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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

di·vorce [divorce divorces divorced divorcing] noun, verb BrE [dɪˈvɔːs] NAmE [dɪˈvɔːrs]
1. uncountable, countable the legal ending of a marriage
The marriage ended in divorce in 1996.
an increase in the divorce rate (= the number of divorces in a year)
They have agreed to get a divorce.
Divorce proceedings (= the legal process of divorce) started today.
Bella wants a divorce.
He remarried after a divorce from his first wife, Kate.
She told him she was filing for divorce.
compare separation
2. countable, usually singular (formal)~ (between A and B) a separation; the ending of a relationship between two things
the divorce between religion and science

Marriage and divorce
fall/be (madly/deeply/hopelessly) in love (with sb)
be/believe in/fall in love at first sight
be/find true love/the love of your life
suffer (from) (the pains/pangs of) unrequited love
have/feel/show/express great/deep/genuine affection for sb/sth
meet/marry your husband/wife/partner/fiancé/fiancée/boyfriend/girlfriend
have/go on a (blind) date
be going out with/ (especially NAmE) dating a guy/girl/boy/man/woman
move in with/live with your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner
get/be engaged/married/divorced
arrange/plan a wedding
have a big wedding/a honeymoon/a happy marriage
have/enter into an arranged marriage
call off/cancel/postpone your wedding
invite sb to/go to/attend a wedding/a wedding ceremony/a wedding reception
conduct/perform a wedding ceremony
exchange rings/wedding vows/marriage vows
congratulate/toast/raise a glass to the happy couple
be/go on honeymoon (with your wife/husband)
celebrate your first (wedding) anniversary
Separation and divorce
be unfaithful to/ (informal) cheat on your husband/wife/partner/fiancé/fiancée/boyfriend/girlfriend
have an affair (with sb)
break off/end an engagement/a relationship
break up with/split up with/ (informal) dump your boyfriend/girlfriend
separate from/be separated from/leave/divorce your husband/wife
annul/dissolve a marriage
apply for/ask for/go through/get a divorce
get/gain/be awarded/have/lose custody of the children
pay alimony/child support (to your ex-wife/husband)

Example Bank:
He cited adultery as grounds for divorce.
He hasn't signed the divorce papers yet.
He is waiting for the divorce to come through before he remarries.
He told her that he was married but getting a divorce.
Neither partner had considered divorce.
Once the divorce is finalized, I plan to move to Bermuda.
Over 50 000 divorces were granted last year.
Parental divorce can have lasting negative consequences for children.
She filed for divorce in 1996.
She is seeking a divorce on the grounds of cruelty.
She watched her parents go through an acrimonious divorce.
The church may disapprove but Catholics can and do obtain civil divorces.
The divorce rate has been growing steadily since 1971.
The majority of divorces are initiated by women.
These days divorce is rarely contested.
her divorce from the pop star
the lawyers handling their divorce
The marriage ended in divorce.
They have agreed to get a divorce.

1. transitive, intransitive ~ (sb) to end your marriage to sb legally
They're getting divorced.
She's divorcing her husband.
I'd heard they're divorcing.
2. transitive, often passive ~ sb/sth from sth (formal)to separate a person, an idea, a subject, etc. from sth; to keep two things separate
They believed that art should be divorced from politics.
When he was depressed, he felt utterly divorced from reality.
Verb forms:

divorce verb T, I
She's divorcing her husband.
get divorced • • separate • • break (sth) up • • split up • |informal, especially journalism split
Opp: marry, Opp: get married
break up/split up/split with sb
separate/split up/split from sb
a couple divorces/gets divorced/separates/breaks up/splits up/splits
Divorce or get divorced? One person divorces another person but get divorced usually refers to an action by two people
•She divorced her husband last year.
• They got divorced last year.
You can also use be divorced from sb
•She is divorced from the boy's father.
When there is no object get divorced is more common in spoken English.

Example Bank:
He lived in a world of his own, increasingly divorced from reality.
The word has become utterly divorced from its original meaning.
He argues that morality cannot be divorced from religion.
I'd heard they're divorcing.
She's divorcing her husband.


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