1. how long something has existed (Freq. 75) - it was replaced because of its age • Hypernyms: property • Hyponyms: chronological age, bone age, developmental age, fetal age, fertilization age, gestational age, mental age, oldness, newness, youngness • Attrubites: mature, immature, old, new, young 2. an era of history having some distinctive feature (Freq. 23) - we live in a litigious age • Syn: historic period • Hypernyms: era, epoch • Hyponyms: antiquity, golden age, Jazz Age, reign, turn of the century • Instance Hyponyms: Enlightenment, Age of Reason, Elizabethan age, Victorian age, Baroque, Baroque era, Baroque period, Middle Ages, Dark Ages, Renaissance, Renascence, Italian Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, technological revolution, Reign of Terror, Harlem Renaissance, New Deal, Reconstruction, Reconstruction Period, Restoration, Depression, Great Depression • Part Holonyms: history 3. a time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises (Freq. 6) - she was now of school age - tall for his eld • Syn: eld • Hypernyms: time of life • Hyponyms: age of consent, majority, legal age, minority, nonage, drinking age, voting age • Part Holonyms: life, lifetime, life-time, lifespan 4. a prolonged period of time - we've known each other for ages - I haven't been there for years and years • Syn: long time, years • Hypernyms: time period, period of time, period • Hyponyms: month of Sundays, eon, aeon, blue moon, year dot 5. a late time of life - old age is not for sissies - he's showing his years - age hasn't slowed him down at all - a beard white with eld - on the brink of geezerhood • Syn: old age, years, eld, geezerhood • Derivationally related forms: geezer (for: geezerhood) • Hypernyms: time of life • Hyponyms: dotage, second childhood, senility • Part Meronyms: sixties, mid-sixties, seventies, mid-seventies, eighties, mid-eighties, nineties, mid-nineties
1. begin to seem older; get older (Freq. 1) - The death of his wife caused him to age fast • Hypernyms: develop • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - Sam and Sue age 2. grow old or older (Freq. 1) - She aged gracefully - we age every day--what a depressing thought! - Young men senesce • Syn: senesce, get on, mature, maturate • Derivationally related forms: maturation (for: maturate), maturation (for: mature), senescent (for: senesce) • Hypernyms: develop • Hyponyms: turn, fossilize, fossilise, dote • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s 3. make older - The death of his child aged him tremendously • Ant: rejuvenate • Hypernyms: change, alter, modify • Cause: senesce, get on, mature, maturate • Verb Frames: - Something ----s somebody