1 the surface of the earth 2 holes in the ground 3 the movement of the ground 4 digging the ground large areas of ground LAND the countryside COUNTRY
1 the surface of the earth - the solid surface of the earth: ground (noun U), earth (noun U) to sit/stand/lie on the ground ◎ above/below ground ◎ at ground level ◎ The earth/ground shook. ◎ The satellite fell to earth. - the solid surface of the earth (in contrast with the sea): land (noun U) After three days at sea she was glad to reach dry land. ◎ Penguins can't move very fast on land. - below the surface of the earth: underground (adjective, adverb) an underground car park ◎ They spent several days underground. Note: the ground is the solid surface under your feet when you are outside; when you are inside a building, the surface under your feet is the floor; we talk about sitting, standing, lying, etc on the ground or floor. - The earth is the name of the planet on which we live; earth can also be used to talk about the world in contrast to the sky; if we describe something falling from a great height, we are more likely to use earth. - Land is the surface of the earth which is not sea; it is also a large area which you buy, live on or grow food on. - the type of ground which trees and plants grow in: soil (noun U), earth (noun U) Is the soil in your garden good for roses? ◎ wet/heavy soil (= with a lot of water in it) dry/light soil (= without a lot of water in it) a lump of earth ◎ We filled in the hole with earth. - when land is good for farming and growing plants, etc, it is rich, fertile; opposites: poor, infertile - very wet earth: mud (noun U); adjective: muddy a muddy field - an area of soft, wet ground: bog, marsh, swamp; adjectives: boggy, marshy, swampy a boggy area ◎ marshy ground - heavy earth which is used to make pots, etc: clay (noun U) - dry earth: dirt (noun U) a dirt track - tiny pieces of very dry earth which rise into the air like a cloud: dust (noun U); adjective: dusty a dusty track - the very hard, stony part of the earth: rock (noun U) Beneath the soil was a layer of rock. - having many stones or rocks: stony, rocky stony ground - the type of ground found in deserts and on beaches, made of tiny pieces of stone: sand (noun U); adjective: sandy sandy soil ※ more on stone STONE - when the ground has no parts higher or lower than others, it is level, flat We looked for a level/flat piece of ground to make a football pitch. - when it is not level, it is uneven - an area of lower ground: dip The cottage lay in a dip in the ground. - a deep track that a wheel makes in soft ground: rut
2 holes in the ground - a hole in the side of a hill or mountain or under the ground: cave; a large cave: cavern - a deep hole in the ground which can lead to underground caves: pothole - a large hole that is made in the ground in order to dig out stone, etc: pit a gravel pit
3 the movement of the ground - a sudden violent movement of the earth's surface: earthquake; a small earthquake: tremor There was a violent earthquake followed by several small tremors. - a sudden fall of earth, rocks, etc down the side of a hill or mountain: landslide - a movement like a landslide, when a huge mass of snow moves downward: avalanche - damage to the ground due to heavy rain, floods, removal of trees, etc: erosion (noun U); to cause erosion: erode sth (usually passive) soil erosion ◎ The cliffs are being gradually eroded by the sea.
4 digging the ground - to make a hole in the ground by moving earth with a spade, your hands, etc: dig* (sth) I could see some men digging a hole in the road. ◎ He was digging in the garden. - to get sb/sth out of a place by digging: dig* sb/sth out (of sth) a gold coin that had been dug out of a field - to look for sth by digging: dig* for sth The police were out digging for evidence. - to remove sth from the ground by digging: dig* sth up I want to dig up those plants and put them in the back garden. - to make a hole or take soil away by digging: dig* sth up They're digging up the road outside. - to put sth into a hole in the ground: bury sth buried treasure ※ more on holes HOLE - to dig deep into the ground: excavate sth; noun (U/C): excavation They're excavating here to make the foundations of the new museum. - to dig in the ground for coal, gold, etc: mine (for sth) to mine for silver - a hole or system of holes and passages that people dig under the ground in order to obtain coal, gold, or other minerals: mine a diamond mine - a person who mines: miner ※ coal mines COAL - a machine that is used for digging: digger - to make sth flat: level sth The ground needs levelling. - a machine like a large tractor which is used for levelling the ground: bulldozer - to level sth with a bulldozer: bulldoze sth