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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.little1 S1 W1 /ˈlɪtl/ BrE AmE adjective
[Language: Old English; Origin: lytel]
1. SIZE [usually before noun] small in size:
a little house
a cake decorated with little flowers
She was cutting the meat up into little bits.
little tiny/tiny little spoken (=extremely small)
a little tiny puppy
little bitty American English spoken (=extremely small)
a little something informal (=a small present, or a small amount of food)
I’d like to buy him a little something to thank him.
2. SOMETHING YOU LIKE OR DISLIKE [only before noun] used between an adjective and a noun to emphasize that you like or dislike something or someone, although they are not important, impressive etc:
It could be a nice little business.
a useful little gadget
It was another of her silly little jokes.
a boring little man
poor little thing (=used to show sympathy)
The poor little thing had hurt its wing.
3. a little bit
a) a small amount of something
a little bit of
With a little bit of luck we should finish by five o'clock.
I’m going to give you a little bit of advice.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
b) slightly or to a small degree:
I was a little bit disappointed.
4. TIME/DISTANCE [only before noun] short in time or distance:
You could have a little sleep in the car.
We walked a little way along this path.
He arrived a little while ago.
5. YOUNG little children are young:
We didn’t have toys like this when I was little.
little boy/girl
two little boys playing in the street
sb’s little boy/girl (=someone’s son or daughter who is still a child)
Mum, I’m 17 – I’m not your little girl any longer.
sb’s little brother/sister (=a younger brother or sister who is still a child)
Her little brother and sister were fighting again.
6. SLIGHT [only before noun] done in a way that is not very noticeable:
a little smile
Nicolo gave a little nod of his head.
7. UNIMPORTANT [only before noun]
a) not important:
She gets very angry over little things.
There isn’t time to discuss every little detail.
b) not important – used when you really think that something is important:
There’s just that little matter of the £5,000 you owe me.
8. (just) that little bit better/easier etc better, easier etc by a small amount that will have an important effect:
Working fewer hours will make life just that little bit easier for me.
9. the little woman old-fashioned someone’s wife – often used humorously but now considered offensive by many women
a little bird told me at ↑bird(4)
• • •
You can say smaller or smallest, but 'littler' and 'littlest' are not often used:
Her feet are even smaller (NOT littler/more little) than mine.
You can use words like 'quite', 'very', and 'too' in front of small, but do not use them with little:
a very small car (NOT a very little car)
II.little2 S1 W1 BrE AmE determiner
, pronoun

1. only a small amount or hardly any of something:
There’s little doubt in my mind that he’s guilty.
I paid little attention to what the others were saying.
Little is known about the causes of the problem.
Changes in the law have done little to improve the situation.
little of
Little of their wealth now remains.
There’s very little money left.
Many of the students speak little or no English.
He knew little or nothing (=almost nothing) about fixing cars.
My lawyer advised me to say as little as possible.
He did precious little (=very little) to help.
The laboratory tests are of little real value.
2. a little a small amount:
Fortunately I had a little time to spare.
Susan speaks a little French.
A little over half the class can swim.
He walked on a little (=a short distance) and then turned back.
a little more/less
Would you like a little more milk in your coffee?
a little of
The city is regaining a little of its former splendour.
3. as little as £5/3 months/10 feet etc used to emphasize how surprisingly small an amount is:
Prices for his paintings start from as little as £100.
The weather can change completely in as little as half an hour.
4. what little (also the little (that)) used to emphasize how small an amount there is, how small an amount is possible etc:
We did what little we could to help.
I handed over what little money I had left.
5. a little (of something) goes a long way spoken used to say that only a small amount of something is needed or has a great effect:
A little kindness goes a long way.
• • •
A little and little are used before uncountable nouns.
A little means 'some, but not a lot':
We still have a little time left.
In spoken British English, it is more usual to say a bit of:
I’ve got a bit of money left.
Little on its own (without a) means 'not much'. It emphasizes how small the amount is. It is mainly used in writing or formal speech:
There is now little hope of success.
In conversation or informal writing, it is more usual to say not much:
There was not much milk left.
III.little3 S1 W1 BrE AmE adverb

1. a little slightly or to a small degree SYN a bit:
She trembled a little as she spoke.
He was a little surprised at her request.
a little more/better/further etc
We’ll have to wait a little longer to see what happens.
When you use a little with an adjective, it should come before the adjective, not after it:
I was a little worried about her (NOT I was worried a little ...).

You cannot use a little with an adjective before a noun. Use rather or slightly:
It was a rather strange situation (NOT a little strange situation).
2. not much or only slightly:
The town has changed little over the years.
The situation has improved very little.
little known/understood etc (=not known about by many people)
a little known corner of the world
little more/better etc (than something)
His voice was little more than a whisper.
3. little did somebody know/realize/think etc used to say that someone did not know or think that something would happen or was true:
Little did I know that the course of my life was about to change.
4. little by little gradually:
Little by little he became accepted by the family.
5. more than a little/not a little literary extremely:
Graham was more than a little frightened by what he had seen.



