1 questions 2 answers questions that you have to think about to find the answer PROBLEM questions in grammar GRAMMAR see also REQUEST 1 questions - something you say or write that asks for an answer: question Can I ask you a question? ◎ Why won't you answer my question? ◎ Have you got any questions on what I've just said? - something that you need to be given an answer to: query I have a few other queries. - to put a question or questions to sb in order to find out some information: ask (sb) (sth), ask (sb) (about sb/sth), (formal) enquire (especially AmE inquire) (about sb/sth); noun (C/U): enquiry (especially AmE inquiry) Don't forget to ask which train they're coming on. ◎ 'Are you going to watch the match?' she asked. ◎ She asked us if/whether we were going to watch the match. ◎ I'd like to enquire about flights to Nigeria. ◎ They appear to have made no further enquiry. ◎ I don't know the answer - I'll have to make some enquiries. - to ask for news about sb (their health, etc): ask after sb, (formal) enquire (especially AmE inquire) after sb/sth Phil asked after you in his letter. - a person who asks a question or questions: questioner - to ask questions in order to find out detailed information about sth: investigate sth, look into sth, (formal) inquire into sth; this type of activity: investigation (into sth) (noun C/U), inquiry (into sth) The police are investigating the crime. ◎ We're still looking into the causes of the accident. ◎ a police investigation ◎ The company is under investigation. ◎ a public inquiry into safety procedures - a person who investigates things: investigator - a list of questions that you ask a lot of people in order to collect information about sth: questionnaire Would you mind filling in this questionnaire? - to ask sb questions in order to find out what they did or what they know about sth, for example to find out if they committed a crime: question sb, interrogate sb; this type of activity: questioning (noun U), interrogation (noun C/U) I was stopped and questioned by the police. ◎ The three suspects were interrogated repeatedly. ◎ three days of questioning ◎ They accused the police of beating them during the interrogations. - a person who interrogates people: interrogator - to ask yourself a question in your own mind: wonder (sth) I wonder what time it is. ◎ I wonder if they'll come. ◎ We'd been wondering about it for a long time. - asking a question or a lot of questions: questioning (adverb questioningly), inquiring (adverb inquiringly) a questioning look ◎ an inquiring mind ◎ She looked at me inquiringly. - asking a lot of questions, especially about what other people are doing: inquisitive; noun (U): inquisitiveness Don't be so inquisitive! ※ question words QUESTIONS ABOUT ※¦ | QUESTION WORD | a time or date | when? | a place | where? | a person | who? | a thing, etc | what? | the reason for sth | why? | the way sth is done | how? | these question words can be made stronger to show surprise, anger, etc. You can add -ever; for example: whenever? wherever? whoever? whatever? Or you can add on earth; for example: where on earth? who on earth? what on earth? why on earth? Whatever could have happened to them? ◎ Why on earth didn't you call? ◎ How on earth did you find out? - if you want to know a thing or person (from a limited group), you say which? Which (one) is yours? - if you want to know the person that sth belongs to, you say whose? Whose (car) is that? - questions to do with amount (of time, distance, etc) are asked with how? How much is a ticket to Liverpool? ◎ How much bread did you buy? ◎ How many people were there? ◎ How long have you been living here? ◎ How far is it to Glasgow? ◎ How old is your sister? ◎ How often do you go to France?
2 answers - to say or write sth to sb after they have asked you a question: answer (sb/sth), reply (to sb/sth) I asked him a simple question but he couldn't answer. ◎ Make sure you answer all the questions. ◎ 'What's the time?' 'Four thirty,' she answered. ◎ 'Not just now,' he replied, 'I'm busy at the moment.' - to reply to sb in a rude way: (only used to children) answer (sb) back Don't answer back when I'm talking to you! - what you say or write to sb after they have asked you a question: answer, reply She gave a very surprising answer. ◎ Bob wasn't satisfied with her reply. ◎ Do you want a straight (= honest and open) answer? - as a reply to sth: in answer (to sth), in reply (to sth), in response (to sth) Paul nodded in response to my question. ※ MORE ... - a clever or amusing question or joke: riddle Let me ask you a riddle and see if you can solve it. - a game or competition in which people have to answer questions: quiz a general knowledge quiz - a question which you ask without expecting an answer: rhetorical question