1. a beverage made by steeping tea leaves in water (Freq. 5) - iced tea is a cooling drink • Hypernyms: beverage, drink, drinkable, potable • Hyponyms: cambric tea, cuppa, cupper, herb tea, herbal tea, herbal, ice tea, iced tea, sun tea • Substance Meronyms: tea leaf, caffeine, caffein 2. a light midafternoon meal of tea and sandwiches or cakes (Freq. 1) - an Englishman would interrupt a war to have his afternoon tea • Syn: afternoon tea, teatime • Regions: United Kingdom, UK, U.K., Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Great Britain • Hypernyms: meal, repast 3. a tropical evergreen shrub or small tree extensively cultivated in e.g. China and Japan and India; source of tea leaves - tea has fragrant white flowers • Syn: Camellia sinensis • Hypernyms: shrub, bush • Member Holonyms: genus Camellia • Part Meronyms: tea leaf 4. a reception or party at which tea is served - we met at the Dean's tea for newcomers • Hypernyms: reception 5. dried leaves of the tea shrub; used to make tea - the store shelves held many different kinds of tea - they threw the tea into Boston harbor • Syn: tea leaf • Hypernyms: herb • Hyponyms: tea bag, black tea, green tea, oolong • Part Holonyms: Camellia sinensis