1. a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches (Freq. 7) • Hypernyms: wood • Hyponyms: nurse log, saw log 2. the exponent required to produce a given number • Syn: logarithm • Derivationally related forms: logarithmic (for: logarithm) • Hypernyms: exponent, power, index • Hyponyms: common logarithm, natural logarithm, Napierian logarithm 3. a written record of messages sent or received - they kept a log of all transmission by the radio station - an email log • Hypernyms: written record, written account 4. a written record of events on a voyage (of a ship or plane) • Topics: ship, airplane, aeroplane, plane • Hypernyms: written record, written account 5. measuring instrument that consists of a float that trails from a ship by a knotted line in order to measure the ship's speed through the water • Hypernyms: measuring instrument, measuring system, measuring device • Hyponyms: harpoon log, patent log, screw log, taffrail log • Part Holonyms: ship • Part Meronyms: log line
1. enter into a log, as on ships and planes (Freq. 2) • See Also: log up • Hypernyms: record, enter, put down • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 2. cut lumber, as in woods and forests (Freq. 1) • Syn: lumber • Derivationally related forms: lumber (for: lumber), logger, logging • Hypernyms: fell, drop, strike down, cut down • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s