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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary
punctuation mark

ˌpunctuˈation mark BrE AmE noun [countable]
a sign, such as a ↑comma or ↑question mark, used to divide a piece of writing into sentences, phrases etc
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types of punctuation mark
apostrophe the sign ' that is used to show that one or more letters or numbers have been left out, as in don’t, or used before ‘s’ to show that something belongs to someone or something, as in Mark’s dog
brackets British English, parentheses
AmE and BrE formal a pair of signs used for enclosing information that interrupts a sentence
colon the sign : that is used to introduce an explanation, example, quotation etc
semicolon the sign ; that is used to separate words in a list, or different parts of a sentence that can be understood separately
comma the sign , that is used to separate things in a list, or between two clauses in a sentence
hyphen the sign – that is used to join words or syllables
dash the sign — that is used to separate two closely related parts of a sentence, especially in more informal English
full stop British English, period American English the sign . that is used to mark the end of a sentence or the short form of a word
exclamation mark British English, exclamation point American English the sign ! that is used after a sentence or word that expresses surprise, anger, or excitement
question mark the sign ? that is used at the end of a question
quotation marks (also inverted commas British English) a pair of signs ‘ and ’ that are put around words, especially to show that you are quoting what someone has said
other marks used in writing
angle brackets British English a pair of signs <> used for enclosing information
slash a line / that is used to separate words, numbers, or letters
backslash a line that is used to separate words, numbers, or letters
asterisk the sign * that is used especially to mark something interesting or important
at sign the sign

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