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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.snap1 W3 /snæp/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle snapped, present participle snapping)
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Dutch; Origin: Low German snappen]
1. BREAK [intransitive and transitive] to break with a sudden sharp noise, or to make something do this:
A twig snapped under my feet.
The wind snapped branches and power lines.
snap (something) off (something)
I snapped the ends off the beans and dropped them into a bowl.
snap (something) in two/in half (=break into two pieces)
The teacher snapped the chalk in two and gave me a piece.
2. MOVE INTO POSITION [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition] to move into a particular position suddenly, making a short sharp noise, or to make something move like this
snap together/back etc
The pieces just snap together like this.
The policeman snapped the handcuffs around her wrist.
snap (something) open/shut
She snapped her briefcase shut.
3. SAY SOMETHING ANGRILY [intransitive and transitive] to say something quickly in an angry way:
‘What do you want?’ Mike snapped.
snap at
He snapped at Walter for no reason.
4. BECOME ANGRY/ANXIOUS ETC [intransitive] to suddenly stop being able to control your anger, anxiety, or other feelings in a difficult situation:
The stress began to get to her, and one morning she just snapped.
Something inside him snapped, and he hit her.
5. ANIMAL [intransitive] if an animal such as a dog snaps, it tries to bite you
snap at
The dog started snapping at my heels.
6. PHOTOGRAPH [intransitive and transitive] informal to take a photograph:
Dave snapped a picture of me and Sonia.
7. snap your fingers to make a short sharp noise by moving one of your fingers quickly against your thumb, for example in order to get someone’s attention or to mark the beat of music
8. snap to it spoken used to tell someone to hurry and do something immediately:
Come on, snap to it – get that room cleaned up!
9. STOP [transitive] American English to end a series of events – used especially in newspapers:
The Rockets snapped a seven-game losing streak by beating Portland.
10. snap to attention if soldiers snap to attention, they suddenly stand very straight
⇨ ↑snap-on
• • •
to break something
break verb
[transitive] to damage something and make it separate into pieces, for example by dropping it or hitting it: Careful you don’t break the chair. | He broke his leg.
smash verb
[transitive] to break something with a lot of force: A policeman smashed his camera.
snap verb
[transitive] to break something into two pieces, making a loud noise – used especially about long thin objects: He snapped the sticks in two.
split verb
[transitive] to separate something into two pieces along a straight line: Using a sharp knife, split the melon in half.
fracture verb
[transitive] to damage a bone, especially so that a line appears on the surface: I fell over and fractured my wrist.
tear /teə $ ter/ verb
[transitive] to damage paper or cloth by pulling it so that it separates into pieces: She tore up the letter and put it in the bin. | I tore my jacket.
snap on/off phrasal verb

to switch something on or off, or to switch on or off:
A light snapped on in one of the huts.
snap something ↔ on/off
Kathy snapped off the light.
snap out of something phrasal verb

to stop being sad or upset and make yourself feel better:
Chantal’s been depressed for days. I wish she’d snap out of it.
snap somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb
1. to buy something immediately, especially because it is very cheap:
People were snapping up bargains.
2. to eagerly take an opportunity to have someone as part of your company, team etc:
Owen was snapped up by Liverpool before he’d even left school.
II.snap2 BrE AmE noun
1. SOUND [singular] a sudden loud sound, especially made by something breaking or closing:
He shut the book with a snap.
2. PHOTOGRAPH [countable] especially British English informal a photograph taken quickly and often not very skilfully SYN snapshot:
holiday snaps
3. be a snap American English informal to be very easy to do:
The test was a snap.
4. CLOTHING [countable] American English a small metal fastener on clothes that works when you press its two parts together:
baby clothing with snaps
5. a snap of sb’s fingers a sudden sound made by quickly moving one of your fingers against your thumb:
At a snap of his owner’s fingers, the dog came running.
6. GAME [uncountable] a card game in which players put down one card after another and try to be the first to shout ‘Snap!’ when there are two cards that are the same
⇨ ↑cold snap
• • •
photograph a picture taken using a camera: Visitors are not allowed to take photographs inside the museum. | our wedding photographs
photo informal a photograph: a way of displaying your digital photos | Do you want me to take your photo?
picture a photograph of someone or something: I saw her picture in the paper the other day. | This is a really good picture of Sarah. | Can I take your picture?
snap British English informal, snapshot
especially American English a photograph that you take quickly and without thinking carefully about how it will look, for example when you are on holiday: Patrick showed me his holiday snaps. | She showed me a snapshot of her three children.
shot informal a photograph – used especially by people who often take photographs: I got some great shots of Mount Fuji. | It's a lovely shot.
print a photograph that has been printed on photographic paper: a set of 4 by 6 inch prints
III.snap3 BrE AmE adjective

