1. position or state of being dominant or in control - that idea was in the ascendant • Syn: ascendent • Hypernyms: dominance, ascendance, ascendence, ascendancy, ascendency, control 2. someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent) • Syn: ancestor, ascendent, antecedent, root • Ant: descendant (for: ancestor) • Derivationally related forms: antecedent (for: antecedent), ancestral (for: ancestor) • Hypernyms: relative, relation • Hyponyms: ancestress, forebear, forbear, forefather, father, sire, foremother, progenitor, primogenitor
1. tending or directed upward - "rooted and ascendant strength like that of foliage"- John Ruskin • Syn: ascendent, ascensive • Similar to: ascending • Derivationally related forms: ascend (for: ascensive), ascend (for: ascendent), ascend 2. most powerful or important or influential - the economically ascendant class - D-day is considered the dominating event of the war in Europe • Syn: ascendent, dominating • Similar to: dominant • Derivationally related forms: ascendency (for: ascendent), ascendence (for: ascendent), ascendancy, ascendance