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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.carry1 S1 W1 /ˈkæri/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle carried, present participle carrying, third person singular carries)
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old North French; Origin: carier 'to take in a vehicle', from car 'vehicle', from Latin carrus; ⇨ ↑car]
1. LIFT AND TAKE [transitive] to hold something in your hand or arms, or support it as you take it somewhere:
Gina was carrying a small bunch of flowers.
Angela carried the child in her arms.
Let me carry that for you.
Jack carried his grandson up the stairs.
carry something to something/somebody
The waiter carried our drinks to the table.
2. VEHICLE/SHIP/PLANE [transitive] to take people or things from one place to another in a vehicle, ship, or plane:
The ship was carrying drugs.
There are more airplanes carrying more people than ever before.
3. PIPE/WIRE ETC [transitive] if a pipe, wire etc carries something such as liquid or electricity, the liquid, electricity etc flows or travels along it:
A drain carries surplus water to the river.
The aim is for one wire to carry both television and telephone calls.
4. MOVE SOMETHING [transitive] to cause something to move along or support something as it moves along:
This stretch of water carries a lot of shipping.
The bridge carries the main road over the railway.
Pollution was carried inland by the wind.
5. HAVE WITH YOU [transitive] to have something with you in your pocket, on your belt, in your bag etc everywhere you go:
I don’t carry a handbag. I just carry money in my pocket.
All the soldiers carried rifles.
He says he’s got to carry a knife to protect himself.
6. HAVE A QUALITY [transitive] to have something as a particular quality:
Degree qualifications carry international recognition.
Few medical procedures carry no risk of any kind.
Older managers carry more authority in a crisis.
The plan is not likely to carry much weight with (=have much influence over) the authorities.
If the child believes in what she is saying, she will carry conviction (=make others believe what she says is true).
7. NEWS/PROGRAMMES [transitive] if a newspaper, a television or radio broadcast, or a website carries a piece of news, an advertisement etc, it prints it or broadcasts it:
The morning paper carried a story about demonstrations in New York and Washington D.C.
The national TV network carries religious programmes.
8. INFORMATION [transitive] if something carries information, the information is written on it:
All tobacco products must carry a health warning.
goods carrying the label ‘Made in the USA’
9. BE RESPONSIBLE [transitive] to be responsible for doing something:
Each team member is expected to carry a fair share of the workload.
Which minister carries responsibility for the police?
Parents carry the burden of ensuring that children go to school.
10. SHOP [transitive] if a shop carries goods, it has a supply of them for sale:
The sports shop carries a full range of equipment.
11. BUILDING [transitive] if a wall etc carries something, it supports the weight of that thing:
These two columns carry the whole roof.
12. TAKE SOMEBODY/SOMETHING [transitive] to take something or someone to a new place, point, or position
carry somebody/something to something
The President wanted to carry the war to the northern states.
Blair carried his party to victory in 1997.
carry somebody/something into something
Clinton carried his campaign into Republican areas.
13. DISEASE [transitive] if a person, animal, or insect carries a disease, they can pass it to other people or animals even if they are not ill themselves ⇨ carrier:
The disease is carried by a black fly which lives in the rivers.
Birds and monkeys can carry disease.
14. carry insurance/a guarantee etc to have insurance etc:
All our products carry a 12-month guarantee.
15. be/get carried away to be so excited, angry, interested etc that you are no longer really in control of what you do or say, or you forget everything else:
It’s easy to get carried away when you can do so much with the graphics software.
16. be carried along (by something) to become excited about something or determined to do something:
The crowd were carried along on a tide of enthusiasm.
You can be carried along by the atmosphere of an auction and spend more than you planned.
17. CRIME [transitive] if a crime carries a particular punishment, that is the usual punishment for the crime:
Drink-driving should carry an automatic prison sentence.
Murder still carries the death penalty.
18. SOUND [intransitive] if a sound carries, it goes a long way:
In the winter air, sounds carry clearly.
The songs of the whales carry through the water over long distances.
