Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 punishing sb 2 different kinds of punishment see also TRIAL, LAW
1 punishing sb - to cause sb to suffer because they have done sth wrong: punish sb (for sth/doing sth); noun (U): punishment He deserves to be punished for what he did. ◎ the fear of punishment ◎ physical punishment - the way in which sb is punished: punishment His punishment was thirty days in prison. - a crime that you can be punished for is punishable (by sth) This crime is punishable by death. - a punishment that is appropriate and right is fair, just; opposites: unfair, unjust - if a punishment is stronger than usual, it is heavy, harsh a heavy prison sentence - a punishment that is not strict or severe is lenient, light a lenient prison sentence - to punish sb severely to stop other people doing the same thing: make* an example of sb As a warning to other car thieves, the judge decided to make an example of him and sent him to prison for three years. ※ being punished lightly or not at all - to receive little or no punishment for sth: get* off with sth, get* off (lightly) Sharon got off with a small fine as it was her first offence. - to do sth wrong and not be punished for it: get* away with sth He's so clever he could get away with anything. - to decide not to punish sb for sth: overlook sth I'll overlook it this time, but don't let it happen again. ※ punishment according to the law - a punishment for breaking a rule or law: penalty; connected with punishment by law: penal introduce stiffer penalties for car thieves ◎ the death penalty ◎ the penal code (= the system of laws of a country concerning crime and punishment) - to tell sb who has been found guilty of a crime what their punishment will be: sentence sb (to sth); their punishment: sentence He was sentenced to three years in prison and a fine of ※£1 000. ◎ a prison sentence ※ punishing sb who has hurt you - something that you do to punish sb who has hurt you: revenge (noun U) I want revenge on the people who attacked my brother. - to punish sb for hurting you, your family or friends: get*/ take* (your) revenge (on sb) (for sth), (informal) pay* sb back (for sth/doing sth) I'll pay you back for that mean trick. - to hurt or harm sb who has hurt or harmed you: get* even (with sb) - to punish sb because you are angry or upset, even though it is not their fault: take* it out on sb Don't take it out on me. It wasn't me who stole your camera.
2 different kinds of punishment ※ physical punishments - to hit a child as a punishment: smack sb, give* sb a smack - to hit sb/sth many times, usually very hard: beat* sb/sth, give* sb/sth a beating I shouted at the man to stop beating his dog. ◎ I was soon found out and given a good beating. - punishment by hitting sb: corporal punishment (noun U) ※ punishments often used by schools and employers - to take sth away from sb as a punishment: confiscate sth; noun (U): confiscation The teacher confiscated Harry's computer game after she caught him playing with it in class. - to send sb away from their school or job, for a limited period of time: suspend sb (from sth); noun (C/U): suspension He was suspended from school for two weeks. ◎ She faces suspension or dismissal. - to force sb to leave a school, country, club, etc as a punishment: expel sb (from sth); noun (C/U): expulsion Two Britons have been expelled from France after causing trouble at a football match. - to stop sb from leaving school: keep* sb in; an act of keeping sb in: detention (noun U) Kevin's teacher kept him in after school for not doing his homework. ◎ The whole class was put in detention. ※ punishments which are decided by a court of law - an amount of money that you have to pay for breaking a law: fine; to make sb pay a fine: fine sb (for sth/doing sth), give* sb a fine If you don't pay your TV licence, you can be given a ※£1 000 fine. - a building where criminals are kept as a punishment: prison (AmE penitentiary), jail (BrE also gaol) - being kept in prison: imprisonment (noun U) - imprisonment with heavy physical work as punishment: hard labour (AmE hard labor)(noun U) ※ more on prison PRISON - killing sb as an official punishment: the death penalty (noun singular), capital punishment (noun U) A lot of countries have abolished the death penalty. - to kill sb as a punishment: execute sb; noun (C/U): execution The execution was carried out by firing squad. - a person who carries out an execution: executioner - to stop or delay an execution: reprieve sb; noun: reprieve He was given a last-minute reprieve. - to change one punishment for another that is not so hard: commute sth (to sth) After a big public protest, his death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. - to execute sb by hanging them with a rope round their neck: hang sb; noun (U/C): hanging; a person who does this: hangman; the structure used for hanging sb: gallows When were public hangings abolished in this country? - to execute sb by shooting them: shoot* sb; noun (U/C): shooting; a group of people who execute sb by shooting: firing squad - to execute sb by using electricity: electrocute sb; noun (U): electrocution; the chair in which this is done: electric chair - to execute sb by injecting them with a poison: execute sb by lethal injection - to execute sb by cutting off their head: behead sb; noun (U/C): beheading - to behead sb using a special machine: guillotine sb; noun (U/C): guillotining; the machine which is used: guillotine Many people were guillotined during the French Revolution. ※ MORE ... - a situation where a government forgives people who have committed crimes: amnesty Hundreds of political prisoners were released under the general amnesty. - protected from punishment: immune (from sth); noun (U): immunity (from sth) Young children are immune from prosecution. ◎ The ambassador and his staff have diplomatic immunity.
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