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Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary

a covering designed to be worn on a person's body
clothing, article of clothing, vesture, wear, wearable
Derivationally related forms:
wear (for: wear), vestiary (for: vesture), vest (for: vesture), vesture (for: vesture), clothe (for: clothing)
covering, consumer goods
accessory, accoutrement, accouterment, apparel, wearing apparel,
dress, clothes, array, raiment, regalia, attire,
garb, beachwear, black, blue, change, civilian clothing,
civilian dress, civilian garb, plain clothes, drag, footwear, garment,
grey, gray, handwear, hand wear, headdress, headgear,
knitwear, leisure wear, loungewear, man's clothing, neckpiece, nightwear,
sleepwear, nightclothes, outerwear, overclothes, protective garment, ready-to-wear,
slip-on, slops, street clothes, tailor-made, togs, threads,
duds, uniform, vestiture, woman's clothing, work-clothing, work-clothes
Part Meronyms:

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