19. BALL [intransitive] if a ball carries a particular distance when it is thrown, hit, or kicked, it travels that distance
20. carry something in your head/mind to remember information that you need, without writing it down:
Alice carried a map of the London Underground in her head.
21. TUNE [transitive] to sing a tune using the correct notes:
I sang solos when I was six because I could carry a tune.
The highest voice carries the melody.
22. PERSUADE [transitive] to persuade a group of people to support you:
He had to carry a large majority of his colleagues to get the leadership.
Her appeal to common sense was what finally carried the day (=persuaded people to support her).
23. VOTE be carried if a suggestion, proposal etc is carried, most of the people at an official meeting vote for it and it is accepted:
The amendment was carried by 292 votes to 246.
The resolution was carried unanimously (=everyone agreed).
Those in favour of the motion raise your arm. Those against? The motion is carried (=proposal is accepted).
24. ELECTION [transitive] American English if someone carries a state or local area in a US election, they win in that state or area:
Cuban Americans play an important role in whether he carries Florida in the fall campaign.
25. YOUR BODY [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to stand and move in a particular way, or to hold part of your body in a particular way:
He had a way of carrying his head on one side.
carry yourself
She carried herself straight and with confidence.
26. carry the can (for somebody/something) British English informal to be the person who has to take the blame for something even if it was not their fault, or not their fault alone:
He has been left to carry the can for a decision he didn’t make.
27. NOT ENOUGH EFFORT [transitive] if a group carries someone who is not doing enough work, they have to manage without the work that person should be doing:
The team can’t afford to carry any weak players.
28. CHILD [intransitive and transitive] old-fashioned if a woman is carrying a child, she is ↑pregnant
29. carry all/everything before you literary to be completely successful in a struggle against other people
30. carry something too far/to extremes/to excess to do or say too much about something:
I don’t mind a joke, but this is carrying it too far.
31. WEIGHT [transitive] to weigh a particular amount more than you should or than you did:
Joe carries only nine pounds more than when he was 20.
32. carry a torch for somebody to love someone romantically who does not love you:
He’s been carrying a torch for your sister for years.
33. carry the torch of something to support an important belief or tradition when other people do not:
Leaders in the mountains carried the torch of Greek independence.
34. as fast as his/her legs could carry him/her as fast as possible:
She ran as fast as her legs could carry her.
35. ADDING NUMBERS [transitive] to put a number into the next row to the left when you are adding numbers together
⇨ ↑card-carrying, ↑cash and carry, ⇨ fetch and carry at ↑fetch1(3)
• • •
carry out work You’ll have to get a builder to carry out the work.
carry out your duties/responsibilities She carried out her duties very efficiently.
carry out a task/job He was unable to carry out simple tasks.
carry out research I was in Italy carrying out research for my book.
carry out a survey The committee has carried out a survey of parking problems in residential areas.
carry out a check Manufacturers carry out safety checks on all new cars.
carry out a test Forensic experts are now carrying out DNA tests.
carry out an experiment Many schools need better facilities for carrying out scientific experiments.
carry out a review The government is carrying out a review of state pension provision.
carry out a study He has carried out various studies into violent behaviour.
carry out an investigation The police will carry out an investigation into what actually happened.
carry out an inquiry A formal inquiry into the cause of death will be carried out.
carry out an assessment The company is carrying out an assessment of staff training needs.
carry out a search Here are some more ways of carrying out information searches online.
carry out an attack It became clear that terrorists had carried out the attack.
• • •
carry to have something or someone in your hands or arms when you go somewhere: She was carrying a heavy suitcase. | Mary fainted, and had to be carried inside.
tote especially American English informal to carry something such as a bag or a gun: He came out of the office toting a black leather briefcase. | Guards toting machine guns stood inside the airport.
lug to carry something heavy, with difficulty: They lugged the mail in heavy canvas bags into the building.
cart to carry something large and heavy somewhere, especially when this is annoying or hard work: We carted all the furniture upstairs.
schlep American English informal to carry something heavy: Marty schlepped the suitcases upstairs.
bear formal to carry something – used when talking about what someone has with them when they go somewhere. Bear is commonly used as a participle bearing: They arrived bearing gifts. | Anna returned, bearing a large red packet.
carry something ↔ forward phrasal verb

1. to succeed in making progress with something:
The new team have to carry the work forward.
