animals such as cats, dogs and bears: paw - the foot of animals such as cows and horses: hoof (plural hooves) - one of the sharp nails on the feet of some animals and birds: claw - one of the front legs of an animal with four legs: foreleg; one of the back legs: hind leg - the soft thick hair on the body of some animals (for example, cats): fur (noun U); adjective: furry - the hair or fur covering an animal's body: coat a dog with a smooth coat - the outer covering of many fish and reptiles: scales (noun plural); adjective: scaly
3 animal behaviour - the natural home of an animal: habitat the panda's natural habitat - the hidden home of some wild animals: den a lion's den - a hole in the ground made by certain animals (for example, rabbits) in which they live: burrow - an animal that lives naturally in an area is native (to a place), indigenous (to a place) Lions are native to Africa. ◎ various native species of birds and animals - when animals hide away and spend the winter in a deep sleep, they hibernate - a group of large animals (for example, cows, goats, sheep, elephants): herd a large herd of wildebeest ※ young animals - young animals: young (noun plural) Most animals will kill to protect their young. - a young animal: (informal) baby a baby bird/elephant - when animals have sex and produce young, they mate The penguins move away from the beach to make their nests and mate. - ready to mate: on heat - to produce young animals: breed* Some animals will not breed in zoos. - all the young animals that are born to one mother at the same time: litter a litter of kittens/puppies ※ food and eating - (used about animals) to eat: feed* (on sth) Frogs feed mainly on insects. - an animal that eats only meat: carnivore; adjective: carnivorous - an animal that eats only plants: herbivore; adjective: herbivorous Cows are herbivorous animals but lions are carnivores. - (used about cows and sheep) to eat grass in a field: graze Cows were grazing in the fields. - to bite sth (for example a bone) many times, as some animals do: gnaw (at/on) sth, chew on sth The dog was chewing on a bone. - (used about a bird) to eat or bite sth with the beak: peck (at) sth Look at that bird pecking at the berries in the tree. - when an animal uses its tongue to drink, it laps sth (up) - (used about an animal or bird) to kill and eat other animals or birds: prey on sth Lions prey on young antelopes and zebras. - an animal that kills and eats other animals: predator; an animal that is preyed on: prey (noun U) - waste matter from the bodies of small animals and birds: droppings (noun plural) - waste matter from the bodies of large animals: dung (noun U) cow dung
4 animal sounds ANIMAL | SOUND | bees | buzz | bulls | bellow | birds | chirp | cats | miaow, purr | cocks | crow | cows | moo | dogs | bark | donkeys | bray | doves or pigeons | coo | ducks | quack | frogs | croak | hens | cluck | horses | neigh | lions | roar | owls | hoot | pigs | grunt, squeal | sheep | bleat | snakes | hiss | wolves | howl | - the sound an animal makes in the wild to attract attention: call the mating call of the tree frog - the musical sound that a bird makes: song Note: the words in the table can be used as verbs and nouns: Frogs croak. ◎ a frog's croak. Uncountable nouns can be made with '-ing': the roaring of lions.
5 keeping and looking after animals - an animal that is kept at home for company or pleasure: pet to keep a pet ◎ a pet parrot - a shop where small animals are sold: pet shop - pets that are trained to behave well in the house and do not make it dirty are house-trained Is your puppy house-trained? - to rub an animal gently with your hand: stroke sth - to give an animal food: feed* sth Did anybody remember to feed the cat? - food for cats, dogs, etc: cat food (noun U), dog food (noun U), etc - cats, dogs, etc are given food in a bowl ※ feeding animals on a farm FARM - to keep animals in order to produce young from them: breed* sth; a person who does this: breeder to breed racehorses ◎ a dog breeder - a type of a particular animal: breed a popular breed of cat - an animal doctor: vet We took our cat to the vet to be treated for an injured leg. - a period of time when animals that may have diseases must be kept away from other animals: quarantine (noun U) Our dogs have got to go into quarantine for six months. ※ farms - an area of land and buildings used for growing crops and keeping animals: farm - a large area of farm land especially in America where cows and horses are kept: ranch - a person who takes care of wild birds and deer on private land: gamekeeper - to move animals forward together (in a herd): herd sth I herded the sheep into the field and shut the gate. - to gather a group of animals in one place: round sth up They rounded up the cows to take them into town. ※ more on farms FARM ※ zoos and reserves - a place where many wild and unusual animals are kept for people to look at: zoo - a type of box with metal bars in which a bird or animal is kept so that it cannot escape: cage - a person who takes care of animals in a zoo: keeper - an area of protected land for animals and plants: game park, reserve a nature reserve - a park where large animals live and move freely and are watched by visitors from their cars: safari park - the protection of animals and the natural world: conservation (noun U); a person who does this: conservationist
6 killing animals - to cause an animal to die: kill sth I don't approve of animals being killed for sport. - to kill an animal because it is old, sick or dangerous: put* sth down, destroy sth Following the accident, the horse had to be put down. ◎ The court ordered the dog to be destroyed. - to kill an animal for food: slaughter sth; noun (U): slaughter They slaughtered a goat to celebrate his arrival. ◎ The sheep were sent for slaughter. - to kill a bird by twisting its neck: wring* the neck of sth - a place where animals are killed for food: slaughterhouse, abattoir - to look for and follow wild animals in order to catch or kill them either for food or for sport: hunt (sth); noun (U): hunting; a person who hunts: hunter - to take or kill animals, birds or fish from sb's land without permission: poach sth; a person who does this: poacher ※ more on hunting HUNT - a substance that is used for killing insects: insecticide (noun C/U) to spray crops with insecticide - a substance that is used for killing animals and insects that eat food crops: pesticide (noun C/U) the effect of pesticides on the environment ※ MORE ... - if an animal or insect destroys food and plants, it is a pest - an animal, insect or plant that lives on another animal or plant and takes its food from it: parasite - the study of animals: zoology (noun U); adjective: zoological; a person who studies animals: zoologist - the study of all living things: biology (noun U); adjective: biological; a person who studies living things: biologist - an imaginary animal that looks like a very large lizard: dragon - an imaginary animal that looks like a horse and has a single horn: unicorn
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