When someone or something is little, it is below average in size.

tính từ, dạng so sánh và so sánh cao nhất là littler littlest, nhưng smaller smallest thông dụng hơn
không lớn, nhỏ; con
six little puppies
sáu con chó con
a little movement of impatience
một cử chỉ nhỏ tỏ ra sốt ruột
a little group of tourists
một nhóm du lịch ít người
there's a little mark on your sleeve
có một vết nhỏ trên tay áo của anh
a house with a little garden
một ngôi nhà có mảnh vườn nhỏ
little holes to let air in
những lỗ nhỏ để không khí lọt vào
ngắn, ngắn ngủi
you may have to wait a little while
có lẽ anh phải đợi một lúc
it's only a little way now
bây giờ chỉ còn một đoạn đường ngắn nữa
shall we go for a little walk?
ta dạo chơi một lúc nhé?
(sau nice, pretty, sweet, nasty.. để biểu thị cảm xúc về sự thân ái, vui mừng, khó chịu... của người nói)
a nice little room
một căn phòng xinh xắn
a sweet little child
một cậu bé dễ thương
a funny little restaurant
một nhà hàng bé tí ngộ nghĩnh
what a nasty little man!
một anh chàng khó chịu làm sao!
a (dear) little old lady helped me find my way
một bà già nho nhỏ (đáng mến) đã giúp tôi tìm đường đi
there's a little shop on the corner that sells bread
có một cửa hiệu nho nhỏ bán bánh mì ở góc đường
không quan trọng, không đáng kể
a little mistake
một sai lầm không đáng kể
we only had a little snack at lunchtime
chúng tôi chỉ ăn một tí qua loa vào buổi trưa
ít tuổi
I had curly hair when I was little
tóc tôi quăn lúc tôi còn bé
my little brother is 18
em trai tôi 18 tuổi
bé khi so với cái khác
one's little finger
ngón tay út của mình
the little hand of the clock
kim ngắn của đồng hồ
nhỏ nhen, nhỏ mọn, tầm thường, hẹp hòi, ti tiện
little things amuse little minds
những kẻ tầm thường chỉ thích thú những chuyện tầm thường
(dùng với danh từ không đếm được) một số ít của cái gì, không đủ, có ít
I have very little time for reading
tôi có rất ít thời giờ để đọc sách
we had little rain all summer
suốt mùa hè chúng tôi có ít mưa
there's little point in telling her now
có ít điều để nói với cô ta bây giờ
big oaks from little acorns grow
xem oak
in little
ở quy mô nhỏ
little Mary
(thông tục) dạ dày
little Masters
trường phái các nhà khắc tranh Đức thế kỷ 16
big oaks from little acorns grow
cái sảy nảy cái ung
little bird told me that.....
xem bird
to twist sb round one's little finger
bắt ai phải theo ý mình
đại từ (được dùng (như) một danh từ khi theo sau the)
một lượng nhỏ, một chút
little of the music was recognizable
chỉ có một phần nhỏ âm nhạc là có thể hiểu được
I understood little of what he said
tôi hiểu được chút ít về điều anh ta nói
we read a lot of poetry at school - I remember very little now
chúng tôi đọc nhiều thơ ở trường - bây giờ tôi còn nhớ rất ít
the little that I've seen of his work is satisfactory
một ít công việc của ông ta mà tôi thấy được là rất đáng hài lòng
phó từ
ít; không nhiều
I like him little
tôi ít thích nó
she left little more than an hour ago
cô ta ra đi cách đây hơn một giờ một chút
I slept very little last night
đêm qua tôi ngủ rất ít
little does he know what trouble he's in
anh ta không biết gì mấy về chuyện anh ta đang gặp rắc rối gì
her husband is little known as a lexicographer
chồng cô ta ít được biết đến với tư cách là một nhà biên soạn từ điển, ít ai biết chồng cô ta là một nhà soạn từ điển
little by little
dần dần, từng bước, từng tí một
little by little the snow disappeared
dần dần tuyết đã tan
his English is improving little by little
tiếng Anh của anh ta đang dần dần khá lên
little or nothing
gần như không có gì
she said little or nothing about her experience
bà ta hầu như không nói gì về kinh nghiệm của mình
to make little of something
như to make light of something; gần như không hiểu về cái gì
It's in Chinese - I can make little of it
cái đó viết bằng tiếng Trung Quốc - tôi gần như không hiểu gì cả
tính từ
(a little) (dùng với danh từ không đếm được) một chút, một ít
a little milk/sugar/tea
một tí sữa/đường/trà
could you give a little more attention to spelling?
anh có chú ý thêm tí nữa về chính tả được không?
I need a little help to move these books
tôi nhờ anh giúp một tí để chuyển những quyển sách này đi
it caused not a little confusion
điều đó đã gây không ít nhầm lẫn
đại từ
(a little) một ít, một chút
there was a lot of food but I only ate a little
có nhiều thức ăn, nhưng tôi chỉ ăn một tí thôi
if you've got any spare milk, could you give me a little?
nếu anh còn sữa, anh cho tôi một ít được không?
I've only read a little of the book
tôi chỉ mới đọc một ít trang trong quyển sách
to know a little of everything
biết đủ thứ nhưng mỗi thứ chút ít thôi
after/for a little
sau/trong một quãng đường hoặc thời gian ngắn
phó từ
(a little) ở chừng mực nào đó; hơi
she seemed a little afraid of going inside
dường như cô ta có phần sợ hãi khi bước vào bên trong
these shoes are a little too big for me
đôi giày này hơi quá to đối với tôi
after a three-week trip in Taiwan, I am a little disgusted with Chinese food
sau chuyến đi Đài Loan ba tuần, tôi hơi ngán thức ăn của Trung Hoa
she was not a little worried about the expense
cô ta rất lo về chi phí

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