2. to include an amount of money in a later set of figures or calculations
carry something ↔ off phrasal verb

1. to do something difficult successfully:
I was flattered to be offered the job but wasn’t sure if I could carry it off.
2. to win a prize:
a film that carried off three Oscars
carry on phrasal verb
1. especially British English to continue doing something:
Sorry, I interrupted you. Please carry on.
carry on doing something
You’ll have an accident if you carry on driving like that.
carry on with
I want to carry on with my course.
carry on as usual/as you are/regardless etc
2. to continue moving:
He stopped and looked back, then carried on down the stairs.
Carry straight on until you get to the traffic lights.
3. carry on something if you carry on a particular kind of work or activity, you do it or take part in it:
Mr Dean carried on his baking business until he retired.
It was so noisy it was hard to carry on a conversation.
4. spoken to talk in an annoying way
carry on about
I wish everyone would stop carrying on about it.
5. old-fashioned to have a sexual relationship with someone, when you should not:
Lucy confessed to carrying on behind her husband’s back.
carry on with
She was carrying on with a neighbour.
carry something ↔ out phrasal verb
1. to do something that needs to be organized and planned:
We need to carry out more research.
A survey is now being carried out nationwide.
Turn off the water supply before carrying out repairs.
In written English, people often use conduct when writing about research, experiments etc, because this sounds more formal than carry out:
They conducted experiments to test this theory.
2. to do something that you have said you will do or that someone has asked you to do:
Nicholson didn’t carry out his threat to take legal action.
We carried out her instructions precisely.
Will the government carry out its promise to reform the law?
• • •
carry out work You’ll have to get a builder to carry out the work.
carry out your duties/responsibilities She carried out her duties very efficiently.
carry out a task/job He was unable to carry out simple tasks.
carry out research I was in Italy carrying out research for my book.
carry out a survey The committee has carried out a survey of parking problems in residential areas.
carry out a check Manufacturers carry out safety checks on all new cars.
carry out a test Forensic experts are now carrying out DNA tests.
carry out an experiment Many schools need better facilities for carrying out scientific experiments.
carry out a review The government is carrying out a review of state pension provision.
carry out a study He has carried out various studies into violent behaviour.
carry out an investigation The police will carry out an investigation into what actually happened.
carry out an inquiry A formal inquiry into the cause of death will be carried out.
carry out an assessment The company is carrying out an assessment of staff training needs.
carry out a search Here are some more ways of carrying out information searches online.
carry out an attack It became clear that terrorists had carried out the attack.
carry something ↔ over phrasal verb
1. if something is carried over into a new situation, it continues to exist in the new situation:
The pain and violence of his childhood were carried over into his marriage.
2. to make an official arrangement to do something or use something at a later time:
Up to five days’ holiday can be carried over from one year to the next.
carry somebody/something through phrasal verb
1. to complete or finish something successfully, in spite of difficulties:
I’m determined to carry this through.
2. carry somebody through (something) to help someone to manage during an illness or a difficult period:
Her confidence carried her through.