1. snap judgment/decision a judgment or decision made quickly, without careful thought or discussion
2. snap election British English an election that is announced suddenly and unexpectedly
IV.snap4 BrE AmE interjection
1. British English used when you see two things that are exactly the same:
Hey, snap! My hat’s the same as yours.
2. said in the game of snap when two cards that are the same are put down



To break with a sharp sound.

danh từ
sự cắn (chó), sự táp, sự đớp
tiếng tách tách (bật ngón tay); tiếng vút (của roi); tiếng gãy răng rắc (của cạnh cây)
khoá (dây đồng hồ, vòng...)
bánh quy giòn
lối chơi bài xnáp
đợt rét đột ngột (như) cold snap
tính sinh động (văn); sự hăng hái, sự nhiệt tình
the performers seemed to have no snap
những người biểu diễn hầu như không có chút nhiệt tình nào
ảnh chụp nhanh
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) việc ngon ơ
(sân khấu) sự thuê mượn ngắn hạn (diễn viên)
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) người dễ bảo, người dễ sai khiến
(định ngữ) đột xuất, bất thần
snap debate
cuộc tranh luận đột xuất
(định ngữ) (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) ngon ơ
a snap task
việc ngon ơ
not a snap
không một chút nào, không một tí nào
ngoại động từ
táp, đớp
the dog snapped a chop
con chó táp một cục sườn
bật tách tách (ngón tay); quất vun vút (roi); bẻ gãy tách; đóng tách
to snap one's fingers
bật ngón tay tách tách
to snap a stick
bẻ gãy cái gậy đánh tách một cái
to snap a clasp
đóng cái móc tách một cái
to snap one's teeth together
răng đập vào nhau cầm cập
thả, bò; bắn
to snap a spring
thả lò xo
to snap a pistol
bắt súng lục
chụp nhanh (ảnh)
nhặt vội, nắm lấy
to snap a bargain
nắm lấy một món hời, chộp lấy một cơ hội
ngắt lời
to snap a speaker
ngắt lời một diễn giả
nội động từ
cắn (chó), táp, đớp
to snap at someone
định cắn ai (chó)
the fish snapped at the bait
cá đớp mồi
nói cáu kỉnh, cắn cảu
gãy tách
stick snaps
gậy gãy tách
đóng tách
door snaps
cửa đóng tách một cái
pistol snaps
súng lục nổ
chộp lấy
to snap at a chance
chộp lấy một cơ hội
to snap off
táp, cắn (vật gì)
làm gãy
gãy đánh tách
to snap up
bắt lấy, chộp lấy
cắt ngang, ngắt lời
to snap one's fingers at
thách thức, bất chấp
to snap someone's nose off x nose snap into it!
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) bắt đầu đi nhanh lên!
to snap out of it
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) chừa một thói quen, bỏ một tính xấu
phó từ
với một tiếng tách
thán từ
(thông tục) được nói trong chơi bài xnáp khi thấy có quân bài giống nhau được hạ xuống
(thông tục) nói để lưu ý đến sự giống nhau giữa hai vật
snap ! you've got the same shoes as me
ơ này! anh đi đôi giày giống y như đôi giày của tôi
tính từ
(thông tục) đột xuất, bất thần
a snap election
một cuộc bầu cử đột xuất

saying & slang
(See it's a snap)

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