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holy W3 /ˈhəʊli $ ˈhoʊ-/ BrE AmE adjective (comparative holier, superlative holiest)
[Language: Old English; Origin: halig]
1. connected with God and religion ⇨ sacred:
the holy city of Varanasi
2. very religious:
a holy man
3. holy cow/mackerel etc spoken used to express feelings such as surprise or fear
4. a holy terror informal someone, especially a child, who causes problems for other people
take (holy) orders at ↑order1(18)
• • •
holy [usually before noun] connected with God and religion, and therefore treated in a special way – used especially in the following phrases: the Holy Bible | the holy city of Mecca | a Hindu holy man | They believe they are fighting a holy war. | The priest puts some holy water on the child’s head.
sacred connected with God and religion, and therefore treated in a special way – used especially in the following phrases: This place is sacred to both Jews and Muslims. | In India, cows are considered sacred. | the Hindu sacred texts | sacred music | a sacred ritual
divine relating to or coming from God: the divine right of kings | divine justice | divine providence | Human love should be a reflection of divine love, and so not be selfish or cruel.
spiritual relating to the soul, the spirit, and religion, and not with physical things or ordinary human activities: Your spiritual life is far more important than any material things you could acquire. | the spiritual leader of the Tibetans
hallowed a hallowed place is considered to be very holy: He was buried in hallowed ground. | The Golden Temple is Sikhism’s most hallowed shrine.
blessed made holy by God – used especially about saints: the blessed Virgin Mary

tính từ
liên quan đến thần thánh hoặc tôn giáo; linh thiêng
the Holy Bible/Scriptures
kinh thánh
holy water
nước thánh
holy ground
đất thánh
a holy war
chiến tranh thần thánh
sùng đạo, mộ đạo
a holy man
một người sùng đạo
thánh; trong sạch
to live a holy life
sống trong sạch
a holy terror
người đáng sợ
đứa bé quấy rầy
danh từ, (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ)
cái linh thiêng, vật linh thiêng
nơi linh thiêng; đất thánh

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