II.carry2 BrE AmE noun [uncountable]
technical the distance a ball or bullet travels after it has been thrown, hit, or fired

danh từ
(quân sự) tư thế cầm gươm chào; sự bồng vũ khí
tầm súng; tầm bắn xa
sự khiêng thuyền xuống (từ sông này sang sông khác); nơi kéo thuyền lên khỏi mặt nước (để chuyển đi nơi khác)
động từ
mang, vác, khuân, chở; ẵm
railways and ships carry goods
xe lửa và tàu chở hàng
to carry a baby in one's arms
ẵm em bé trong tay
đem theo, đeo, mang theo; tích trữ (hàng hoá để bán); nhớ được
to carry money with one
đem theo tiền
can you carry all these figures in your head?
anh có thể nhớ được tất cả những con số này không?
mang lại, kèm theo, chứa đựng
the loan carries 3 per cent interest
tiền cho vay ấy mang lại 3 phần trăm lãi
power carries responsibility with it
quyền lực kèm theo trách nhiệm
dẫn, đưa, truyền
the oil is carried across the desert in pipelines
dầu được dẫn qua sa mạc bằng đường ống
to carry conviction
truyền (cho ai) sự tin tưởng (của mình); có sức thuyết phục
chống, chống đỡ
these pillars carry the weight of the roof
những cột này chống đỡ sức nặng của mái nhà
có tầm, đạt tới, tầm xa; tới, đi xa (tới), vọng xa
these guns carry for enough
súng này bắn khá xa
the sound of the guns carries many miles
tiếng súng vọng xa nhiều dặm
đăng (tin, bài) (tờ báo)
todays' paper carries the news that...
báo hôm nay đăng tin rằng...
(toán học) mang, sang, nhớ
làm dài ra, kéo cao lên, tiếp nối
to carry a fence round a field
kéo dài bức rào quanh cánh đồng
thắng, lấy được, chiếm được, đoạt được; thuyết phục được; vượt qua; được thông qua, được chấp nhận; giành được thắng lợi cho ta
to carry the enemy's position
chiếm được vị trí địch
to carry everything before one
vượt qua mọi trở lực thành công
to carry one's audience with one
thuyết phục được thính giả của mình
he carried his point
điều anh ta đưa ra được chấp nhận
the resolution was carried
nghị quyết được thông qua
có dáng dấp, đi theo kiểu; giữ theo kiểu
he carries himself like a soldier
anh ấy đi dáng như một quân nhân
to carry sword
cầm gươm chào
có thái độ, xử sự, cư xử, ăn ở
he carries himself insolently
hắn có thái độ láo xược
to carry away
đem đi, mang đi, thổi bạt đi
to be carried away
bị lôi cuốn đi, bị làm cho say mê
to be carried away by one's enthusiasm
bị nhiệt tình lôi cuốn đi
to carry forward
đưa ra phía trước
(toán học); (kế toán) mang sang
to carry off
đem đi, bắt đi, đưa đi khỏi chốn trần ai
chiếm đoạt
to carry off all the prices
đoạt được tất cả các giải
làm cho chấp nhận được, làm cho thông qua được
to carry on
xúc tiến, tiếp tục
to carry on with one's work
tiếp tục công việc của mình
điều khiển, trông nom
(thông tục) có thái độ kỳ quặc; có thái độ nóng nảy
don't carry on so
đừng nóng nảy thế, hãy bình tĩnh
tán tỉnh
to carry on with somebody
tán tỉnh ai; dan díu bí mật với ai
to carry out
tiến hành, thực hiện
to carry over
mang sang bên kia; (kế toán) mang sang
to carry through
hoàn thành
làm thoát khỏi, làm vượt qua được (khó khăn)
his courage will carry him through
lòng can đảm của anh ta giúp anh ta vượt qua tất cả
to carry coals to Newcastle
(tục ngữ) chở củi về rừng
to carry the day
thắng lợi thành công
to carry into practice (execution)
thực hành, thực hiện
to carry it
thắng lợi, thành công
to carry it off well
giữ được thái độ đường hoàng; không hề nao núng
to fetch and carry
(xem) fetch
as fast as one's legs can carry one
nhanh bằng hết sức của mình
to carry the can for sth
nhận trách nhiệm về cái gì
to carry everything before one
thành công mỹ mãn
to carry one's points
thuyết phục người ta nghe mình
to carry the war into the enemy's camp
tấn công (chứ không chỉ giữ thế thủ)
to carry weight
có trọng lượng, có ảnh hưởng sâu sắc

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