1. a distinctive odor that is pleasant (Freq. 3) • Syn: aroma, fragrance, perfume • Derivationally related forms: perfume (for: perfume), fragrant (for: fragrance), aromatic (for: aroma), aromatize (for: aroma), aromatise (for: aroma) • Hypernyms: smell, odor, odour, olfactory sensation, olfactory perception • Hyponyms: incense 2. an odor left in passing by which a person or animal can be traced (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: smell, odor, odour, olfactory sensation, olfactory perception • Hyponyms: musk 3. any property detected by the olfactory system (Freq. 1) • Syn: olfactory property, smell, aroma, odor, odour • Derivationally related forms: odourise (for: odour), odorous (for: odor), odorize (for: odor), aromatic (for: aroma), aromatize (for: aroma), aromatise (for: aroma), smelly (for: smell), smell (for: smell) • Hypernyms: property • Hyponyms: bouquet, fragrance, fragrancy, redolence, sweetness, sweetness, stinkiness, foulness, rankness, fetidness, muskiness, rancidness • Attrubites: odorous, odorless, odourless, inodorous
1. catch the scent of; get wind of - The dog nosed out the drugs • Syn: nose, wind • See Also: scent out • Derivationally related forms: nose (for: nose) • Hypernyms: smell • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody 2. cause to smell or be smelly • Syn: odorize, odourise • Ant: deodourise (for: odourise), deodorize (for: odorize) • Derivationally related forms: odor (for: odourise), odor (for: odorize), odour (for: odourise) • Hypernyms: cause to be perceived • Hyponyms: stink up, smell up, stink out, perfume, aromatize, aromatise, cense, incense, thurify • Cause: smell • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 3. apply perfume to - She perfumes herself every day • Syn: perfume • Derivationally related forms: perfume (for: perfume), perfumery (for: perfume) • Hypernyms: groom, neaten • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody