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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

made /meɪd/ BrE AmE verb
1. the past tense and past participle of ↑make
2. factory-made/German-made/homemade etc made in a factory, in Germany, at home etc:
sales of Japanese-made cars
3. have (got) it made informal to have everything that you need for success or for a happy life:
Nice house, good job, lovely family – you’ve got it made!
4. see/find out what somebody is (really) made of informal to find out how strong, brave etc someone is or how skilful they are at doing something:
Come on then! Let’s see what you’re made of.
5. I’m not made of money spoken used when someone has asked you to pay for something in order to say that you cannot afford it and that you think they are being unreasonable:
I can’t buy you shoes as well – I’m not made of money!
6. be made for each other informal to be completely suitable for each other, especially as husband and wife:
Sue and Joe were made for each other.
7. be made (for life) informal to be so rich that you will never have to work again:
If the deal is successful, I’ll be made for life.
8. be made up spoken informal to feel very pleased and satisfied about something that has happened:
When I heard she was pregnant, I was really made up for her.

thời quá khứ & động tính từ quá khứ của make
tính từ
(động vật học) huấn luyện công phu
a made horse
con ngựa huấn luyện công phu
giả tạo
a made excuse
lời xin lỗi giả tạo
made for
thích hợp cho
a night made for love
một đêm thích hợp cho tình yêu
what somebody is made of
bản lĩnh của ai
I will show you what I am made of
Tôi sẽ cho anh thấy bản lĩnh của tôi
được làm; được chế tạo
chế tạo ở xưởng
làm sẵn
locally made
chế tạo ở địa phương

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